HAMAG-BICRO proof-of-concept grant...

LISS research activities in the field of electomagnetic induction sensors received another boost by winning a competitive proof-of-concept grant from HAMAG-BICRO (Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments). The project "Rotating magnetic field probe for NDT of safety critical components of industrial facilities", started in July 2016, will last for 12 months. The objective of this project is a prototype and demonstration of technical feasibility of an eddy current probe for NDT of tubes with an innovative construction of the transmitter and excitation that will generate the rotating magnetic field inside the tube. This approach will provide a 3D image of the tube wall without any mechanically moving parts and with the minimal number of the inductive sensors, thus significantly simplifying the construction and robustness in comparison to the state-of-the-art mechanically rotating probes.

Author: Darko Vasić
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