Tomislav Matulić, univ. mag. ing. el. techn. inf.

Assistant, Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing

Stochastic model for enhanced PET image reconstruction

Matulić, Tomislav; Seršić, Damir
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

Estimating Uncertainty in PET Image Reconstruction via Deep Posterior Sampling

Vlas̆ić, Tin; Matulić, Tomislav; Sers̆ić, Damir

Probabilistic description of rotational 3D PET systems

Matulić, Tomislav; Seršić, Damir

Vlašić, Tin; Matulić, Tomislav; Seršić, Damir

Enhanced reconstruction for PET scanner with a narrow field of view using backprojection method

Matulić, Tomislav ; Bagarić, Robert ; Seršić, Damir

Fast reconstruction for PET scanner with incomplete sector set

Matulić, Tomislav ; Bagarić, Robert ; Seršić, Damir

PET image reconstruction - a theoretical overview with deep learning and compressive sensing

Matulić, Tomislav

Photoacoustics in Medical Diagnostics

Matulić, Tomislav

Band-Pass Filter for Rogowski Coil Using Transconductance Amplifiers

Matulić, Tomislav


University undergraduate

University graduate


  • Computational and artificial intelligence
    Neural networks Artificial neural networks Convolutional neural networks Multi-layer neural network
  • Imaging
    Tomography Positron emission tomography Whole-body PET Reconstruction algorithms
  • Mathematics
    Algorithms Clustering algorithms Machine learning algorithms Matching pursuit algorithms Projection algorithms Signal processing algorithms Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Iterative methods Expectation-maximization algorithms Iterative algorithms Method of moments Minimization Iterative methods Expectation-maximization algorithms Iterative algorithms Least squares approximation Method of moments Sparse matrices Splines (mathematics) Optimization Optimization methods Piecewise linear techniques Random processes Covariance matrices Gaussian mixture model Maximum likelihood estimation Mixture models Sampling methods Compressed sensing Statistical analysis Monte Carlo methods Principal component analysis Stochastic processes Gaussian processes Gaussian mixture model
  • Signal processing
    Digital signal processing Filters
  • Computers and information processing
    Mathematics computing Matlab Image reconstruction
  • Engineering in medicine and biology
    Biomedical signal processing Biomedical image processing