Perica Ilak is external associate at the Department of Energy and Power Systems (ZVNE), University of Zagreb. Ilak does research in Risk Management, Computational Economics, Operational Research, and Electrical Engineering and is package leader and participant in IMPACT, MEET and WINDLIPS projects. Their most recent publication is 'Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making for Assessing the Enhanced Geothermal Systems'.
Power engineering and energy
Power system economics Power system planning -
Systems engineering and theory
Power system modeling
Personal data
List of select projects
Package leader and participant in projects:
Implementation of Peer-to-Peer Advanced Concept for Electricity Trading (IMPACT)
Funded under: HRZZ UIP-2017-05-4068
Funded under: H2020-EU.3.3.2. - Low-cost, low-carbon energy supply, project ID: 792037
WIND energy integration in Low Inertia Power System (WINDLIPS)
Funded under: HRZZ PAR-02-2017-03