Student services

We are known as one of the best organised faculties in Croatia. All students have at their disposal numerous student services which make sure they are well informed. Our academic calendar is published one year in advance, and exam terms are announced at the beginning of the semester.

Student Administration Office

Student Administration Office is available to students at the counters in front of classrooms D1 and D2 every working day between noon and 2 p.m.

Mobility Office

Mobility office is educating and informing employees and students about available international cooperation programmes and monitors possibilities of including FER and its employees and students into various international organisations and programmes of interest to FER.


Central Library

The Library fund consists of professional books (48,365 volumes), with a very valuable collection of manuals, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and scientific journals (662 titles), and covers the curriculum of the Faculty.

IT Support

Information support centre carries out information support, development of information system, computer network management, supervision of information security, technological support for teaching and e-education, organisation of teaching and the organisation of common computer resources.


Academic Calendar

Our academic calendar is decided more than a year in advance, so we already know how the classes will look like until the end of September next year. Personalised calendars with built-in examination and tutorial dates for the entire academic year are available to students on the intranet.

Career Centre

FER Career Centre provides help to students during their studies and up to two years after they graduate related to informing, advising, and communicating with Student Administration Office, as well as other forms of help regarding development of students’ personal skills and careers.


Getting Around the Faculty

Our halls can appear as a labyrinth to those coming to the Faculty for the first time. But, orienting is simple: here A, B, C and D are buildings, but their order in space makes sense only if you know how they were built. That's why our floor plan and search engine are here.