Laboratory activities

Research activities

The research activities include 3D visualization methods and algorithms for 3D reconstruction and 3D registration. In addition to the camera as the core of the 3D system and the ambient light, our research also includes the use of additional light sources that complement the information directly received by the camera. 3D calibration procedures are being investigated and optimized data processing methods are suitable for further use, e.g. on 3D printers. An additional research focus is on the use of smartphones (tablets) that, with all the better cameras, also have a large number of other types of sensors whose output can be used for 3D reconstruction. The 3D reconstruction of the human body, compared to non-living objects, has its own specifics, especially in the field of medicine application, and the laboratory plans the research and development of the 3D system in this area.


Innovation activities

Laboratory members received the Silver Medal at the International ARCA 2015 Innovation Exhibition, dealing with 3D scanners on smartphones. A project application that would allow further development of innovation is currently in the reviewing process. The Laboratory directly cooperates with foreign institutions whose individual members have already established a spin-off firm through which it would be possible to directly transfer innovative knowledge and results into (industrial) application. Likewise, the laboratory cooperates with private healthcare institutions in the Republic of Croatia through which co-operation is also expected to find ideas suitable for joint applications for innovation tenders and projects.


Teaching activities

Laboratory members teach FER students some part of their research topics in classes: Multisensor Systems and Locomotion, Systems for Measurement of Nonelectrical Values, Dynamic Scene Analysis, Models for Representing Images and Video, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, Random Processes in Systems, and Neural Networks. Also, part of the research topic is also taught at the International Study at the Faculty of Medicine in the subject of Measurement and Analysis of Human Locomotion. In addition to that, dozens of BSc and MSc Thesis have been defended, one PhD Thesis defended, and five PhD Thesis in this area are in the process of being completed. In co-operation with students, four papers were published in CC / SCI journals and 16 papers at international conferences.


Popularization of science

In order to popularize science, members of the laboratory participate in television presentations, at University Fair, science festivals, and perform demonstrations and lectures for kids in elementary and high schools.