A new perspective on frequency control in conventional and future interconnected power systems
Evaluating the possibilities of inverter based technologies to ensure system dynamic stability
Analysis of Tie-Line Impact on Frequency Response in Multi-Area Power Systems
Estimation of Area Frequency Response in Island Operation Mode by Utilizing Interconnected Power System Measurements
2024 IEEE PES ISGT Europe Conference book
Energy transition between promises and reality - a view from the European semi-periphery
Energy transition between promises and realities - a view from the European semi-periphery
Preliminary technical connection study for WPP ZD5
Preliminary technical connection study for WPP Ričipolje
Preliminary technical connection study for WPP Rudić
Preliminary technical connection study for WPP Labusi
Multi-area power system frequency nadir prediction
The importance of Optimal Design of a PV System in the Net-Metering Model: A Case Study for Croatia
METAR do bolje klime
Adaptation of the electric power sector to climate change
PV Sizing and Investment Support Tool for Household Installations: A Case Study for Croatia
The 2022 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA2022) Conference Book
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Kraljevci (9999 kW) to the distribution grid
Study of the optimal technical solution for connection to the electricity grid - KVP (SE) Knauf Novi Marof (consumer with own production: 1210 kW in the direction of production, 12 000 kW in the direction of consumption)
Study of the optimal technical solution for connection to the electricity grid - KVP (SE) H2 SE Bisko (consumer with own production: 6300 kW in the direction of production, 7000 kW in the direction of consumption)
Technical study for connection of solar power plant FNE Pag (6300 kW) to the distribution grid
Bayesian CNN-BiLSTM and Vine-GMCM Based Probabilistic Forecasting of Hour-Ahead Wind Farm Power Outputs
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Lozovac (9999 kW) to the distribution grid
Assessment of power system capacity and potential for integration of solar power plants
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Podravska Moslavina (9900 kW) to the distribution grid
A novel primary frequency control framework for multi-area power systems containing battery energy storage systems
Photovoltaic System Control for Power System Frequency Support in Case of Cascading Events
Dynamically adaptive method for under frequency load shedding protection scheme reconfiguration
Assessment of extending operation of Nuclear Power Plant Krško from 2023 to 2043 – techno economic, ecological and power flow and system dynamics influence
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Konačnik (35 MW) to the transmission grid
Model for 400 kV Transmission Line Power Loss Assessment Using the PMU Measurements
Croatian solar potential - from the grid integration aspect
Croatian power system development from the RES integration perspective
Solar potential of Croatia - grid integration aspects
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA) Conference book
Guest editorial introduction to the special issue on “advanced power system and smart integration of renewables”
Technical study for connection of Zona Bruška (192 MW) to the transmission grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plants Tarabnik i Tijarica (39.6 MW) to the transmission grid
Technical study for connection of Zona Grabe (120 MW) to the transmission grid
Challenges of High Renewable Energy Sources Integration in Power Systems — The Case of Croatia
Photovoltaic System Power Reserve Determination Using Parabolic Approximation of Frequency Response
Analysis of the impact of power plant parameters on the power system frequency response characteristics
Technical study for connection of solar power plant FN Grad Križevci (4900 kW) to the distribution grid
(Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Novska (6000 kW) to the distribution grid)
(Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Hvar Grablje (9999 kW) to the distribution grid)
(Technical study for connection of geothermal power plant AAT Geothermae (12 000 kW) to the distribution grid)
(Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Benkovac 1 (9990 kW) to the distribution grid)
(Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Benkovac 2 (9990 kW) to the distribution grid)
(Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Benkovac 3 (9990 kW) to the distribution grid)
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Šestanovac 2 (9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Dazlina 2 (11000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of a large consumer (harbor) Luka Dubrovnik Gruž (15000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant "Šarampov" (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Dugo Selo (15000 kW) to the distribution grid
Study of the optimal technical solution for connection to the electricity grid - Eco recycling park Kutina (consumer with own production: 17,000 kW in the direction of production, 6,088.2 kW in the direction of consumption)
Action plan for power grid strengthening to support the integration of renewable energy sources
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Bukovica (9990 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Hatnjak (9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Krnjak (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Study of the optimal technical solution for connection to the electricity grid - FER (consumer with own production: 747,9 kW in the direction of production, 750 kW in the direction of consumption
Techno-economic Assessment of Battery Energy Storage (Island of Cres)
On Line Electromechanical Oscillations Detection in Transmission Network with Synchrophasor
Analysis of connection options of wind power plant VE Otočac North to the transmission grid
Analysis of connection options of wind power plant VE Ramljane and VE Orlic to the transmission grid
The future of energy
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Šestanovac to the distribution grid
Beijing Subsidiary Administrative Center Multi- Energy Systems: An Optimal Configuration Planning
ROCOF importance in electric power systems with high renewables share: A simulation case for Croatia
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Rust (120 MW) to the transmission grid
Analysis of connection options of wind power plants in Zadar and Split area
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Bogomolje (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Techno-economic assessment of Battery Energy Storage on Island of Vis
Analysis of connection options of wind power plant VE Mala Zaba to the transmission grid
Improved dynamic model of a bulb turbine-generator for analysing oscillations caused by mechanical torque disturbance on a runner blade
The importance of ROCOF in the power system with high scale of inverters based power plants
Analysis and Treatment of Power Oscillations in Hydro Power Plant Dubrava
The first integrated electric power system - Krka Šibenik
Optimizing the Grid Connection Scheme of the Wind Power Plant
Modelling and Evaluation of Flexible Multi-Energy Systems for Low Carbon Environment
Techno-economic assessment and optimization of the energy storage unit in the distribution network
Općina Hum na Sutli distribution network analysis
Pilot project - energy storage parameter identification in Čazma middle voltage network in Elektra Križ
Analysis of connection options of wind power plants in Zadar area expansion to the transmission grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Konjščina (17000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Ivanec (15500 kW) to the distribution grid)
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Dazlina (19900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Jasenice 2 (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Hrvace(9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Vrbnik(4500 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Pliskovo (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Suknovci (8000 kW) to the distribution grid
PhD day 2019 - Doctoral study programme "Electrical engineering and computing" of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Technical study for connection biomass power plant BM Vocin 1 (1000 kW)
Protection setting - Elektra Koprivnica
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Suknovci (9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Development of medium-voltage distribution network in Elektroslavonija Osijek for the next 20 years
Modelling Aspects of Flexible Multi-Energy Microgrids
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Gornji Humac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2018) Conference Book
Dynamic Angle Instability Simulation Framework Based on Reference Model Platform
Beijing Subsidiary Administrative Center Multi- Energy Systems: An Optimal Configuration Planning
Technical study for connection of consumer (5077, 77 kW) with local production (1600 kW) Tvin d.o.o. to the distribution grid
PhD day 2018 - Doctoral study programme "Electrical engineering and computing" of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Dugopolje (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Analysis of connection options of wind power plant VE Otočac to the transmission grid
Technical study for optimal connection of solar power plants to the distribution grid of Elektra Zabok
Model for Defining the Potential and Value of Multi-Energy Microgrid Services to the Low Carbon Power System Operation
Key Performance Indicies for Angle Stability Protection Function in WAMPAC System
Algorithm for Fast and Efficient Detection and Reaction to Angle Instability Conditions Using Phasor Measurement Unit Data
Wind Power Monitoring and Control Based on Synchrophasor Measurement Data Mining
Models for dynamic simulations in transmission network
Multifunctional WAMPAC system concept for out-of-step protection based on synchrophasor measurements
Wide Area Information-Based Transmission System Centralized Out-of-Step Protection Scheme
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Kogeneracijsko energetsko postrojenje na drvnu biomasu Klanjec (1900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wood pellets production plant Peletana Klanjec (1500 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Popovac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Kogeneracijsko energetsko postrojenje na drvnu biomasu Donja Stubica (4960 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of network customer Spin Valis d.d. (2151 kW consumption ; 1418 kW generation) to the distribution grid
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure integration in Karlovac distribution network
Algorithm for Out-of-Step Condition Detection and Early Warning Using Phasor Measurement Unit Data
Transportation and Power System Interdependency for Urban Fast Charging and Battery Swapping Stations in Croatia
PhD day 2017. - Doctoral study programme of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Short-term power system hourly load forecasting using artificial neural networks
Analysis of connection options of wind power plant VE Trnošćak to the transmission grid
Defining Key Parameters of Economic and Environmentally Efficient Residential Microgrid Operation
Corrective receding horizon scheduling of flexible distributed multi-energy microgrids
Corrective Receding Horizon Scheduling of Flexible Distributed Multi-Energy Microgrids
Technical study for connection of consumer with production ( 2, 4 MW consumption and 2 MW u smjeru production) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of waste-to- energy power plant Kogeneracijsko postrojenje na gorivi otpad CIOS (3500 kW) to the distribution grid
Economic and environmental analysis of an operation of a residental microgird
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Velika Gorica (4999 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of hybrid gas power plant AAT GEOTHERMAE (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study: grid impact assesment for micro hydro power plant MHE Dabrova Dolina 1
Technical study - Protection setting for micro HPP Dabrova dolina
Grounding of MV network of Kutina
PhD day 2016 - Doctoral study programme of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Improved grid operation through power smoothing control strategies utilizing dedicated energy storage at an electric vehicle charging station
Operational reliability impact on development and maintenance of the distribution system
Economic and environmental assesment of adaptively controled flexible microgrid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant KAPELICA (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant EDB MITROVAC (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Crnac 1 (1150 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Bioplinsko postrojenje Đurđevac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP plant Donji Lapac I (5000 kW) + Donji Lapac II (5000kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Eco- biogas (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of geothermal power plant Rečica (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of hybrid gas power plant ING GRAD Velika Gorica (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant OZALJ (1800 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant QUERCUS-ENERGIJA (1100 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Koljane (6800 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant AAT Šarampov (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Sisak I (5000 kW) + Sisak II (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Sladojevci (1000 kW + 1000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of consumer Tvornice kabela Primca d.o.o. (2500 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPE Ekoplin (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Široke Livade (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Ina Etan (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of geothermal power plant GTE Marija (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of mHE Zeleni Vir (2560 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant mTE Logorište (3000 kW) to the distribution grid
Development of the Zabok distribution network in the time period 2014-2034
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Prvo plinarsko drustvo (5000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Moslavka (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Stara Sava Gradiška (2000kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study of maximum power that can be connected to the distribution power grid: Geothermal Poweplant Marija 1
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Senso Belišće (1180 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Vrbnik (10000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant KRAKA (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of cogeneration power plant Green energy projects (5000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of cogeneration power plant DELNI Lučice (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Clean Energy (1980 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Distribution Network Reliability and Asset Management
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Drvni Centar (4600 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Bingo Veliki Grđevac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Višnjica (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Runolist (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Energo-centar (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Kula (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPP Bojana (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Development of the Virovitica distribution network in the time period 2014-2034
Adaptive Control for Evaluation of Flexibility Benefits in Microgrid Systems
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Agro Watt Marinkovac (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPP AGRO-WATT (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPE Ekoplin (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Energija Turbina to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of consumer Fremitus (4000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Model Predictive Control for Scheduling of Flexible Microgrid Systems
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Karlovac to the transmission grid
Design of the analytic hierarchy model and its applience in transition to 20 kv voltage level process
Development of the Bjelovar distribution network in the time period 2013-2033
Role and Impact of Coordinated EV Charging on Flexibility in Low Carbon Power Systems
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant SPAČVA to the transmission grid
Technical study for connection of wind power plant to the VE BRUVNO, VE MAZIN (BRUVNO 2A) AND VE MAZIN 2 to the transmission grid
Development of the Sveta Klara and Velika Gorica distribution network in the time period 2012-2032
Framework for designing a smart grid testbed
Stochastic simulation of the smart grid and demand response implementations on a city-wide scale
University undergraduate
- Low Voltage Networks and Microgrids (Lecturer in charge, Laboratory exercises)
- Project C (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Control and Grid Integration Techniques for Renewable Energy Sources (Lecturer in charge)
- Control and Grid Integration Techniques for Renewable Energy Sources (Lecturer in charge)
- Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (Lecturer in charge)
- Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (Lecturer in charge)
- Power System Dynamics and Control (Lecturer in charge)
- Power System Dynamics and Control (Lecturer in charge)
- Electric Power Equipment Maintenance (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Smart Grids (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Smart Grids (Lecturers)
- Power Generation (Lecturers)
- Power Generation (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Diagnostics in Electric Power Elements Maintenance (Lecturer in charge)
- Power System Operation (Lecturer in charge)
Power engineering and energy
SCADA systems Energy Wind energy Power generation Distributed power generation Solar power generation Photovoltaic systems Wind energy generation Wind energy integration Wind power generation Power systems Power grids Microgrids Smart grids Power system dynamics Power system management Load flow Power system planning Power system protection Power system reliability Power system stability Power transmission Flexible AC transmission systems Transmission lines Wind energy integration -
Power engineering and energy
SCADA systems Energy Wind energy Power generation Distributed power generation Solar power generation Photovoltaic systems Wind energy generation Wind energy integration Wind power generation Power systems Power grids Microgrids Smart grids Power system dynamics Power system management Load flow Power system planning Power system protection Power system reliability Power system stability Power transmission Flexible AC transmission systems Transmission lines Wind energy integration