Leveraging Petabytes of Data / Have We Reached Limits of Conventional Backup
Collecting (Personal) Passenger Data in Public Transport or Do Carriers Really Need Our (Personal) Data? – An Overview of the Situation in the Republic Of Croatia
Proceedings of 47th ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO)
Measuring the Efficiency of Innovative Logistics Projects’ Resilience: ePIcenter Project Experience
Exploring the impact of AI on teaching in higher education : an exploratory study
Annual of the Croatian Academy of Engineering
Facilitating Programming Proficiency in Young Children: Strategies and Expert Insights
Enhancing Security of Intermediate Devices in the Connection Between IoT Devices and Cloud Service
Backing Up Object Storages – Challenges and Solutions
Regulation of AI Technology Implementation in Public Administration
Process Mining: Application in Practice
MIPRO 2024 47th ICT and Electronics Convention Proccedings
Evaluation model for the user experience of AI functionalities in online travel agencies
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Develop Soil Health Index for Salinized Coastal Agricultural Land
Achievements of the application of the circular economy in recovery resources of the urban water system
Using Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education to Improve the Literacy of Deaf and Hearing- Impaired Children
Framework for Planning the Implementation of Innovations in Seaport Operations: Case Study of the Seaport of Rijeka
Proceedings of 47th ICT and Electronics Convention
Legal Relationship between Smart Airport and Smart City
Gamification in Support of Decision Making in Military Higher Education
Students Evaluation of Creative Art Learning Based on Online Art Resources
The Role of Social Media Platforms Instagram and Tinder in the Sentimental Relationships of the Students
Student Perception of Using Generative AI Tools in Relation to Academic Integrity and Their Advantages and Disadvantages
Misinformation as a Security Threat: Recognition of Misinformation in Student Population
Business Analysis of the Netflix Platform in the Post-COVID-19 Time
Analysis of e-Learning System Usage Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reinventing Mobile-assisted Language Learning using Natural Language Processing
Blockchain in Football Fandom: Understanding the Shifts in Awareness, Adoption, and Investment Willingness in Fan Tokens and NFTs among Croatian Fans
Blockchain for Secure and Transparent Maritime Supply Chains
ChatGPT in exploratory learning
Advanced Continuous Monitoring System—Tools for Water Resource Management and Decision Support System in Salt Affected Delta
Proceedings of International Summit on Renewable Energy, INSORE 2023
Review of areas subject to eutrophication and areas vulnerable to nitrates
Application of water and soil salinization automatic monitoring in the Neretva RIver valley
Ranking model for dormitory admission process
Tree Inheritance Distance
Resetting the Initial Conditions for Calculating Epidemic Spread: COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy
Generating Trees for Comparison
Neka iskustva u razvoju informacijskih sustava
Conceptual Solution of the Croatian Scientific Activity Information System - CroRIS
Gamified Digital Math Lessons for Lower Primary School Students
Determination of metals in olive oil using atomic absorption spectrometry
Dynamic Software Updating in Java: Comparing Concepts and Resource Demands
Recommender System and Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance a Blended Learning Model
State Matura Exam Processing System
Recommender system for activities in computer- supported collaborative learning
Implementation module for processing and methods results and exam materials National information system application on higher education
Analysis of data for the purpose of proposing study programs in the National Information System for Applications to Higher Education Institutions
Komunikator system for people with the autistic spectrum disorder
Database and user modules of eSTUDENT association’s central information system
Collaboration modules of eSTUDENT association’s central information system
A framework for development of computer games
VOIP call analysis program
Application for law firm support
Tool for web browser extension design
Library management application
Aplikacija za podršku veterinarskoj ambulanti
Application for learning sorting algorithms on Android mobile devices
Mobile application for public transport planning
MyCould platform for mobile and ubiquitous learning
Programska aplikacija za vođenje ordinacije liječnika psihologa
Introduction of SAP ERP System into a Heterogeneous Academic Community
Video store application
A system for language learning with mobile devices through collaboration
Inquiry learning mobile application
Inquiry learning web application
Programska komponenta za sinkronu i asinkronu suradnju u inteligentnom sustavu za računalno podržano učenje
Standards in electronic business, Delivery #7: Final report
Learning environment supported by communication mobile devices
Context - Awareness and Distributed Events in Mobile Learning
Application for medical practitioner?s office administration
Distance learning software
Korištenje paralelizma pri razvoju aplikacija
Application for small tourist rental agencies
Application for commercial company revision
A Blended Learning Approach to Course Design and Implementation
Study of standards in e-Business, Delivery #1
Moduli za operativno planiranje prehrane i materijalno poslovanje u aplikaciji "Prehrana hrvatskog vojnika u 21. stoljeću"
The implementation of interactive computer games
Methodological manual for evaluation, Delivery #2
Nastavnička komponenta za podršku aktivnostima sinkrone i asinkrone suradnje u inteligentnom sustavu za računalom podržano učenje AHyCo.
Portal za pregled informacija o knjigama s mogućnošću interakcije korisnika
E-commerce program based on .NETNuke portal
Ostvarivanje grupnog rada i asinkrone komunikacije korištenjem sustava za podršku učenju MILE
Aplikacija za podršku hotelskom poslovanju
Portal za razmjenu rabljenih CD-a i ploča temeljen na Web 2.0 tehnologiji
Aplikacija za zaštitu autorskih prava na digitalnim slikama
Programme learning outcomes at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Lociranje objekata u bežičnoj komunikacijskoj mreži
Nadogradnja sustava AHyCo programom za prikaz informacija o nastavnicima, studentima i ispitima u stvarnom vremenu
Korištenje lokacijskih servisa i razmjena binarnih sadržaja pomoću sustava za podršku učenju MILE
Mobile device based application for real life situation simulation
Introducing adaptivity and collaborative support into a Web-based LMS
Interactive internet newspaper browser
Evaluation of .NET 3.0 and 3.5 framework in graphical and communication programs
Deployment of e-Invoice in Croatia
Travel management program for mobile devices
Internetska aplikacija za podršku manjim i srednjim turističkim iznajmljivačima smještajnih kapaciteta
Experiences of FER in the implementation of the Bologna process
Mobile and interactive learning environment
Internetska stranica za podršku učenju kroz zajednički rad
Programska aplikacija "Prehrana vojnika u 21. stoljeću" (PHV-21)
Složene klijentske aplikacije za podršku poslovnim procesima
System architecture of a new national student card in Croatia
Aplikacija za poduzeće za opskrbu plinom, evidenciju stanja potrošača te podršku terenskom radu
System architecture of a new national student card in Croatia
Specifičnosti materijala za učenje pri mobilnom učenju
Web based database of products and services by croatian ICT industry
Aplikacija za praćenje osnovnih sredstava
Izvješćivanje i izrada tiskanica u okviru poslovnog sustava nabave
Interakcija i kolaboracija u okolini za učenje
Programska podrška projektnom načinu izvođenja nastave
Introducing Location - Awareness into a Learning Environment Supported by Mobile Devices
Establishment of computerization and e-services for public health in Croatia
Programska potpora poslovnom sustavu planiranja
Arhitektura sustava za anketiranje i praćenje usvajanja znanja u učionici
Mobilno učenje i nastava potpomognuta mobilnim uređajima
Environment for solving of optimization problems
Minimisation of Collisions in Scheduling of Lectures
Innovation and Research University
Mobilni klijenti u mobilnom učenju
Razmjena nastavno orijentiranih podataka u sustavu s heterogenim elementima
Organizacija prehrane na distribuiranim lokacijama
Analiza podataka o prehrani velikog broja osoba
Bologna Process and the Education for the 21th Century
Algoritam planiranja puta u inteligentnom transportnom sustavu
Multiapplication smart card for heterogeneus information systems
An insight into efforts to establish computerization and e-services for public health in Croatia
Multimedijska podrška adaptivnom hipermedijskom sustavu za učenje
A Software Tool for Lectures Timetable
Collaborative Learning in AHyCo Online Learning System
Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware Using AHyCo System
AHyCo: a Web-Based Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware System
AHyCo portal
An Approach to Online Collaborative Learning using AHyCo LMS
Integer Programming in Some Scheduling Problems
System for networked knowledge evaluation
Application of Smart Cards in Distributed Information Systems
Automated Data Warehouse Construction And Maintenance
Real Life Data Mart - Models Comparison
Personal authentication and privacy protection on Internet
Analysis and report regarding the status of the project of purchase of executive solution for computerisation of Primary Health Care in the Republic of Croatia, Second Group, Version 2.0
Analysis and report of the procurement status of the integrated hospital information system
Analysis and report regarding the status of the project of purchase of executive solution for computerisation of Primary Health Care in the Republic of Croatia, First Group, Version 2.0
Genetic algorithms for class scheduling problems
Analysis of the entrance examination as an instrument for selection of students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
An Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware Authoring
An Electronic Journal Management System
Solving Timetable Scheduling Problem Using Genetic Algorithms
Approaches to Online Testing in Web-based Educational Systems
The Model for Testing in Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware
AhyCo - Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware System
About the Department of Applied Computing at the University of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb
Credit Card System for Subsidized Nourishment of University Students
AHyCo: an Approach to Web-based Adaptive Courseware
Parallel Virtual Machine Based on Component Object Model
Adaptive Teaching Based on Knowledge Space Theory
An algorithm for corrugated paper cutting
Computerisation of the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb
AHyCo(Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware) LMS (Learning Managment System)
Comparative analysis of ERP software in Republic of Croatia
A Proposal for Information System Development for Clinical and Hospital Centre Zagreb
An algorithm for corrugated paper cutting
Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware
Source Code Generator Based on a Proprietary Specification Language
Analysis of Reasons for Failure of a Major Information System Project
An Approach to Navigation Support in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System
Development of an Integral University Management System
CROFlora, a Database Application to Handle Croatian Vascular Flora
General Object-oriented Framework for Iterative Optimization Algorithms
General Object-oriented Framework for Iterative Optimization Algorithms
A Software Infrastructure for Distributed Computing Based on DCOM
Navigation Support in a Web-Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System
A Web-Based Advertising System
A quick diagnostics of the project IISCO failure
Planning and Accounting of a Technological Process
Record Keeping Program for Separate Collection of Waste
Development of a Complex Web-Based Advertising System
Internal Intesive Medical Care Database
Flora Croatica Database Application
Database Access via Active Documents and Internet
Java and Database Access via Internet
Flora Croatica Database Application
CROFlora, a Database Application to Handle Croatian Vascular Flora
Organisation of Printing of Students' Identification Cards
Data Warehousing Development under Changeable Conditions
Interface for Shortest Path Algorithm
Software Development in an Object-Oriented Language
Fire Brigade Database
A Software Development Method Based on Iterative Prototyping
Information system of the subsidised students' aliment
Inventory Management Software
An Approach for Software Development in ASP Based Client-Server Architecture
Interface to an Internet-Accessed Database
Financial Software
Three Tier Client-Server Architecture
Library on Internet
Collection and Processing of Geodetic Data
Information system for student administration
Remote Database Access
Long Distance Control and Surveillance using Oracle DBMS
Distributed Database "CROPACE"
An approach to Cliet-Server Software Developments
Application of Genetic Algorithm in Combinatorics
Computerisation Elaborate for Addenda, d.d. First Phase
Development of Generalised Functions for Basic Operations on Data Stored in a Relational Database
Application of an Object-Oriented Database System to Build a CASE Tool
Night Deposits Monitoring System
Room Reservation and Schedule Overview Software
User Interface to a ODBC Database
Inventory Management for Small Shops
Visualisation of C Programs Execution
An Algorithm to Generate Data for Testing
A Case Study for an Investment Trade-Off Between Software and Hardware
Financial Software System
MIDAS Technology for Development of Multi Tier Applications
Automated Coding in the Census '91 in Croatia
Algorithms and Data Structures
Application Of Mathematical Programming In Software Production Planning
A Graphical Interface for the Nurishment Planning Software
An Improvement of the Methods for Acceleration and Standardisation in Software Development
A Cutting Stock Procedure for Printed Circuit Board Production
Nurishment Planning Software
Operational research
Case Study Based On A Multi-Period Multi-Criteria Production Planning Model
Multimedia Production and Distribution System
A Reporting System within the Bank Information System
Development of User Interface Elements
Stock Management
Universal Modules for Business Applications
Room Reservation via Internet
Interactive Advertising on Internet
Modern Communication Systems within a Complex Information System
Some Modules for a Business-Oriented Information System
Purchase Department Management
Software for Processing of the Entrance Examination
Selfconfiguring Terminal Emulator
Reviewing of Class Schedule via Internet
Monitoring of Manufacturing Orders
Construction of Active Web Pages
Vedran Mornar was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1959. He received his BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Computing from the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) in 1981, 1985, and 1990, respectively.
Since 1982, he has been working at FER and was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles from 1987 to 1988. In 2003, he was promoted to Full Professor in Computing at the Department of Applied Computing, and in 2008, he received tenure. He has taught several computing courses and has participated in many projects with the industry. His professional interests include e-learning, the application of operational research in real-world information systems, database design, development, and implementation.
He was the leader of several national-level projects, including the National Information System for Application to Higher Education Institutions, which also provides complete organizational support for the state matura exams, and the National Information System for Application and Enrollment to High Schools. From 2002 to 2006, he was the vice dean of the Faculty, and from 2006 to 2010, he was the dean. From 2018 to 2022, he was the head of the Department of Applied Computing. He mentored more than 200 graduate students and 5 PhD theses.
Prof. Mornar served as the president of the National Council for Higher Education from 2009 to 2013. In 2010, he was a nominee for Rector of the University of Zagreb. As a member of the national committee for the implementation of the state matura, he made significant contributions to the task. From 2014 to 2016, he served as the Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the president of the Croatian Association for ICT, Electronics, and Microelectronics (MIPRO), and a full member, and incumbent president of the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences, and. He is serving as CAETS president for 2023. In 2012, he received the gold medal "Josip Lončar" from FER for his outstanding contribution to the faculty. In 2020, he received the award "Fran Bošnjaković" for notable results in scientific, teaching, and professional work and promotion of the science discipline and profession. He is also a holder of the Homeland War Memorial Medal.
University undergraduate
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Lecturer in charge)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Lecturer in charge)
- Introduction to Programming (Lecturer in charge)
- Introduction to Programming (Lecturer in charge)
- Programming Paradigms and Languages (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Laboratory of Software Engineering and Information Systems 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Operations Research (Lecturer in charge)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Operational research (Lecturer in charge)
Computers and information processing
Computer aided instruction Learning management systems Scientific computing Programming Data handling Data processing Distributed information systems Software Software engineering -
Engineering management
Operations research