dr. sc. Zdravko Eškinja

Leading Researcher, Department of Control and Computer Engineering




Zdravko Eškinja has completed his Master degree at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in 2006. Same year Zdravko has been employed as a young researcher in Brodarski Institute Ltd, Zagreb, Croatia, in Control Engineering Department, where he gained practical experience in various projects involving measuring, data acquisition and processing. His scientific work started in a field of underwater systems as extension to his Master thesis ”Location of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles by Sonar Image Processing". In period from 2013 till 2015 he participated in Visiting Research Program of Center of Maritime Research and Experimentation, La Spezia, Italy. Meanwhile, due to the requirements of his employer, the scientific field changed to energy efficiency in buildings and industry. After additional education and series of certificates he was involved in dozen capital infrastructure projects with high level of complexity. He has taken opportunity in 2017 to work again in underwater systems at small R&D company "Marine Robotics and Systems". In 2021 he becomes the part of LABUST team at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

Personal data

Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since: