
Bellow we list events (conferences, workshops, invited talks, etc.) where scientific results of the project were presented.

Sectional talk at the "11th AIMS...

Dr. Boris Muha took part at the "11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications" held in Orlando (USA) from July 1 - 5, 2016. Within the special session "Control and Optimization Theory for Partial Di↵erential Equations", he gave a talk on Analysis of a Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem with the Slip Boundary Condition​.

The abstract can be found in the detailed news content.


We study a nonlinear, moving boundary fluidstructure interaction (FSI) problem between an incompressible, viscous Newtonian fluid, modeled by the 2D Navier-Stokes equations, and an elastic structure modeled by the shell or plate equations. The fluid and structure are coupled via the Navier slip boundary condition and balance of contact forces at the fluid-structure interface. The slip boundary condition might be more realistic than the classical noslip boundary condition in situations, e.g., when the structure is “rough“, and in modeling FSI dynamics near, or at a contact. Cardiovascular tissue and cellseeded tissue constructs, which consist of grooves in tissue sca↵olds that are lined with cells, are examples of “rough“ elastic interfaces interacting with an incompressible, viscous fluid. The problem of heart valve closure is an example of a FSI problem with a contact involving elastic interfaces. We design a stable partitioned numerical scheme for the considered problem and prove the existence of a weak solution to this class of problems by proving that the proposed scheme is convergent.

Author: Mario Bukal
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