Design of Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Mikaelian Lens Antenna for K/Ka-Band
Utilizing Polarization Diversity in GBSAR Data-Based Object Classification
Design of Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Mikaelian Lens Antenna for K/Ka-Band
Tailoring Surface Impedance for Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces
Deep Learning Approaches for Object Detection in Short-Range GBSAR Images
Deep Learning Approaches for Object Detection in Short-Range GBSAR Images
Design of Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces Using Resonance Cancellation Method
Near-distance raw and reconstructed ground based SAR data
Impact of Ground Based SAR Parameters on Radar Data Based Object Classification
Glide-Symmetric Holey Metasurface with Enhanced Isotropic Properties Implemented in Mikaelian Lens Design
Ground based SAR system for object classification with parameter optimization based on deep learning feedback algorithm
Ground-based SAR System with Deep Learning Localization and Detection of Vital Signs
On Selection of the Optimal Analysis Method for Cascaded Curved Metasurfaces
Deep Learning Approach for Object Classification on Raw and Reconstructed GBSAR Data
Antennas for implants: design and limitations
Glide-Symmetric Periodic Structures with Enhanced Isotropic Properties
Influence of Uncertainty of Body Permittivity on Achievable Radiation Efficiency of Implantable Antennas – Stochastic Analysis
Higher symmetries in holey structures applied to gap waveguide technology: fundamentals and considerations
LoRaWAN Base Station Improvement for Better Coverage and Capacity
Analysis of Curved Beam-Shaping Metasurfaces
In-body Antennas Design Based on Fundamental Limits of Obtainable Power Density
Design of Short-Range S-band Radar Sensing System for Autonomous Object Classification
Challenges in Using Glide-Symmetric Holey EBG Structures for Gap Waveguide Technology
Polarization Sensitivity of Short-Range S-band Radar Sensing System
Rules of Thumb to Assess Losses of Implanted Antennas
Uncertainty Estimation of Achievable Radiation Efficiency of Implantable Antennas
Radiation Efficiency of Implanted Antennas: Evaluation of Antenna Encapsulation and Position in Different Canonical Body Models
Waveguide Technology Based on Glide-Symmetric Holey Structures: Design Considerations
Design Concerns for In-body Antennas Based on Frequency Analysis of Fundamental Radiation Limitations
Antenna design for a cranial implant
Optimal Frequency of Operation and Radiation Efficiency Limitations of Implantable Antennas
Antenna for a Cranial Implant: Simulation Issues and Design Strategies
Analysis of Curved Metasurfaces Based on Method of Moments
Glide-Symmetric Holey Structures Applied to Waveguide Technology: Design Considerations
Radiation Limitations for Small Implanted Antennas
Analysis of Curved Metasurfaces with Spatially-Varying Impedance Distribution
Fundamental Limits for Implanted Antennas: Maximum Power Density Reaching Free Space
Comparison of different statistical methods for specklegram-based fiber optic vibration sensor
Realization of gap-waveguide leaky wave antenna using low-cost metallization procedure
Electrically small antenna design: from mobile phones to implanted sensors
Modeling of Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Structures
Design Tools for Small Implantable Antennas
Singular value decomposition and application in classification of handwritten characters
Signal-to-noise ratio of arbitrarily filtered spontaneous emission
Modelling Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces Using Sheet Impedances and a Transmission Matrix Formulation
Analysis and Design of Curved Metasurface Structures
Design considerations for implantable and wearable antennas
Propagation Considerations for Implantable Antennas
Temperature-stable LED-based light source without temperature control
Reaching <100 ppm/K output intensity temperature stability with single-color light-emitting diodes
Analysis of Arbitrary Gap-Waveguide Structures Based on Efficient Use of Mode Matching Technique
Design Considerations for Wearable Antennas
Improving the efficiency of implantable antennas
Simple Boundary Condition for Canonical EBG surface: PMC-backed Uniaxial Medium
Fiber-optic vibration sensor for high-power electric machines realized using 3D printing technology
Analysis of Arbitrary Gap Waveguide Structures Using Mode Matching Approach
Ultra-stable LED sources
Temperature dependence of injection-locked Fabry- Pérot laser emission in WDM-PON architectures
Fiber-optic vibration sensor for high-power electric machines
Propagation in Finite Lossy Media: an Application to WBAN
Efficient Analysis of Gap Waveguide Structures through a Mode Matching Approach
Self-Seeded WDM-PON for Next Generation Broadband Access Networks
Portable FBG based optical sensor array
Efficient analysis of gap-waveguide structures through a rigorous mode-matching approach
Simplifying the Design of Complex Electromagnetic Structures Using Green's Functions Based on Asymptotic Boundary Conditions
Constitutive Parameters of Metamaterial Structures Used for Invisible Cloak Realization
Improving series convergency in analysis of conformal antennas
Evaluation of cross-coupling inside gap-waveguides
Analysis of Curved Frequency Selective Reflector Antenna Systems – a Combined Approach
Designing Horn Antennas Based on Variable Metasurface Concept
Interrogating FBG based temperature sensors — Practical issues
Analytical Modeling and Experimental Verification of Coupling Between Transmission Lines in Gap-waveguides
Acceleration of Series Summation Encountered in the Analysis of Conformal Antennas
Acceleration of Series Summation Encountered in the Analysis of Conformal Antennas and Periodic Structures
Application of Complex Conical Beams in Reflector System Analysis
Non-uniform Metasurface Luneburg Lens Antenna Design
Highly tapered, uniform phased horn based on variable impedance lens effect
New type of horn based on variable metasurface
Analytic approach to the analysis of ridge and groove gap waveguides - Comparison of two methods
Metasurfing : Addressing Waves on Impenetrable Metasurfaces
Modelling EBG Surfaces Using Amended DB Boundary Conditions
Improving the convergence of double series summation encountered in the analysis of curved frequency selective surfaces
Controlling the Path of Electromagnetic Waves Inside Parallel Plate Waveguides Using Periodic Surfaces
The PMC-Amended DB Boundary – A Canonical EBG Surface
Modeling of canonical surfaces used for mutual coupling reduction
Analysis of conformal arrays using spectral domain approach — Comparison of different asymptotic extraction methods
Analysis of Crosstalk in Optical Couplers and Associated Vulnerabilities
Acceleration of Spectral Domain Analysis Method for Conformal Antennas
Efficient spectral domain Green's function analysis of novel metamaterial bandgap guiding structures
Gain Competition in Optical Amplifiers: A Case Study
Efficiency of Acceleration Techniques Applied to Conformal Antenna Analysis
Construction of Green’s Functions of Parallel Plates with Periodic Texture with Application to Gap Waveguides – A Plane Wave Spectral Domain Approach
Efficient Analysis of Curved Frequency Selective Surfaces
Novel Photonic Guiding Structures - Analysis and Measurements
Specialty Optical Fibers: Analysis and Characterization
Efficient analysis of aperture antennas on generally shaped convex multilayered surfaces using a hybrid SD-UTD method
Local Wave Green’ s Functions of Parallel Plate Metamaterial-Based Gap Waveguides with One Hard Wall
Efficient Hybrid Analysis Method of Curved Frequency Selective Surfaces
Study of Mutual Coupling Between Circular Stacked-Patch Antennas on a Sphere
Rigorous and approximate analysis of curved frequency selective surfaces
Hybrid method for the analysis of curved electromagnetic structures
Fiber-optic vibration sensor based on multimode fiber
Cost effective FBG based optical sensor
Optical sensor system for vibration measuring
New Types of Optical Fibers - Analysis and Design
Analysis of curved frequency selective surfaces
Modeling of Photonic Crystal Fibers
Application of Hybrid SD-UTD Method in the Analysis of Singly and Doubly Curved Convex Arrays
Cost effective FBG based optical sensor
Curved frequency selective surfaces analysis based on sub-array approach
Modeling conformal antennas using a hybrid spectral domain - UTD method
Hybrid spectral domain - UTD method applied to conformal antenna analysis
Performance analysis of spherical patch arrays
University undergraduate
- Communication Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Communication Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Optoelectronics (Lecturer in charge)
- Optoelectronics (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Project (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Project (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Project E (Lecturers)
- Project E (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Communication Systems Practicum (Lecturer in charge)
- Measurements in Communication Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Optical Communication Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Optical Communication Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Remote Sensing (Lecturer in charge)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Research Seminar (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
- Laboratory of Electronics 2 (Laboratory exercises)
- Laboratory of Wireless Technologies 1 (Laboratory exercises)
- Optical Networks (Laboratory exercises)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Advanced modulation methods (Lecturer in charge)
- Optical fiber communication and sensor systems (Lecturer in charge)
Aerospace and electronic systems
Doppler radar Ground penetrating radar Laser radar Millimeter wave radar MIMO radar Radar detection Radar imaging Radar remote sensing Synthetic aperture radar Inverse synthetic aperture radar Sensor systems -
Antennas and propagation
Antennas Antenna arrays Frequency selective surfaces Microwave antennas Radar antennas Satellite antennas Optical propagation Optical waveguides -
Geoscience and remote sensing
Radar Doppler radar Ground penetrating radar Laser radar Millimeter wave radar MIMO radar Radar detection Radar imaging Radar measurements Radar remote sensing Radar tracking Synthetic aperture radar Inverse synthetic aperture radar Remote sensing -
Optical fiber sensors Optoelectronic and photonic sensors -
Signal processing
Radar signal processing -
Vehicular and wireless technologies
Wireless sensor networks Body sensor networks -
Circuits and systems
Injection-locked oscillators Microwave oscillators -
Communications technology
Optical communication equipment Optical transmitters Optical receivers Optical transmitters Software defined networking Visible light communication Mobile communication 5G mobile communication Software radio Optical fiber communication Free-space optical communication Optical fiber networks Visible light communication Optical modulation Electrooptic modulators -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Intelligent systems Autonomous systems -
Instrumentation and measurement
Optical fiber testing -
Lasers and electrooptics
Optical sensors