Analysis of the possibility of modeling resources on the distribution network in calculations for congestion relief
Collaboration model between Distribution System Operator and flexible prosumers based on a unique dynamic price for electricity and flexibility
Profitable Investment in PV and BES Integrated with EV Charging Stations in Croatia – Myth or Reality?
Prosumers as active market participants: A systematic review of evolution of opportunities, models and challenges
Analysis of possible revenues of the hybrid plant of solar power plant and battery storage through the participation of the battery storage in the Croatian energy and reserve markets
Attest project: tools for ancillary service procurement in day-ahead operation and real-time activation in distribution grids
The effects of household automation and dynamic electricity pricing on consumers and suppliers
Review of Different Optimization Techniques for Charging and Market Participation of Electric Vehicles
Electricity cost-sharing in energy communities under dynamic pricing and uncertainty
Techno-economic Assessment for Battery Storage Installation in Zagreb
Donceptual solution of investment and operation platform for energy communities based on distributed ledgers
Open source tools for integrated operation and Planning of flexible buildings and distribution Network
Distribution network models (DINEMO) platforma – Metodology and validation
A review of practical aspects of existing TSO- DSO coordination mechanisms in Europe and proposal of an innovative hybrid model in ATTEST project
Renewable energies integration in a DiNeMo model based on a German urban grid
Open source tools for integrated operation and planning of flexible buildings and distribution network
Coordinated scheduling of renewable energy balancing group
Dynamic Electricity Pricing Tariffs:Trade-offs for Suppliers and Consumers
The future of energy
Techno-economic assessment of Battery Energy Storage on Island of Vis
Electricity cost sharing between consumers in flexibile energy community
The value of prosumers’ flexibility under different electricity market conditions: case studies of Denmark and Croatia
The role of battery storage in low carbon electric power systems
Decentralized Platform for Investments and Operation of Energy Communities
Distribution Network Model Platform: A First Case Study
Financial Transmission and Storage Rights
DSO and Aggregator Sharing Concept for Distributed Battery Storage System
Review of existing regulatory frameworks for integration of energy storage in energy power system - advantages and barriers
Model of joint market participation of active consumers and renewable energy sources
Optimal sizing of battery storage units integrated into fast charging EV stations
Bi-level Modelling Approach to Coordinated Operation of Wind Power Plant and PV-Storage Energy Community
Voltage and switching optimization of 35 kV network of Elektra Koprivnica
Fault Modelling in Electric Power Systems
University undergraduate
- Risk Management (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Risk Management (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Electric Power Engineering (Lecturers)
- Electric Power Engineering (Lecturers)
- Engineering Economics 1 (Lecturers)
- Engineering Economics 1 (Lecturers)
- Project E (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Economics of Power and Energy Systems (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Economics of Power and Energy Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Renewable Energy and Energy Storage (Lecturer in charge)
- Renewable Energy and Energy Storage (Lecturer in charge)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Advanced concepts for electricity trading (Lecturer in charge)
- Risk analysis (Lecturer in charge)
Postgraduate spec. study
- Project risk management (Lecturer in charge)
Engineering – general
Electrical engineering Electrical engineering computing Research and development -
Power engineering and energy
Energy Energy consumption Energy storage Distributed power generation Power systems Power distribution Power system economics Power system management Power system planning -
Computers and information processing
Power system analysis computing -
Engineering management
Cost benefit analysis Power generation economics -
Industry applications
Batteries Battery management systems -
Social implications of technology
Environmental economics -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Consumer behavior -
Economic forecasting