Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
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- Osobni podaci
Remote-Access Marine Robotics Infrastructure and Experiments at LABUST
European Robotics League: Benchmarking through Smart City Robot Competitions
Training inspection class mini-ROV operators
A framework for FAIR robotic datasets
Heterogeneous marine robotic system for environmental monitoring missions
MASK - increasing sea knowledge awareness among high school students using marine robots
MARUS - A Marine Robotics Simulator
LIDAR-based USV close approach to vessels for manipulation purposes
Editorial: Navigation and Perception for Autonomous Surface Vessels
Autonomous Surface Vessels and COLREGs: Considering the Amendments
Landing Platform for Autonomous Inspection Missions in Mariculture Using an ASV and a UAV
Creating a remote access-ready infrastructure for the future
Diver‐Robot Communication Using Wearable Sensing: Remote Pool Experiments
Towards Robot-Aided Diver Navigation in Mapped Environments (ROADMAP)
Operating drones at sea - maritime law implications
The 2019 JANUS Interoperability Fest: A Field Report
From ERL to RAMI: Expanding Marine Robotics Competitions Through Virtual Events
Diver-Robot communication using wearable sensing diver glove
Advancing the EU Marine Robotics Research Infrastructure Network: the EU Marine Robots project
Breaking the Surface - lessons learned from over a decade of interdisciplinary workshops
Addressing the sustainability of the Adriatic sea using marine robotics
About the Value of Standards for Ocean Technology
InnovaMare project - Strengthening the innovation ecosystem in underwater robotics and sensors in the Adriatic
Adaptation of COLREGs for Fully Autonomous Surface Vessels
Marine Robotics Competitions: a Survey
Real-Time Mosaicing and Object Detection for Marine Robots
Marine Robotics at CMRE: from competitions to regulation
Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience
Underwater Robots: From Remotely Operated Vehicles to Intervention-Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
The first JANUS Interoperability Fest - a field report
Underwater/surface collision avoidance using underwater acoustic communications - a preliminary analysis
Regulatory and Liability Issues of Autonomous Surface Vehicles
Liability issues of Unmanned Surface Vehicles
Current Regulatory Issues in the Usage of Autonomous Surface Vehicles
Fostering marine robotics through competitions: from SAUC-E to ERL Emergency 2018
Increasing the operational safety of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles using the JANUS communication standard
Scoring robotic competitions: Balancing judging promptness and meaningful performance evaluation
Aerial and underwater robots in competition
Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience
Robotics competitions – real world and social awareness
Multi-domain robotics competitions: The CMRE experience from SAUC-E to the European Robotics League Emergency Robots
Marine and multi-domain robotics competitions: the CMRE experience
euRathlon and ERL Emergency: A Multi-domain Multi- robot Grand Challenge for Search and Rescue Robots
The Challenge of Preparing Teams for the European Robotics League: Emergency
ROBOCADEMY — A European Initial Training Network for underwater robotics
The Open Roboethics initiative and the elevator- riding robot
Pushing the state of the art through competitions and high level educational programmes
Underwater optical and acoustic imaging: A time for fusion? a brief overview of the state-of-the-art
euRathlon 2015: A Multi-domain Multi-robot Grand Challenge for Search and Rescue Robots
The euRathlon 2015 Grand challenge: the first outdoor multi-domain search and rescue robotics competition: a marine perspective
Forward looking sonar mosaicing for Mine Countermeasures
Real-time Mosaicing of Large Scale Areas with Forward Looking Sonar
Performance measures to improve evaluation of teams in the euRathlon 2014 sea robotics competition★
Real-time Mosaicing for Marine Vehicles
Boosting the talent of new generations of marine engineers through robotics competitions in realistic environments: The SAUC-E and euRathlon experience
Improving Automatic Target Recognition with Forward Looking Sonar Mosaics
Large-scale image mosaicking using multimodal hyperedge constraints from multiple registration methods within the Generalized Graph SLAM framework
A survey on real-time motion estimation techniques for underwater robots
Open Roboethics Pilot: Accelerating Policy Design, Implementation and Demonstration of Socially Acceptable Robot Behaviours
Large-scale mosaicking with spectral registration based simultaneous localization and mapping (iFMI- SLAM) in the Ligurian Sea
Binary visual features for ROV motion estimation
A real-time mosaicking algorithm using binary features for ROVs
ROV vision-based motion estimation: a comparison study
A comparison between different feature-based methods for ROV vision-based speed estimation
Enhancing autonomous capabilities and human-robot interaction for Unmanned Surface Vehicles
Twitter, robotics and kindergarten
Comparing region-based and feature-based methods for ROV vision-based motion estimation
Marine Robotics: State of the art and Human-Robot Interaction
Underwater robots: from small to giants of the seas
Pinocchio 2.0: A recording methodology for vertical educational robotics experiences
Real-time optical SLAM-based mosaicking for unmanned underwater vehicles
An online SLAM-based mosaicking using local maps for ROVs
Azores FREEsubNET workshop: Habitat mapping of Espalamaca vents and Monte da Guia
The Proliferation of Educational Robotics
Comparison between feature-based and phase correlation methods for ROV vision-based speed estimation
A numerical comparison between Feature Correlation and Phase Correlation for motion estimation relative to sea bottom
Online video mosaicing through SLAM for ROVs
Autonomous docking of a tracked wheels robot to its tether cable using a vision-based algorithm
Speeded Up Robust Features for vision-based underwater motion estimation and SLAM: comparison with correlation-based techniques
RAPOSA - Autonomous Robot for Rescue Operations
2023 IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Distinguished Service Award
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Arhitektura računala 1R (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Regulativa autonomnih sustava (Nositelj)
- Regulativa autonomnih sustava (Nositelj)
Robotics and automation
Unmanned autonomous vehicles Multi-robot systems Aquatic robots Computer vision Educational robots Rescue robots Simultaneous localization and mapping -
Intelligent transportation systems
Unmanned underwater vehicles -
Robotics and automation
Unmanned autonomous vehicles Multi-robot systems Aquatic robots Computer vision Educational robots Rescue robots Simultaneous localization and mapping
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
IEEE Senior Member
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES)
IEEE OES Vice President Workshops & Symposia (2021-2023)