Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Gender Differences in Describing Personality on Social Media: A Natural Language Processing Approach
Closed-domain event extraction for hard news event monitoring: a systematic study
Psychology students and large language models as judges of personality
Digital news media as a social resilience proxy: A computational political economy perspective
Psychosis speecah and language database in the Croatian language
Target Two Birds With One SToNe: Entity-Level Sentiment and Tone Analysis in Croatian News Headlines
You Are What You Talk About: Inducing Evaluative Topics for Personality Analysis
Digital News Media as A Social resilience Proxy: A Computational Political Economy Perspective
An empirical study of the design choices for local citation recommendation systems
Toward Practical Usage of the Attention Mechanism as a Tool for Interpretability
From "kind" to "I'm a kind dude": The frequency of the use of personality-descriptive adjectives on the social media website Reddit
Extending the recurrent neural network model for improved compositional modelling of text sequences
SIMPA: Statement-to-Item Matching Personality Assessment from text
Automatska procjena ličnosti bazirana na podudarnosti rečenica s društvenih mreža i upitničkih čestica
Natural language processing for personality research: A case study of religiousness on the social media site Reddit
Representing word meaning in context via lexical substitutes
Word sense induction using leader-follower clustering of automatically generated lexical substitutes
Eksplorativna računalna analiza medijskih izvještaja o koronavirusu u 2020. godini
PANDORA Talks: Personality and Demographics on Reddit
Representing word meaning with lexical substitutes
An exploratory computational analysis of COVID-19 related news in Croatia during 2020
A Topic Coverage Approach to Evaluation of Topic Models
Computational Methods for Argumentation Mining of Claims in Internet Discussions
Staying True to Your Word: (How) Can Attention Become Explanation?
Improved Local Citation Recommendation Based on Context Enhanced with Global Information
Structured prediction models for argumentative claim parsing from text
Preemptive Toxic Language Detection in Wikipedia Comments Using Thread-Level Context
Analysing Rhetorical Structure as a Key Feature of Summary Coherence
Computational Analyses of the Effects of a Structure Strategy on College-Level Summaries: Cohesion and Rhetorical Structure
Računalni postupci za modeliranje i analizu medijske agende temeljeni na strojnome učenju
Computational Analyses of the Effects of a Structure Strategy on College-Level Summaries: Cohesion and Rhetorical Structure
TakeLab at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection
Evaluating Automatic Term Extraction Methods on Individual Documents
Not Just Depressed: Bipolar Disorder Prediction on Reddit
Kognitivna obrada ekspozitornoga teksta u drugome ili stranome jeziku
Modeli dubokog učenja za čitanje s razumijevanjem
TakeLab at SemEval-2018 Task12: Argument Reasoning Comprehension with Skip-Thought Vectors
TakeLab at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Combining Sparse and Dense Features for Relation Classification in Scientific Texts
Cross-Domain Detection of Abusive Language Online
Combining Shallow and Deep Learning for Aggressive Text Detection
Document-based Topic Coherence Measures for News Media Text
Iterative Recursive Attention Model for Interpretable Sequence Classification
Lexical Substitution for Evaluating Compositional Distributional Models
Leveraging Lexical Substitutes for Unsupervised Word Sense Induction
Paraphrase-focused learning to rank for domain-specific frequently asked questions retrieval
Reddit: A Gold Mine for Personality Prediction
Takelab at SemEval-2017 task 5: Linear aggregation of word embeddings for fine-grained sentiment analysis of financial news
TakeLab-QA at SemEval-2017 task 3: Classification experiments for answer retrieval in community QA
The first cross-lingual challenge on recognition, normalization, and matching of named entities in Slavic languages
TakeLab at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Recent deaths and the power of nostalgia in sentiment analysis in Twitter
Toward Stance Classification Based on Claim Microstructures
Strojno potpomognuta izgradnja i semantičko pretraživanje zbirki pitanja i odgovora.
Detecting Non-covered Questions in Frequently Asked Questions Collections
Unsupervised Acquisition of Comprehensive Multiword Lexicons using Competition in an n-gram Lattice
A Preliminary Study of Croatian Lexical Substitution
TakeLab at SemEval-2017 Task 6: #RankingHumorIn4Pages
Using Analytic Scoring Rubrics in the Automatic Assessment of College-Level Summary Writing Tasks in L2
Debunking Sentiment Lexicons: A Case of Domain-Specific Sentiment Classification for Croatian
Combining Linguistic Features for the Detection of Croatian Multiword Expressions
Comparison of Short-Text Sentiment Analysis Methods for Croatian
Linguistic Features and Newsworthiness: An Analysis of News Style
Predicting News Values from Headline Text and Emotions
Does free word order hurt? Assessing the Practical Lexical Function model for Croatian
Two Layers of Annotation for Representing Event Mentions in News Stories
Smoothing Syntax-Based Semantic Spaces: Let The Winner Take It All
TakeLab at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Stance Classification in Tweets Using a Genetic Algorithm Based Ensemble
A pilot study in using argumentation frameworks for online debates
Detecting and Ranking Conceptual Links between Texts Using a Knowledge Base
Formalisation and Quantification of a Cognitively Motivated Conceptual Space Model Based on the Prototype Theory
Cro36WSD: A Lexical Sample for Croatian Word Sense Disambiguation
Social media argumentation mining: The quest for deliberateness in raucousness
Graph-Based Induction of Word Senses in Croatian
Predictability of distributional semantics in derivational word formation
Topics and their Salience in the 2015 Parliamentary Election in Croatia: A Topic Model based Analysis of the Media Agenda
Fill the Gap! Analyzing Implicit Premises between Claims from Online Debates
Lambda račun kao osnova funkcijskog programiranja
VerbCROcean: A Repository of Fine-Grained Semantic Verb Relations for Croatian
The International Conference on the Advances in Computational Analysis of Political Text
Analysis of Policy Agendas: Lessons Learned from Automatic Topic Classification of Croatian Political Texts.
FAQIR – A Frequently Asked Questions Retrieval Test Collection
Resolving Entity Coreference in Croatian with a Constrained Mention-Pair Model
Model za analizu sentimenta u tvitovima na hrvatskome jeziku
A project of developing a knowledge management system
TKLBLIIR: Detecting Twitter Paraphrases with TweetingJay
Morphological Priming in German: The Word is Not Enough (Or Is It?)
Obtaining a Better Understanding of Distributional Models of German Derivational Morphology
Automatska izgradnja prijevodnih rječnika temeljena na semantičkim vektorskim prostorima
Modeling Semantic Compositionality of Croatian Multiword Expressions
Experiments on Active Learning for Croatian Word Sense Disambiguation
Plitko semantičko parsanje tekstova na hrvatskome jeziku
Evaluation of Manual Query Expansion Rules on a Domain Specific FAQ Collection
Measuring Semantic Content To Assess Asymmetry in Derivation
Construction and Evaluation of Event Graphs
Getting the Agenda Right: Measuring Media Agenda using Topic Models
Projekt razvoja sustava upravljanja znanjem
Identifying Prominent Arguments in Online Debates using Semantic Textual Similarity
Determining the Semantic Compositionality of Croatian Multi-Word Expressions
Constructing Coherent Event Hierarchies from News Stories
Event Graphs for Information Retrieval and Multi-Document Summarization
Primjena modela dubokog učenja na analizu sentimenta izraza hrvatskoga jezika
Multi-label Classification of Croatian Legal Documents Using EuroVoc Thesaurus
Experiments with Neural Word Embeddings for Croatian
Named Entity Recognition in Croatian Tweets
HiEve: A Corpus for Extracting Event Hierarchies from News Stories
Back up your Stance: Recognizing Arguments in Online Discussions
Towards Semantic Validation of a Derivational Lexicon
Predicting Croatian Phrase Sentiment Using a Deep Matrix-Vector Model
Text Analysis and Retrieval 2014 Course Project Reports
Crpljenje i pretraživanje tekstnih informacija na temelju grafova događaja A High-Coverage Derivational Morphology Resource for Croatian
Temporal Expression Tagging for Croatian Texts
HeidelTime.Hr: Extracting and Normalizing Temporal Expressions in Croatian
CroNER: Recognizing Named Entities in Croatian Using Conditional Random Fields
DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational Morphology Resource for German
Croatian frequency dictionary of child language
Exploring Coreference Uncertainty of Generically Extracted Event Mentions
Razrješavanje koreferencije u tekstovima na hrvatskome jeziku
Frequently Asked Questions Retrieval for Croatian Based on Semantic Textual Similarity
GPKEX: Genetically Programmed Keyphrase Extraction from Croatian Texts
Aspect-Oriented Opinion Mining from User Reviews in Croatian
Models for Predicting the Inflectional Paradigm of Unknown Croatian Words
Derivational Smoothing for Syntactic Distributional Semantics
Event-Centered Information Retrieval Using Kernels on Event Graphs
Recognizing Identical Events with Graph Kernels
Building and Evaluating a Distributional Memory for Croatian
Distributional Semantics Approach to Detecting Synonyms in Croatian Language
Are You for Real? Learning Event Factuality in Croatian Texts
Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Features for Collocation Extraction in Croatian
Speech Act Based Classification of Email Messages in Croatian Language
TakeLab: Systems for Measuring Semantic Text Similarity
CroNER: A State-of-the-Art Named Entity Recognition and Classification for Croatian
Guessing the Correct Inflectional Paradigm of Unknown Croatian Words
Semi-Supervised Acquisition of Croatian Sentiment Lexicon
From Requirements to Code: Syntax-based Requirements Analysis for Data-Driven Application Development
Experiments on Hybrid Corpus-Based Sentiment Lexicon Acquisition
Optimizing Sentence Boundary Detection for Croatian
Towards a Constraint Grammar Based Morphological Tagger for Croatian
Event and Temporal Relation Extraction from Croatian Newspaper Texts
Ekstrakcija događaja i vremenskih relacija u tekstovima na hrvatskome jeziku
Sintaktički analizator kontroliranoga prirodnog jezika
Postupak ekstrakcije složenih kratica hrvatskoga jezika
Označavanje vremenskih izraza u tekstovima na hrvatskome jeziku
Računalni agenti za kartašku igru poker
Računalni modeli distribucijske leksičke semantike hrvatskoga jezika
Question Classification for a Croatian QA System
Unsupervised Topic-Oriented Keyphrase Extraction and its Application to Croatian
Razrješavanje koreferencije metodom nenadziranog strojnog učenja
Automatsko generiranje parafraza izraza i rečenica hrvatskoga jezika
Duboki generativni modeli za semantičko grupiranje tekstovnih dokumenata
Uparivanje koreferentnih imenovanih entiteta metodama strojnog učenja
Random Indexing Distributional Semantic Models for Croatian Language
Sažimanje korisničkih recenzija metodama strojnog učenja
Primjena tematskih modela na analizu dokumenata na hrvatskom jeziku
Strojna provjera gramatike i stila u tekstovima na hrvatskome jeziku
Morfološka normalizacija tekstova na hrvatskome za dubinsku analizu i pretraživanje informacija
Označavanje vrste riječi u tekstovima na hrvatskome jeziku
Sintaktički analizator hrvatskoga jezika temeljen na nenadziranom strojnom učenju
Razgraničavanje višeznačnosti riječi uporabom algoritma maksimizacije očekivanja
Određivanje semantičke orijentacije subjektivnih riječi i fraza
Extending Lexical Association Measures for Collocation Extraction
Programsko okruženje za izvođenje turnira igraćih algoritama
Inovacije i strojna obrada teksta - iskustva s projekta CADIAL
Genetičko programiranje susreće lingvistiku: računalni postupci ekstrakcije kolokacija iz korpusa
Systems for intelligent text analysis and visualization of documents in Croatian language
Brojke i slova - Od morfologije i pretraživanja do vizualizacije tekstnih podataka
Ispravljanje pogrešaka stapanja riječi u tekstovima dobivenim postupkom optičkog raspoznavanja znakova
Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
Inovacije i strojna obrada teksta - iskustva s projekta CADIAL
Programska izvedba simulatora igraćih algoritama za društvenu igru dame
Croatian OCR Error Correction Using Character Confusions and Language Modelling
Postupak automatskog određivanja rečeničnih granica
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English- Croatian Parallel Corpora
Morfološka normalizacija tekstova na hrvatskome jeziku za dubinsku analizu i pretraživanje informacija
Primjena genetičkog programiranja na razvoj algoritama korjenovanja riječi
Sustav za organiziranje i dijeljenje znanja zasnovan na tematskim mapama
Correcting Word Merge Errors in Croatian Texts
Klasifikacija vrste pitanja u sustavima za pretraživanje informacija
Ispravljanje pogrešaka u tekstovima dobivenima postupkom optičkog raspoznavanja znakova
Robust Keyphrase Extraction For A Large-Scale Croatian News Production System
A Computational Model of Croatian Derivational Morphology
Algoritam korjenovanja riječi temeljen na grupiranju znakovnih nizova
Postupci ekstrakcije kolokacija iz zbirki tekstova
Postupak čišćenja web stranica u svrhu dubinske analize teksta
TermeX: A Tool for Collocation Extraction
Lexical and morphological data from Croatian Child Frequency Dictionary: a developmental perspective
Comparative Analysis of Automatic Term and Collocation Extraction
Automatic Diacritics Restoration in Croatian Texts
Lexicon-Based Morphological Normalisation and its Aplication to Croatian Language
Sustav za pretraživanje zbirke često postavljenih pitanja na hrvatskom jeziku
Lexical and morphological data from Croatian Child Frequency Dictionary: developmental perspective
Ekstrakcija ključnih riječi iz teksta pomoću stabla odluke
Ispravljanje pogrešaka u tekstovima nastalim postupkom optičkog raspoznavanja znakova
Post-test analysis of automatically generated multiple choice exams: a case study
Hrvatski korpus dječjeg jezika i Hrvatski čestotni rječnik dječjeg jezika
Postupak usporedbe web stranica na temelju strukture
Ekstrakcija ključnih riječi iz teksta na temelju grupiranja dokumenata
String Distance-Based Stemming of the Highly Inflected Croatian Language
Postupak automatske restauracije dijakritičkih znakova u tekstovima na hrvatskom jeziku
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Croatian Newspaper Articles
Razgraničavanje višeznačnosti prirodnog jezika
Umjetna inteligencija : Zaključivanje uporabom propozicijske i predikatne logike - zbirka zadataka
Enthusiast: An authoring tool for automatic generation of paper-and-pencil multiple-choice tests
Heuristički algoritam za uparivanje adresnih podataka s referentnom bazom
Automatic Acquisition of Inflectional Lexica for Morphological Normalisation
Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
Matrične transformacije i algoritam k-srednjih vrijednosti za vizualizaciju zbirke tekstnih podataka
Morphological Normalization
Higher-order Functional Representation of Croatian Inflectional Morphology
Dijaloški sustav na hrvatskom jeziku
Building a Search Engine Model with Morphological Normalization Support
Language Morphology Offset: Text Classification on a Croatian-English Parallel Corpus
TMT : Object-Oriented Text Classification Library
Comparison of Collocation Extraction Measures for Document Indexing
Arhitektura višeagentskog sustava temeljena na obojenim Petrijevim mrežama
Mapping Petri Net-Based Temporal Knowledge Representation Scheme into CP-Net Model
Computer Aided Document Indexing System
Enhanced Thesaurus Terms Extraction for Document Indexing
Computer-Aided document Indexing System
Educational Interactive Software as a Support to the Teaching of Artifical Neural Network Methodology Applied to a Classification Problem
Analiza vremenske redundancije i kompenzacija pokreta kod digitalnog videa korištenjem programskog sustava Mathematica
List of publications at Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI). Please check out my homepage for an up-to-date list.
I am a member of the Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab (TakeLab).
My CV is available here (academic format) and here (europass).
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Programiranje u Haskellu (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Uvod u umjetnu inteligenciju (Nositelj)
- Uvod u umjetnu inteligenciju (Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Analiza i pretraživanje teksta (Nositelj)
- Analiza i pretraživanje teksta (Nositelj)
- Strojno učenje 1 (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Strojno učenje 1 (Nositelj)
- Strojno učenje 2 (Nositelj)
- Strojno učenje 2 (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Odabrana poglavlja obrade prirodnog jezika (Nositelj)
Poslijediplomski specijalistički
- Strojno učenje (Nositelj)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Knowledge based systems Learning (artificial intelligence) Learning systems Machine learning Neural networks -
Professional communication
Information retrieval -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Computational linguistics Natural language processing -
Computers and information processing
Big Data applications Text processing Text analysis Text mining