Robert Milijaš, mag. ing.
Ph.D. student, young researcher


Robert Milijaš is a Ph.D. student and young researcher in the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS) at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER). During his graduate studies he became one of the first recipients of the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS) scholarship. He joined the group shortly after receiving his master's degree from UNIZG-FER in 2019.

His research interests include SLAM, unmanned aerial vehicles and perception. As a PhD student he participated in MBZIRC2020 (Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge) and he's currently working on the EC H2020 ENCORE and EKOKOMVOZ projects.

Teaching duties

University undergraduate