Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom

    doc. dr. sc. Fausto Miguel Pascoal Ferreira

    Docent, Zavod za automatiku i računalno inženjerstvo

    Remote-Access Marine Robotics Infrastructure and Experiments at LABUST

    Ferreira, Fausto; Obradović, Juraj; Nađ, Đula; Lončar, Ivan; Mandić, Luka; Kvasić, Igor; Kraševac, Natko; Mišković, Nikola
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
    Journal of marine science and engineering

    European Robotics League: Benchmarking through Smart City Robot Competitions

    Studley, Matthew ; Carter, Sarah ; Perez-Grau, Francisco J. ; Viguria, Antidio ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Nair, Deebul ; Schneider, Sven ; Plöger, Paul G. ; Lima, Pedro U. ; Basiri, Meysam ; Kraetzschmar, Gerhard K. ; Nardi, Daniele ; Wang, Lun ; Antonioni, Emanuele ; Suriani, Vincenzo ; Iocchi, Luca
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.

    Training inspection class mini-ROV operators

    Ferreira, Fausto; Nađ, Đula; Mišković, Nikola; Blažina, Antonio; Maglić, Lovro; Maglić, Livia
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.

    A framework for FAIR robotic datasets

    Motta, Corrado; Aracri, Simona; Ferretti, Roberta; Bibuli, Marco; Caccia, Massimo; Odetti, Angelo; Ferreira, Fausto; de Pascalis, Francesca
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
    Scientific data

    Heterogeneous marine robotic system for environmental monitoring missions

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Babić, Anja ; Oreč, Martin ; Mišković, Nikola ; Motta, Corrado ; Ferretti, Roberta ; Odetti, Angelo ; Aracri, Simona ; Bruzzone, Gabriele ; Caccia, Massimo ; Braga, Federica ; Manfè, Giorgia ; Lorenzetti, Giuliano ; Scarpa, Gianmarco ; De Pascalis, Francesca
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.

    MASK - increasing sea knowledge awareness among high school students using marine robots

    Ferreira, Fausto; Nađ, Đula; Jagušt, Tomislav; Mišković, Nikola; Maurelli, Francesco; Blažina, Antonio; Maglić, Lovro
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.

    MARUS - A Marine Robotics Simulator

    Lončar, Ivan ; Obradović, Juraj ; Kraševac, Natko ; Mandić, Luka ; Kvasić, Igor ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Slošić, Vladimir ; Nađ, Đula ; Mišković, Nikola
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    LIDAR-based USV close approach to vessels for manipulation purposes

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Kraševac, Natko ; Obradović, Juraj ; Milijaš, Robert ; Lončar, Ivan ; Bogdan, Stjepan ; Mišković, Nikola
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    Editorial: Navigation and Perception for Autonomous Surface Vessels

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Quattrini Li, Alberto ; Rødseth, Ørnulf J.
    uvodnik, 2022.

    Autonomous Surface Vessels and COLREGs: Considering the Amendments

    Mudrić, Mišo ; Ferreira, Fausto
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
    Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

    Landing Platform for Autonomous Inspection Missions in Mariculture Using an ASV and a UAV

    Kapetanović, Nadir ; Oreč, Martin ; Mišković, Nikola ; Fausto Ferreira
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    Creating a remote access-ready infrastructure for the future

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Kvasic, Igor ; Nad, Eula ; Mandic, Luka ; Obradovic, Juraj ; Miskovic, Nikola
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    Diver‐Robot Communication Using Wearable Sensing: Remote Pool Experiments

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Kvasić, Igor ; Nađ, Đula ; Mandić, Luka ; Mišković, Nikola ; Walker, Christopher ; Antillon, Derek Orbaugh ; Anderson, Iain
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
    Marine technology society journal

    Towards Robot-Aided Diver Navigation in Mapped Environments (ROADMAP)

    Nad, Dula ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Kvasic, Igor ; Mandic, Luka ; Slosic, Vladimir ; Walker, Christopher ; Antillon, Derek Orbaugh ; Anderson, Iain
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    Operating drones at sea - maritime law implications

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Miskovic, Nikola
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.

    The 2019 JANUS Interoperability Fest: A Field Report

    Petroccia, Roberto ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Alves, João ; Cardeira, Bruno ; Zappa, Giovanni ; Manzari, Vincenzo ; Cario, Gianni ; DellaMorte, James ; Ehmcke, Knuth ; Kebkal, Oleksiy ; Schulz, Florian ; Scussel, Ken ; Spaccini, Daniele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.
    Marine technology society journal

    From ERL to RAMI: Expanding Marine Robotics Competitions Through Virtual Events

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Faggiani, Alessandro ; Fabbri, Tommaso
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    Diver-Robot communication using wearable sensing diver glove

    Nad, Dula ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Kvasic, Igor ; Mandic, Luka ; Walker, Christopher ; Antillon, Derek Orbaugh ; Anderson, Iain
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    Advancing the EU Marine Robotics Research Infrastructure Network: the EU Marine Robots project

    Antonelli, Gianluca ; Indiveri, Giovanni ; Barrera, Carlos ; Caccia, Massimo ; Dooly, Gerard ; Flavin, Niamh ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Miskovic, Nikola ; Furlong, Maaten ; Kopf, Achim ; Bachmayer, Ralf ; Ludvigsen, Martin ; Opderbecke, Jan ; Pascoal, Antonio ; Petroccia, Roberto ; Alves, Joao ; Ridao, Pere ; Vallicrosa, Guillem ; De Sousa, Joao Borges ; Costa, Maria ; Wang, Sen
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    Breaking the Surface - lessons learned from over a decade of interdisciplinary workshops

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Vukic, Zoran ; Miskovic, Nikola ; Kvasic, Igor
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    Addressing the sustainability of the Adriatic sea using marine robotics

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Miskovic, Nikola
    prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2021.

    About the Value of Standards for Ocean Technology

    Waldmann, Christoph ; O'Reilly, Thomas ; Jiang, Fan ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Xiang, Xianbo ; McCummins, Robert ; Pallayilline, Venugopalan
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    InnovaMare project - Strengthening the innovation ecosystem in underwater robotics and sensors in the Adriatic

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Miskovic, Nikola ; Ivanac, Mateo
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.

    Adaptation of COLREGs for Fully Autonomous Surface Vessels

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

    Marine Robotics Competitions: a Survey

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    pregledni rad (znanstveni), 2020.
    Current robotics reports

    Real-Time Mosaicing and Object Detection for Marine Robots

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

    Marine Robotics at CMRE: from competitions to regulation

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

    Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

    Underwater Robots: From Remotely Operated Vehicles to Intervention-Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

    Petillot, Yvan R. ; Antonelli, Gianluca ; Casalino, Giuseppe ; Ferreira, Fausto
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.
    IEEE robotics & automation magazine

    The first JANUS Interoperability Fest - a field report

    Alves, Joao ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Petroccia, Roberto ; Cardeira, Bruno ; Zappa, Giovanni ; Manzari, Vincenzo ; Buselli, Davide ; Gjanci, Petrika ; Kebkal, Oleksiy ; Passerieux, Jean-Michel ; Schreiber, Sabrina ; Scussel, Ken ; Vassale, Carlo ; Green, Dale ;
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.

    Underwater/surface collision avoidance using underwater acoustic communications - a preliminary analysis

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Petroccia, Roberto ; Alves, Joao
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.

    Regulatory and Liability Issues of Autonomous Surface Vehicles

    Ferreira, F.
    ostalo, 2018.

    Liability issues of Unmanned Surface Vehicles

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Alves, Joao ; Bertolini, Andrea ; Bargelli, Elena
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.

    Current Regulatory Issues in the Usage of Autonomous Surface Vehicles

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Alves, Joao ; Leporati, Carolina ; Bertolini, Andrea ; Bargelli, Elena
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.

    Fostering marine robotics through competitions: from SAUC-E to ERL Emergency 2018

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Djapic, Vladimir
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.

    Increasing the operational safety of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles using the JANUS communication standard

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Petroccia, Roberto ; Alves, Joao
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.

    Scoring robotic competitions: Balancing judging promptness and meaningful performance evaluation

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Petillot, Yvan ; Liu, Xingkun ; Franco, Marta Palau ; Matteucci, Matteo ; Grau, Francisco Javier Perez ; Winfield, Alan Ft
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.

    Aerial and underwater robots in competition

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Viguria, Antidio ; Perez-Grau, Francisco
    kratko priopćenje, 2018.
    IEEE robotics & automation magazine

    Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2017.

    Robotics competitions – real world and social awareness

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2017.

    Multi-domain robotics competitions: The CMRE experience from SAUC-E to the European Robotics League Emergency Robots

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Djapic, Vladimir
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2017.

    Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2017.

    euRathlon and ERL Emergency: A Multi-domain Multi- robot Grand Challenge for Search and Rescue Robots

    Winfield, Alan F. T. ; Palau Franco, Marta ; Brueggemann, Bernd ; Castro, Ayoze ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Liu, Xingcun ; Petillot, Yvan ; Roning, Juha ; Schneider, Frank ; Stengler, Erik ; Sosa, Dario ; Viguria, Antidio
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2017.
    Advances in intelligent systems and computing

    The Challenge of Preparing Teams for the European Robotics League: Emergency

    Röning, J. ; Kauppinen, M. ; Pitkänen, V. ; Kemppainen, A. ; Tikanmäki, A. ; Tikanmäki, A. ; Furci, M. ; Palau Franco, M. ; Winfield, A. ; Stengler, E. ; Brueggemann, B. ; Schneider, F. ; Castro, A. ; Cordero Limon, M. ; Viguria, A. ; Ferri, G. ; Ferreira, F. ; Liu, X. ; Petillot, Y. ; Sosa, D.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2017.

    ROBOCADEMY — A European Initial Training Network for underwater robotics

    Vogele, Thomas ; Wehbe, Bilal ; Nascimento, Samy ; Kirchner, Frank ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Machado, Diogo ; Phillips, Alexander B. ; Salavasidis, Georgios ; De Lucas Alvarez, Mariela
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.

    The Open Roboethics initiative and the elevator- riding robot

    Moon, AJung ; Calisgan, Ergun ; Bassani, Camilla ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Operto, Fiorella ; Veruggio, Gianmarco
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.

    Pushing the state of the art through competitions and high level educational programmes

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2016.

    Underwater optical and acoustic imaging: A time for fusion? a brief overview of the state-of-the-art

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Machado, Diogo ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Dugelay, Samantha ; Potter, John
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.

    euRathlon 2015: A Multi-domain Multi-robot Grand Challenge for Search and Rescue Robots

    Winfield, Alan F. T. ; Franco, Marta Palau ; Brueggemann, Bernd ; Castro, Ayoze ; Limon, Miguel Cordero ; Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Liu, Xingkun ; Petillot, Yvan ; Roning, Juha ; Schneider, Frank ; Stengler, Erik ; Sosa, Dario ; Viguria, Antidio
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.
    Lecture notes in computer science

    The euRathlon 2015 Grand challenge: the first outdoor multi-domain search and rescue robotics competition: a marine perspective

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Đapić, Vladimir ; Petillot, Yvan ; Franco, Marta Palau ; Winfield, Alan
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.
    Marine technology society journal

    Forward looking sonar mosaicing for Mine Countermeasures

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Djapic, Vladimir ; Micheli, Michele ; Caccia, Massimo
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2015.
    Annual reviews in control

    Real-time Mosaicing of Large Scale Areas with Forward Looking Sonar

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Djapic, Vladimir ; Caccia, Massimo
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2015.

    Performance measures to improve evaluation of teams in the euRathlon 2014 sea robotics competition★

    Petillot, Yvan ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Ferri, Gabriele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2015.

    Real-time Mosaicing for Marine Vehicles

    Ferreira, Fausto
    doktorska disertacija, 2015.

    Boosting the talent of new generations of marine engineers through robotics competitions in realistic environments: The SAUC-E and euRathlon experience

    Ferri, Gabriele ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Djapic, Vladimir
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2015.

    Improving Automatic Target Recognition with Forward Looking Sonar Mosaics

    Ferreira, F. ; Djapic, V. ; Micheli, M. ; Caccia, M.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2014.

    Large-scale image mosaicking using multimodal hyperedge constraints from multiple registration methods within the Generalized Graph SLAM framework

    Pfingsthorn, Max ; Birk, Andreas ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Veruggio, Gianmarco ; Caccia, Massimo ; Bruzzone, Gabriele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2014.

    A survey on real-time motion estimation techniques for underwater robots

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Veruggio, Gianmarco ; Caccia, Massimo ; Bruzzone, Gabriele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2014.
    Journal of Real-Time Image Processing

    Open Roboethics Pilot: Accelerating Policy Design, Implementation and Demonstration of Socially Acceptable Robot Behaviours

    Calisgan, Ergun ; Moon, AJung ; Bassani, Camilla ; Ferreira, Fausto ; Operto, Fiorella ; Veruggio, Gianmarco ; Croft, Elizabeth ; Van der Loos, HF Machiel
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.

    Large-scale mosaicking with spectral registration based simultaneous localization and mapping (iFMI- SLAM) in the Ligurian Sea

    Pfingsthorn, Max ; Bulow, Heiko ; Birk, Andreas ; Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.

    Binary visual features for ROV motion estimation

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.

    A real-time mosaicking algorithm using binary features for ROVs

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Zereik, E. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.

    ROV vision-based motion estimation: a comparison study

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2012.

    A comparison between different feature-based methods for ROV vision-based speed estimation

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2012.

    Enhancing autonomous capabilities and human-robot interaction for Unmanned Surface Vehicles

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Bibuli, Marco ; Caccia, Massimo ; Bruzzone, Giorgio ; Bruzzone, Gabriele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2012.

    Twitter, robotics and kindergarten

    Ferreira, F ; Dominguez, A ; Micheli, E.
    kratko priopćenje, 2012.

    Comparing region-based and feature-based methods for ROV vision-based motion estimation

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2012.

    Marine Robotics: State of the art and Human-Robot Interaction

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2012.

    Underwater robots: from small to giants of the seas

    Ferreira, Fausto
    sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2012.

    Pinocchio 2.0: A recording methodology for vertical educational robotics experiences

    Giannini, Linda ; Micheli, Emanuele ; Nati, Carlo ; Operto, Fiorella ; Ferreira, Fausto
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2011.

    Real-time optical SLAM-based mosaicking for unmanned underwater vehicles

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Veruggio, Gianmarco ; Caccia, Massimo ; Bruzzone, Gabriele
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2011.
    Intelligent Service Robotics

    An online SLAM-based mosaicking using local maps for ROVs

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2011.

    Azores FREEsubNET workshop: Habitat mapping of Espalamaca vents and Monte da Guia

    Munaro, M ; Boccolato, G ; Ferreira, F ; Gracias, N ; Sebastião, L ; Sotiropoulos, P ; Tempera, F ; Wordley, S
    izvještaj, 2010.

    The Proliferation of Educational Robotics

    Ferreira, Fausto ; Veruggio, Gianmarco ; Micheli, Emanuele ; Operto, Fiorella
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2010.

    Comparison between feature-based and phase correlation methods for ROV vision-based speed estimation

    Ferreira, F. ; Orsenigo, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Pavlakis, P. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2010.

    A numerical comparison between Feature Correlation and Phase Correlation for motion estimation relative to sea bottom

    Ferreira, F. ; Orsenigo, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Pavlakis, P. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2010.

    Online video mosaicing through SLAM for ROVs

    Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G. ; Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2009.

    Autonomous docking of a tracked wheels robot to its tether cable using a vision-based algorithm

    Fausto, Ferreira ; Ventura, Rodrigo
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2009.

    Speeded Up Robust Features for vision-based underwater motion estimation and SLAM: comparison with correlation-based techniques

    Ferreira, F. ; Veruggio, G. ; Caccia, M. ; Bruzzone, G.
    izvorni znanstveni rad, 2009.

    RAPOSA - Autonomous Robot for Rescue Operations

    Ferreira, Fausto
    magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 2008.

    2023 IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Distinguished Service Award


    Sveučilišni preddiplomski

    Sveučilišni diplomski


    • Robotics and automation
      Unmanned autonomous vehicles Multi-robot systems Aquatic robots Computer vision Educational robots Rescue robots Simultaneous localization and mapping
    • Intelligent transportation systems
      Unmanned underwater vehicles
    • Robotics and automation
      Unmanned autonomous vehicles Multi-robot systems Aquatic robots Computer vision Educational robots Rescue robots Simultaneous localization and mapping

    Profesionalni interesi i članstva

    IEEE Senior Member

    IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES)

    IEEE OES Vice President Workshops & Symposia (2021-2023)

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