Dense Out-of-Distribution Detection by Robust Learning on Synthetic Negative Data
Scalable Hypersphere Embedding For Semantic Metric Learning
Enhanced Out-of-Stock Detection in Retail Shelf Images Based on Deep Learning
Multi-Class Price Tag Detection in Images of Supermarket Shelves
Facial Age Estimation Models for Embedded Systems: A Comparative Study
Knowledge Graph Dataset for Semantic Enrichment of Picture Description in NAPS Database
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
Enhancing Retail Product Recognition: Fine-Grained Bottle Size Classification
TY-Net: Transforming YOLO for Hand Gesture Recognition
A Privacy Preservation Pipeline for Personally Identifiable Data in Images Using Convolutional and Transformer Architectures
Multiple Object Tracking for Football Game Analysis
Center of Excellence for Computer Vision
Detection and Tracking of Players in Football Game Video
Detection of Clothing in Images
Real-Time Estimation of Camera Motion in Video Sequences
Deep Learning Based Localization of Identification Cards in Images
Object Recognition by Using Artificial Neural Networks
Person De-Identification in Images
Optical Music Recognition System
Generating LaTeX Code from Mathematical Expression Images
System for Video Stitching
Framework for Artificial Neural Networks
Semantic Segmentation by Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Tracking of Players in Football Game Video
System for Automated Recognition of Handwritten Corrections for Multiple Choice Answer Sheets
Protecting the Privacy of Humans in Video Sequences using a Computer Vision-Based De- Identification Pipeline
Face, hairstyle and clothing colour de- identification in video sequences
Multi-Class U-Net for Segmentation of Non-biometric Identifiers
I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-identification of People in Images
Energy consumption and data amount reduction using object detection on embedded platform
Power management in wireless camera network for periodic monitoring of environment
System for Human Pose Estimation in Images
Handwritten Character Segmentation Using Classifiers
Detection and Tracking of Players in Football Game Video
Wireless Sensor Node Modelling for Energy Effciency Analysis in Data-Intensive Periodic Monitoring
De-identifying people in videos using neural art
Pedestrian Detection System Based on Deep Learning
Tattoo Detection for Soft Biometric De-identification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification and De-Identification
Robot arm teleoperation via RGBD sensor palm tracking
Evaluating the Effects of Convolutional Neural Network Committees
Python for the curious
Detection of Players in Football Game Video
System for Video Stitching
Camera Calibration and Radial Distortion Correction
Tracking of Players in Football Game Video
Face Localization Using Supervised Descent Method
System for Word Input Using Virtual Keyboard Gestures
Person Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Unsupervised algorithms for reducing the number of colors in images
System for detecting vehicles in video sequences
System for playing card recognition
System for hand detection and tracking using depth camera
System for text recognition in photographs
System for tracking objects in video sequences
Tracking objects in radar images
Vehicle license plate detection and recognition
System for detecting people in video sequences
System for handwritten character recognition
Speaker tracking system based on computer vision
Detecting Humans in Videos by Combining Heterogeneous Detectors
Object detection and recognition using convolutional neural networks
Multiple-dataset Traffic Sign Classification with OneCNN
Tracking objects with variable appearance in video sequences
Face detection and recognition in images
Traffic sign detection using heterogeneous classifier cascade
Recognizing 3D Objects from a Limited Number of Views using Temporal Ensembles of Shape Functions
Hand tracking and simple gesture recognition system
Pedestrian detection system
Experimental Evaluation of Vehicle Detection Based on Background Modelling in Daytime and Night-Time Video
Search and booking of tourist services using mobile devices
Traffic sign detection and recognition system
Temporal Ensemble of Shape Functions
System for pool game analysis
Automatic recognition of handwritten corrections for multiple-choice exam answer sheets
Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign detection from a moving vehicle
Vehicle detection in video sequences acquired from above the road
System for detection and tracking of players in sports
System for traffic sign detection
Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
System for bar-code recognition on a mobile device
Airborne video sequence stabilization
Evaluation of traffic sign recognition algorithms
Application of computer vision in augmented reality systems
System for automated printed text recognition
Software system for measuring electromagnetic field
Application of computer vision for determining 3D object structure
Pedestrian detection based on histograms of oriented gradients
Combining Spatio-Temporal Appearance Descriptors and Optical Flow for Human Action Recognition in Video Data
System for determining 3D object structure
Structural analysis of video by histogram-based description of local space-time appearance
Application of Augmented Reality for Supporting Instrument Service Tasks
Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames
Using computer vision and augmented reality for equipment maintenance support
Hand gesture recognition system
Implementing digit recognition algorithm on a mobile platform
Traffic sign recognition system based on neural networks
Face recognition using principal component analysis
Vehicle detection and tracking in video sequences
Person detection based on histograms of oriented gradients
System for evaluation of traffic sign detection and recognition algorithms
Sliding Window Object Detection without Spatial Clustering of Raw Detection Responses
System for license-plate detection and recognition
Expert system based on fuzzy logic and decision trees
Multi-class object detection with feature sharing
Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
Supporting automated grading of formative multiple choice exams by introducing student identifier matrices
Addressing false alarms and localization inaccuracy in traffic sign detection and recognition
Implementation of computer vision algorithms for mobile platforms
Traffic sign detection using shape models
Traffic panel detection based on color and shape
Detecting traffic signs as regular polygons in color images
Traffic sign detection using genetic algorithm
Object tracking based on adaptive search-window shift
Face recognition using eigenfaces
System for automated evaluation of similarity of sketches in psychological tests
Color image segmentation using Mean-shift algorithm
Image database search based on combining keywords and image examples
Object tracking based on contour models
Detecting smiles in photographs
Employing graphics hardware for image processing operations
Object localization by using active shape models
System for traffic sign image segmentation based on color
Model of an embedded component for color-camera image transformation
Implementation of computer vision algorithms for embedded systems
Circular traffic sign detection based on cascaded classifiers
A computer vision assisted geoinformation inventory for traffic infrastructure
Content based image retrieval system
Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign trajectories
Tracking objects in video sequences based on information obtained by an object detector
System for detection of triangular traffic signs in image sequences
Streamlining collection of training samples for object detection and classification in video
An Experiment with Saccadic Eye Movement Simulation
Color based image segmentation
Real-time Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs
Traffic sign detection based on color and shape
System for traffic signs detection and recognition
Tracking objects in image sequences based on edge information
System for dense annotation of traffic signs in video sequences
Object tracking by adaptive search window shifting
Detecting a specified face in group images
Traffic sign detection based on shape models
Program system for printed text recognition
Measuring spine curvatures in X-ray images
Traffic sign recognition based on neural networks
Traffic sign detection based on Hough transform
CAMSHIFT algorithm for tracking objects in image sequences
Traffic sign recognition based on Support Vector Machine
Olive pit shape analysis
Image database search based on textural features
Towards automatic assessment and mapping of traffic infrastructure by adding vision capabilities to a geoinformation inventory
Traffic sign detection in color images
Image database retrieval based on local color features
Recognition of number plate characters
Traffic sign detection based on color and shape
Improved software development as a key to company businesss growth
Detecting Vulnerabilities in Web Applications by Clustering Web Pages
Computer aided learning in internal medicine based on digital image processing
Face detection based on Gabor features
Color based image database retrieval
People detection in images
Detection of licence plates on vehicles
System for storing and retrieving images of postage stamps
Using rectangular features for face detection
Automated vulnerability detection in Web applications
Object tracking in traffic scenes
Utilizing machine learning for detecting people in images
Road Sign Detection in Video Sequences
Software tool for logging and diagnostics of complex systems
Infrared-Visual Image Registration Based on Corners and Hausdorff Distance
Image alignment based on a model of attention guiding
Object localization based on active shape models
Generic Approach to Computer Vision
Using skin color features for face detection
Project Retrospectives Method in Telecom Software Development
Tracking Objects Using Particle Filters
Learning and recognizing colored patterns
Object Detection Based on Gray-scale Morphology
Corner-Based Infrared-Visual Image Registration.
Architecture and Implementation of a Computer Vision Component
A Managed Approach to Computer Vision
Object detection based on deformable templates
Person detection in infrared images
Face detection based on neural networks
Object tracking based on particle filters
Color image similatity measures
System for image segmentation based on mean-shift algorithm
Generic Software Component as a Foundation for Computer Vision Systems
Estimating optical flow along the contours
Utilizing Kalman filter for visual object tracking
Model-based Tracking of Laboratory Animals
Volume Rendering with Least Squares Spline Reconstruction
Extracting the Canonical Set of Closed Contours Using the Best-First Search Algorithm
A System for Tracking Laboratory Animals Based on Optical Flow and Active Contours
A Software Architecture for Image Acquisition and Camera Control in an Active Vision System
Real-Time Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow and Active Rays
Optical Flow Estimation over Extended Image Sequence
Restoration of images blurred by circular motion
Object tracking based on sparse optical flow
Establishing Motion Correspondence for Moving Non-rigid Objects
Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow
Real-Time System for Analyzing Animal Motion
A Module for Automated Generation of Planar Object Descriptions
A Module for Automated Generation of Planar Object Descriptions
Generating KRP Object Descriptions
Generating descriptions of compound two-dimensional objects by using models and local symmetries
An algorithm for finding circular arcs in linear contour approximation
A Model Based Approach to Shape Decomposition
Utilizing Local Symmetries for Shape Decomposition
A Program System for the Simulation of a Single Instruction Computer
University undergraduate
- Digital Logic (Lecturer in charge)
- Digital Logic (Lecturer in charge)
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Lecturer in charge)
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Lecturer in charge)
- Scripting Languages (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Scripting Languages (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Computer Vision (Lecturer in charge)
- Deep Learning 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Deep Learning 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- High-Level Abstraction Programming (Lecturer in charge)
- Pattern Recognition (Lecturer in charge)
- Diploma thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Dynamic Scene Analysis (Lecturer in charge)
- Multiprocessors and Parallel Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 2 (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 3 (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 4 (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 5 (Lecturer in charge)
- Research seminar in electronics and computer engineering 6 (Lecturer in charge)
Computers and information processing
Image processing Active shape model Blob detection Corner detection Feature extraction Gray-scale Image analysis Image segmentation Image sequences Machine vision Morphological operations Multiprocessing systems Pattern recognition Active shape model Activity recognition Clustering methods Nearest neighbor methods Pattern matching -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Machine learning Pattern analysis Artificial neural networks Feedforward neural networks Multi-layer neural network