Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
- Izabrani projekti
- Povijest zaposlenja
Analiza i grupiranje nezavisnih komponenti EEG signala ispitanika koji obavljaju isti zadatak
Primjena konvolucijskih neuronskih mreža u analizi rendgenskih slika prsnog koša
Video snimke predavanja iz Električnih Krugova FER-3
Modeliranje širenja bolesti COVID-19 modificiranim SEIR modelom
Event-Centered Data Segmentation in Accelerometer- Based Fall Detection Algorithms
Elektronički dozimetrijski detektorski sustav za vremenski razlučiva mjerenja impulsnih polja ionizirajućega zračenja
SiPM-based detector for high resolution measurements in pulsed radiation fields
Usporedba metoda za rekonstrukciju slike u računalnoj tomografiji
Primjena metode nezavisnih komponenata u analizi elektroencefalograma
SiPM-based detector for high resolution measurements in pulsed radiation fields: preliminary findings
Segmentacija i praćenje matičnih stanica u mikroskopskim snimkama
Automatsko praćenje parametara oblika stanica u mikroskopskim snimkama
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 68/3)
Design of energy compensation filter for NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals: preliminary findings
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 68/2)
Instrumentacijsko pojačalo kao ulazni sklop za mjerilo impedancije HP4284
Comparison of Human Fall Acceleration Signals Among Different Datasets
Empowering Diabetic Patients Using Gadgets and Mobile App
Utilizing Impedance for Quality Assessment of European Squid (Loligo Vulgaris) during Chilled Storage
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 68/1)
A Technology Overview of Active Ionizing Radiation Dosemeters for Photon Fields
Accuracy Comparison of ML-Based Fall Detection Algorithms Using Two Different Acceleration Derived Feature Vectors
Modeling of Joule heating in tissues induced by high- and low-voltage pulse combinations for gene electrotransfer
Praćenje stanica u mikroskopskim snimkama
Optimal threshold selection for threshold-based fall detection algorithms with multiple features
Optimal Threshold Selection for Acceleration-Based Fall Detection
Salt and moisture content determination of fish by bioelectrical impedance and a needle-type multielectrode array
Algoritam temeljen na promjeni orijentacije za sustav za detekciju pada starijih osoba
Dinamičke simulacije ljudskih pokreta u programskom okružju OpenSim
Inspection and Testing of Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measuring Devices
Automated Colony Counting Based on Histogram Modeling Using Gaussian Mixture Models
Tehnologija u medicini: od velikih postignuća biomedicinskog inženjerstva prema nanomedicini
Sustav za detekciju pada starijih osoba zasnovan na nosivim bežičnim senzorima
Assessment of storage time of frozen squids (Cephalopod: Loliginidae, Loligo gahi) by impedance analysis
Assessment of storage shelf life of European squid (cephalopod: Loliginidae, Loligo vulgaris) by bioelectrical impedance measurements
Electrical Impedance Simulation on a 3D Root Canal FEM Model of a Tooth Incorporating EDL at the Electrode Surface
Regulacija brzine vrtnje istosmjernog motora u sustavu za umjeravanje senzorskih čvorova
Interactions of lipid and protein changes with bioelectrical measurements in frozen-stored hake and mackerel
Transient Analysis of Biological Tissue Modelled by Cole-Cole Dispersions Based on Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform
IFMBE Proceedings : 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
Real-Time Evaluation of Repetitive Physical Exercise Using Orientation Estimation from Inertial and Magnetic Sensors
Quality of Human Activities Measurement from Accelerometer Data of a Smartphone
Target Temperature Effect on Eddy-Current Displacement Sensing
IFMBE Proceedings : The International Conference on Health Informatics ICHI 2013
Assessment of shelf life and quality changes of common squid (loligo vulgaris) stored on ice by bioelectrical impedance measurements
Influence of lipid oxidation and protein solubility on bioelectrical properties of fish during frozen storage
Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Assisted Strength Exercising
Mjerilo električne impedancije za impedancijsku kardiografiju zasnovano na integriranom krugu AD5933
Web aplikacija za pohranjvanje i dohvat biomedicinskih signala
Bežični prijenos i integracija podataka digitalnih medicinskih instrumenata u jedinstvenu zdravstvenu platformu
Application of Gaussian Mixture Models with Expectation Maximization in Bacterial Colonies Image Segmentation for Automated Counting and Identification
Dielectric Properties of Dentin between 100 Hz and 1 MHz Compared to Electrically Similar Body Tissues
Razvoj korisničkog sučelja za biomedicinske senzore na platformi Android
Mjerilo spektra električne impedancije zasnovano na integriranom krugu AD5933 i ARM Cortex-M3 procesoru
Dobivanje signala disanja iz elektrokardiograma
Modeling of electric field distribution in tissues during electroporation
Segmentacija medicinskih slika metodom narastanja područja
Temperature changes measurement during electroporation
Usporedba postupaka mjerenja disanja
Električni model zuba pri mjerenju duljine korijenskoga kanala
Prikaz stanja i prostornog položaja osoba u zatvorenom prostoru
Estimation of bacterial culture growth region using image segmentation in Matlab
Differencing sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets frozen in different conditions by impedance measurements
Promoting harmonization of BME education in Europe: the CRH-BME Tempus project
Comparison of Electrical Equivalent Circuits of Human Tooth used for Measuring the Root Canal Length
Segmentacija slika tumora za planiranje elektrokemoterapije
Differencing sea bass fillets frozen in different conditions by impedance measured at frequencies from 1 to 100 MHz
Punjač baterija za senzorske čvorove zasnovan na beskontaknom prijenosu električne energije
Proposal for Generic Biomedical Engineering Programs Based on European Experience
Promoting Harmonization of BME Education in Europe: The CRH-BME Tempus Project
The Role of Laboratories and Projects in Biomedical Engineering Education
Integrirani poluvodički senzori tlaka
Razvoj pedometra na univerzalnom prijenosnom mikrokontrolerskom modulu
Biomedical Engineering – Past, Present, Future
Određivanje vlage drveta mjerenjem električne impedancije
Health Tourism of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina-current state and perspectives of inclusion in the European Tourism flows
Upravljanje analizatorom električne impedancije Agilent 4294A
Evaluation of Electrical Equivalent Circuits of a Tooth: Comparison of Circuits with Resistors and Capacitors and the Circuit with a Constant Phase Element
Differencing sea bass fillets frozen in different conditions by impedance measurements.
Incorporating Electroporation-related Conductivity Changes into Models for the Calculation of the Electric Field Distribution in Tissue
Numeričko modeliranje niza iglastih elektroda za mjerenje dielektričnih svojstava bioloških materijala
Bioimpedance spectroscopy and dielectric properties of biological tissues
Challenges of the Biomedical Engineering Education in Europe
Influence of anisotropic tissue electrical conductivity on electric field and temperature distribution during electroporation-based therapy
Projektiranje tiskanih veza
Three-dimensional Finite-element Analysis of Joule Heating in Electrochemotherapy and in vivo Gene Electrotransfer
Modul za praćenje elektrokardiograma u stvarnom vremenu s USB sučeljem
Ispitivanje značajki sustava za mjerenje električne impedancije
A Multiphysics Model for Studying the Influence of Pulse Repetition Frequency on Tissue Heating During Electrochemotherapy
Sustav za obradu signala akcelerometra
Upravljanje mjerilom impedancije HP4284A putem GPIB-USB sučelja
Jednokanalni digitalni elektrokardiograf s USB sučeljem
Home Health Monitoring
Elektrokemoterapija-metodologija i klinička primjena
Bursać, Danijel ; Smoljkić, Gabrijel ; Lacković, Igor
Analysis of Tissue Heating During Electroporation Based Therapy: A 3D FEM Model for a Pair of Needle Electrodes
Low-frequency dielectric properties of the oral mucosa
Measurement of lower-leg muscle impedance in national taekwondo team and students non-athletes
Analysis of Current Density Distribution during Transesophageal Pacing Using the Finite-Element Model
Verification of physical models used for root canal measurement by impedance comparison
Expanding the functionality of HP4284A precision LCR meter through measurement system integration
A Novel Approach to Wheeze Detection
Biological tissue in electric fields : From weak field responses to responses at electroporative field strengths
Information extraction from impedance spectra: Theoretical predictions and in vivo validation for the oral mucosa
Analiza polja invazivne sonde za mjerenje električne impedancije tkiva
Computer simulation of transesophageal pacing with conventional and selective leads using 3-D models
Analysis of tissue heating during electroporation based therapy: A 3D FEM model for plate electrodes
Nelinearni dinamički model tkiva podvrgnutog elektropermeabilizaciji
Konstrukcija i proizvodnja elektroničkih uređaja
Engineering aspects of noninvasive blood pressure measurement with the emphasis on improvement of accuracy
Biological Tissues in Static and Dynamic Electric Fields
On the applicability of electrical impedance indices to characterize the condition of the oral mucosa
Engineering aspects of noninvasive blood pressure measurement with the emphasis on improvement of accuracy
Modeling and in vitro Measurement of the Electric Field of Selective Esophageal Pacing Lead
Comparison of bipolar and tetrapolar techniques for measurement skeletal muscle bioimpedance
Characteristics of the electrical impedance at various regions of normal oral mucosa
Comparison of bipolar and tetrapolar techniques for measurement skeletal muscle bioimpedance
Transducer interface for multichannel wired telemetry in high temperature environment
A system for measurement forces in feet and crutches during normal na pathological gait
A comparison of height-based and slope-based criteria to determine arterial pressure in finger
Assessment of tumor tissue electroporation in vivo using electrical impedance
Measurement of electrical impedance in vivo before and after tissue electroporation
Accuracy improvement of noninvasive finger blood pressure measurement
Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering Medicon 2001 - Part 1
Mjerni sustav za ispitivanje vertikalnih reaktivnih sila pri normalonom i patološkom hodu
Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering Medicon 2001 - Part 2
A low-power wireless interface for human gait assessment
Evaluation of an in vitro model of electronic root canal measurement
Measurement of gait parameters from free moving subjects
Telemedicina u Hrvatskoj - stvarnost, bliska ili daleka budućnost?
Simultaneous application of multiple oscillometric methods for blood pressure measurement in finger
Mjerenje krvnog tlaka na prstima istovremenom primjenom više metoda
A pulse driven low-power capacitive force transducer
Gait pattern classification using measured vertical force data
A System for Measuring Forces in the Legs and Crutches from Ambulatory Patients
A Computer Based Vertical Force Monitoring and Anaysis System for Gait Evaluation
Multisegmented Capacitive Transducer for Force Measurement in the Legs
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Električni krugovi (Nositelj)
- Električni krugovi (Nositelj)
- Konstrukcija elektroničkih uređaja (Nositelj)
- Tehnologija u medicini (Nositelj)
- Tehnologija u medicini (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt E (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Analogna i mješovita obrada signala (Nositelj)
- Biomedicinska instrumentacija (Nositelj)
- Biomedicinska instrumentacija (Nositelj)
- Biomedicinska instrumentacija i senzori (Nositelj)
- Biomedicinski signali i sustavi (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Inverzni problemi u bioelektromagnetizmu (Nositelj)
- Laboratorij elektroničkog i računalnog inženjerstva 1 (Nositelj)
- Napredne metode obrade signala (Nositelj)
- Obrada i analiza biomedicinskih signala (Nositelj)
- Projektiranje elektromedicinskih uređaja (Nositelj)
- Sustavi za dobivanje medicinskih slika (Nositelj)
- Analiza neurofizioloških signala (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Biomehanički i neurofiziološki mehanizmi (Nositelj)
- Elektronički uređaji za dobivanje medicinskih slika (Nositelj)
Engineering in medicine and biology
Biomedical engineering -
Signal processing
Amplifiers -
Circuits and systems
Analog circuits -
Instrumentation and measurement
Biomedical measurement Impedance measurement
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
Znanstveni i profesionalni interesi:
- Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo
- Biomedicinska instrumentacija
- Obrada bioloških signala
- Računalno modeliranje
- Bioimpedancijska spektroskopija
- Dielektrična svojstva bioloških materijala
- Utjecaj električnog polja na stanice i tkiva
- Elektroporacija i primjene
- IFMBE - International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (član Administrative Council od 2015., član CoS od 2013., član Young Professionals & Career Development Working Group od 2010.)
- Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku i biološku tehniku (predsjednik 2013.-...)
- IEEE (M'03, SM'13; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, voditelj Odjela za tehniku u medicini i biologiji EMB018 2010.-2014.)
- ISEBI - International Society for Electrical Bio-impedance
Osobni podaci
Izabrani projekti
Međunarodni znanstveni projekti (odabrani):
- HeartWays - Advanced Solutions for Supporting Cardiac Patients in Rehabilitation, FP7-SME grant agreement no. 315659 (2012-2014); Coordinator: J.P. Lazaro Ramos, funding: European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium; (researcher)
- Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS), FP7 Grant Agreement No. 285939 FP7-REGPOT-2011-1, (2011-2015); Coordinator: I. Petrovic; funding: European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium; (researcher)
- European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments (EP4Bio2Med) (2011-2015), BMBS COST Action TD1104; funding: European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium; (expert)
- Croatian-Slovenian Cooperation in Science and Technology: Numerical Modeling of Electric Field Distribution in Electrochemotherapy of Esophagus Malignant Tumors, BI-HR/09-10-003, (2009-2010), Project leaders: R. Magjarević (HR), D. Miklavčič (SLO); funding: MZOS RH and Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS); (researcher)
- Croatian-Hungarian Cooperation in Science and Technology: Intelligent Instrumentation for Home Health Monitoring, CRO-9/2006, (2007-2009), Project leaders: R. Magjarević (HR) i A. Jobbagy (HU); funding: MZOS RH and Hungarian Research Agency; (researcher)
- Croatian-Slovenian Cooperation in Science and Technology: Numerical Modeling of Electric Field Distribution in Electrochemotherapy and Electrogene Therapy of Deep Tissues (2007-2008), Project leaders: R. Magjarević (HR), D. Miklavčič (SLO); funding: MZOS RH and Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS); (researcher)
- STEP: A Strategy for the EuroPhysiome, IST CA FP6 – 027642, (2006-2007); funding: European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium; (expert)
- Croatian-Slovenian Cooperation in Science and Technology: Numerical Modeling of Electrical and Heat Phenomena Accompanying Electrochemotherapy and Electrogenetherapy of Tissues (2005-2006); Project leaders: R. Magjarević (HR), D. Miklavčič (SLO); funding: MZOS RH and Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS); (researcher)
- Croatian-Slovenian Cooperation in Science and Technology: Evaluation of Electrochemotherapy and Electrogenetherapy by Means of Bioimpedance Measurements (2003-2004), Project leaders: R. Magjarević (HR), D. Miklavčič (SLO); funding: MZOS RH and Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS); (researcher)
Nacionalni znanstveni projekti:
- Neinvazivna mjerenja i postupci u biomedicini (Voditelj: S. Tonković), 036-0362979-1554, financiranje: Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske, (2007-2013); (istraživač)
- Neinvazivna mjerenja i tehnologije u biomedicini (Voditelj: S. Tonković), 0036007, financiranje: Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, (2002-2006); (znanstveni novak)
- Mjerni sustavi za obradbu bioloških veličina (Voditelji: A. Šantić / S. Tonković), 036026 finaciranje: Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, (1997-2002); (znanstveni novak)
- Mjerenje bioloških veličina novim impedancijskim metodama (Voditelj: A. Šantić), 2-07-259 finaciranje: Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, (1997-2002); (znanstveni novak)
Povijest zaposlenja
Zaposlenja na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva:
- Redoviti profesor (12.12.2017.-
- Izvanredni profesor (01.02.2012.-11.12.2017.)
- Docent (01.10.2007.-31.01.2012.)
- Znanstveni novak – viši asistent (01.01.2005.-30.09.2007.)
- Znanstveni novak - asistent (09.08.2000.-31.12.2004.)
- Znanstveni novak (01.03.1996.-07.11.1999.)