Self-powered diagnostic system for AC machines based on inhomogeneity of magnetic field distribution in air gap
5th International Colloquium on Transformer Research and Asset Management
Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in Iron Core of Transformer
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Rotor Faults Detection in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor based on Magnetic Field Analysis in Air-Gap
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Computation of Self- and Mutual Inductances of Open-core Transformers Using a 3D Integral Equations Approach
Integral Equation Methods for Ion Flow Field
Determination of Core Losses in Open-Core Power Voltage Transformers
New Method for Prediction of Insulating Liquid AC Breakdown
Calculation of Self- and Mutual Inductances of Power Transformers Using a 3D Modified Magnetostatic Integral Equation Approach
Development of 3D BEM code for Computation of a Transformer Winding’s Capacitance Matrix
Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Electromagnetic Forces of the Sinchronous Generator in the Case of the Unbalanced Load Condition
Experimental verification of quasi-nonlinear modeling of magnetic steel for time-harmonic eddy current loss calculation
Power transformer winding model for lightning impulse testing
Determination of Local Temperature Rise in Structural Parts of Power Transformers
Coupled Methodology for Thermal and Electromagnetic Modeling of Synchronous Generator
Methodology for Calculation of Transformer Windings' Internal Overvoltage Distribution using Lumped Parameters
Fully Coupled Dynamic Model of Thomson’s Levitating Ring
Local overheating of transformers with high currents
Improvement of thermal performance of generator step-up transformers
Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Fast and Precise Method for Inductance Calculation of Coaxial Circular Coils With Rectangular Cross Section Using the One- Dimensional Integration of Elementary Functions Applicable to Superconducting Magnets
2D Magneto-thermal analysis of synchronous generator
Generic approach to calculation of short circuit currents in power transformers
Choice of Electrical Field Calculation Method According to the Dielectric Design Criteria
Influence of Temperature, Moisture Content and Ageing on Oil Impregnated Paper Bushings Insulation
Wireless charging of mobile phones
Model of wireless charging for electric vehicles
Analyzing Method Efficiency for Power Transformers Insulation Design
Power transformer main insulation design improvement using BEM and FEM
Connector design for data transmission in cars
Fast and Robust Method for Mutual Inductance Calculation of Coaxial Circular Coils with Rectangular Cross Section
Analysis of Human Exposure due to Wireless Power Transfer in 100-200 kHz Range
Local Overheating of Transformers with High Currents
Analysis of inductive coupling in systems for wireless charging for electric vehicles
Proceedings of the International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Electromagnetic compatibility in digital circuits
Electromagnetic compatibility in analog circuits
An Improved Model of Synchronous Generator Based on Finite Element Method Analysis
Fast Computation of Inductances and Capacitances of High Voltage Power Transformer Windings
Grounding at low frequencies
Calculation of Low Frequency Electric Fields of Complex Power System Facilities
Aspects of automotive electromagnetic compatibility at high frequencies
Aspects of automotive electromagnetic compatibilty at low frequencies
Simulation of current interruption in high-voltage SF6 circuit breaker chamber 123 kV
Calculation of Capacitances of Windings of High Voltage Power Transformers
Optimization of condenser type insulation system made of oil impregnated paper
Calculation of Low Frequency Electric Fields of Complex Power System Facilities
Numerical calculation of capacitances in axisymmetric electric fields
Thermal analysis of buried high-voltage cables
Modeling of induction traction motor by finite element method
Modeling of high voltage substations for the calculation of electric fields
Application of bicubic splines in the boundary element method
Computation of Electric Fields Inside Large Substations
Modeling of power transformers windings for the calculation of overvoltages
Calculation and measurement of electromagnetic fileds in 400 kV substations of transmission network of Croatia
Automatization of measurements in heat-run tests of instrument transformers
Calculation of transformers heating by finite element method
Optimisation of condenser-type bushings with paper-oil insulation
Helical winding's magnetic field in power transformers
The 3D magnetic field calculation of a dry-type transformer by integral equations
Capacitances calculation of high voltage winding of power transformers
Improvement of power transformer design in order to reduce stray losses
Computation of quasistatic electromagnetic fields of complex electric power facilities
Electromagnetic field calculation of complex power system facilities
The influence of reference coil winding arrangement on the uniformity of the reference field for magnetic field meters calibration
Helical winding's magnetic field in power transformers
The Modelling of Transients in Synchronous Generators for Wind Turbine
The Modelling of Transients in Synchronous Generators for Wind Turbine
Optimization of Combined Transformer Active Part
Application of Bicubic Splines in the Boundary Element Method
Design and optimization techniology of ship's shaft generator using numerical simulations
Numerical Computation of Ship´s Shaft Generator Characteristics
Stray Losses in Transformer Clamping Plate
Insulation System of Combined Instrument Transformers
Coupled Electromagnetic - Thermal Analysis of Underground Power Cables
Modeling of Ship’s Shaft Generator
Numerical Analysis of the Ship's Shaft Generator
Computation of Low-Frequency Electric Fields in Computation of Low-Frequency Electric Fields in Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Exposure
The Influence of Cables on the Electromagnetic Fields Around the Power System Substation
Grounding Grid Reconstruction using Measured Earth Surface Potential Distribution
Computation Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Fields on the Generator Armored Busbar System
Calculation of quasistatic electromagnetic field by the method of moments
Electromagnetic compatibility in large substations
Influence of paralleled rectifiers on AC line-harmonics
Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility in TS Ernestinovo
Method of moments in analysis of grounding systems
Application of composite polymeric insulators in transmission and distribution systems
Composite Polymer Insulators in Transimission and Distribution of Electric Energy
Analysis of general public and professional electromagnetic field exposure due to the substation 110/30/10 kV Jarun
Influence of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on human beings
Numerical analysis of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure
Modelling of current-limiting circuit breakers
Computation of Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field Near Transmission Lines and Substations
The Least Square Deviations Criterion and Inverse-Source Magnetostatic Problems
Usage of GIS for calculation of the touch and step voltage in the tower enviroment
Calculation of Correction Factors to Compensate for the Reference Electric Field Nonuniformity
The least square deviations criterion and inverse-source magnetostatic problems
Analysis of arc-failure in incoming circuit breaker 13,8 kV
Overvoltage protection of high voltage substation enstrance equipment
Electromagnetic Fields, Waves And Numerical Methods
Coupled Electromagnetic and Structural Field Calculation Using Finite Element Method
Improvement of Reference Electric Field Generation
Electromechanical Simulation of a Linear Solenoid Actuator
An accurate calculation of the reference electric field nonuniformity
A Trade-of Between the Ubcertainty and Size of Electric Field Meters Calibtarion System
Electromechanical Simulation of a Linear Solenoid Actuator
A Solution of the Problem of Wave Scattering on Dielectric Cylinders Using the Method of Moments
Analysis of Low-voltage current limitation
Finite Element Simulation on Three-phase Fault of Synchronous Generator in D and Q Axis
Application of the Finite Element Method to the Calculation of Sudden Short Circuits in a Synchronous Generator
A Teaching Tool for the Finite Element Method
Computation of Multiconductor Cable Parameters by the Finite Element Method
Electromagnetism II
Electromagnetism I
The computation of integral parameters in electric motor design by the application of the finite element method
The application of the finite element method in design of electric motors
Measurement and examination of power system Molve parameters, Part 2: Mathematical analysis of work dynamic in industrial power system Molve and local network
High Voltage Insulating System Design by Application of Electrode and Insulator Contour Optimization
University undergraduate
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
Control systems
Dielectrics Electric breakdown Insulation -
Education courses Educational technology Electrical engineering education Engineering students Industrial training -
Electromagnetic compatibility and interference
Electromagnetic compatibility Immunity testing Reverberation chambers Electromagnetics Electromagnetic analysis Air gaps Characteristic mode analysis Computational electromagnetics Delay effects Electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic forces Electromagnetic refraction Permeability Spark gaps Time-domain analysis Electromagnetic coupling Mutual coupling Optical coupling Electromagnetic devices Baluns Electromagnetic induction Eddy currents Inductive power transmission Electromagnetic metamaterials Terahertz metamaterials Electromagnetic radiation Bremsstrahlung Correlators Electromagnetic wave absorption Frequency Gamma-rays Line-of-sight propagation Electromagnetic shielding Cable shielding Magnetic shielding Electromagnetic transients EMP radiation effects EMTDC EMTP Power system transients Surges Proximity effects Interference Clutter Crosstalk Diffraction Echo interference Electromagnetic interference Radiofrequency interference Specific absorption rate Electromagnetic radiative interference Electrostatic interference Immunity testing Interchannel interference Interference cancellation Interference channels Interference constraints Interference elimination Interference suppression Intersymbol interference Rain fading Terrain factors TV interference -
Engineering – general
Concurrent engineering Design engineering Electrical engineering Engineering profession Mechanical engineering Research and development -
Engineering management
Business Business data processing Business intelligence Entrepreneurship Industrial relations Management Asset management Best practices Business continuity Business process management Business process re-engineering Communication system operations and management Conference management Content management Contingency management Contract management Contracts Customer relationship management Decision making Dependability management Distributed management Enterprise resource planning Facilities management Financial management Governmental factors Human resource management Information management Interface management International collaboration Knowledge management Marketing management Organizational aspects Outsourcing Process planning Production management Program management Project management Public relations Quality management Requirements management Research and development management Resource management Risk analysis Safety management Security management Storage management Supply chain management Technical management Technology management Operations research Inventory control Virtual enterprises Organizations BNSC Companies Government Sociotechnical systems Commercialization Consortia Economics Costs Cost benefit analysis Econometrics Economic forecasting Economic indicators Share prices Electronic commerce Environmental economics Carbon tax Exchange rates Fuel economy International trade Macroeconomics Privatization Microeconomics Economies of scale Industrial economics Monopoly Oligopoly Power generation economics Electricity supply industry deregulation Profitability Stock markets Supply and demand Trade agreements Venture capital Virtual enterprises Innovation management Creativity Legal factors Copyright protection Intellectual property Software protection Law Censorship Commercial law Consumer protection Contract law Criminal law Employment law Forensics Law enforcement Patent law Trademarks Patents Product liability Warranties Software protection Trademarks Market research Planning Meeting planning Schedules Strategic planning Technical planning Technology planning Product development Graphical user interfaces Avatars Product customization Product life cycle management Prognostics and health management Software product lines Time to market Project engineering Scheduling Adaptive scheduling Dynamic scheduling Job shop scheduling Single machine scheduling Research and development management Innovation management Creativity Research initiatives Software development management Agile software development Scrum (Software development) Model-driven development -
Industry applications
Electrochemical devices Electromechanical systems Electrostatic devices Electrical engineering industry Electric machines Motors -
Circuits and systems
Magnetic circuits Contact resistance -
Computers and information processing
Scientific computing -
IEEE organization
IEEE Conference activities IEEE Educational activities IEEE Publishing activities IEEE Committees