- Bibliography (CROSBI)
- List of select publications
- Biography
- Teaching
- Professional memberships
- Personal data
- List of select projects
- Past employments
- Mario Essert, Ivana Kuzmanović, Ivan Vazler, Tihomir Žilić, Theory of M-system, Logic Journal of the IGPL, Oxford University Press, 2017/10, Vol. 5, p. 836-858
- Tihomir Zilic, Mario Essert, Juraj Benic, Ivana Kuzmanovic, Universal M-Valued logic, Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Wichy, France, 2018/6, p. 464
- Marko Orešković, Sandra Lovrenčić, Mario Essert, Croatian Network Lexicon within the Syntactic and Semantic Framework and LLOD Cloud, International Journal of Lexicography, 2019/6, Vol. 32., p. 207-227
- Kristina Despot, Mirjana Tonković, Mario Essert, Mario Brdar, Benedikt Perak, Ana Ostroški Anić, Bruno Nahod, Ivan Pandžić, MetaNet. HR, Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019/8, Vol. 8
- Marko Orešković, Juraj Benić, Mario Essert, The Network Integrator of Croatian Lexicographical Resources, Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 6-10, 2016, p. 267-272
Mario Essert is a retired professor since 2019, after 40 years of work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb. He founded several study programs in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Mathematics. Since 2004, he served as an outside collaborator at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in the city of Osijek.
He was the principal leader or collaborator on several scientific projects in Croatia, as well as a collaborator on projects directed by distinguished international experts: professor Zvonimir Janko at the Mathematisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg and Professor Krešimir Veselić at the FernUniversität in Hagen, both in Germany.
He published the results of his research in scientific journals in the fields of Mathematics, Computer Science and Robotics, https://scholar.google.hr/citations?user=82HlzSIAAAAJ. In the recent years, he was intensively working in applications of computers in Croatian linguistics.
University undergraduate
- M-numbers (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
Professional memberships
01. Essert, Mario
The Word of the Lord Runs
Bible Today, ISSN 1331-5757, 2005
02. Essert, Mario
Treasure on the Internet
Bible Today, ISSN 1331-5757, 2005
03. Essert, Mario; Katelenic, Andjelko
BIBLE 3 with interactive concordance for PCs (computer program on CD) 2002
04. Essert, Mario
Internet view of the monastery
Consecrated Life, Zagreb, 2002
05. Essert, Mario
Internet in the service of the Church
CATECHESIS - a journal for religious education in school and catechesis. 23rd
(2001), 4; 410-421
06. Essert, Mario; Katalenic, Andjelko
Breviary for the People of God (program on CD),
HILP, Zadar, 2001
07. Essert, Mario
Religious teachers between home, class, parish and church with fewer and fewer children,
Đakovački Vjesnik, 1996
08. Essert, Mario
Is and why is the regular church offer (un)interesting to men?
Đakovački vjesnik, 1995
Membership in associations:
■ He has been a member of the Society of Friends of the Glagolitic alphabet since 1994.
■ He has been a member of the Croatian Catholic Society of Educators (HKDPD) since 1993 and its president from 1997-1999.
He was in the HKDPD Directorate again from 2003-2006.
■ He was a member of the University Teachers' Club of the University of Zagreb, from 1985 until his retirement.
Personal data
List of select projects
■ 2002-2005 • Web kolaboracijski sustav
suradnici: mr. Josip Grilec, Bojan Mauser, dipl. inž.
MZOS 0120-056
■ 2003-2004 • Interaktivno on-line programiranje
suradnici: mr. Josip Grilec, Bojan Mauser, dipl. inž.
IT projekt IT-2003-037
■ 1992-1994 • Računalna matematika u tehničkom okolišu
suradnici: mr. Josip Grilec, Bojan Mauser, student FSB-a
MZT, br. 2-06-425
■ 2014-2017 • Croatian Metaphor Repository
voditelj - dr. sc. Kristina Štrkalj Despot
■ 2007-2010 • Optimalno upravljanje energijom u fluidnoj tehnici
i elektromehaničkim sustavima
voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Željko Šitum
■ 1987-1990 • Konačne matematičke strukture i njihove primjene
voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Ćepulić Međusveučilišna suradnja Kijev - Zagreb
■ 1988-1990 • Istraživanje blokovnih nacrta, algoritmi i programi njihove konstrukcije
voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Ćepulić
Međunarodna suradnja s NR Kinom (međudržavni ugovor),
Matematički odjel Sveučilišta u Hangzhou - ETF Zagreb
■ 1986-1988 • Istraživanje matematičkih struktura s pomoću računala voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Ćepulić
Međusveučilisna suradnja Mainz - Zagreb
■ 1986-1988 • Geometrijska struktura i modeli voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Federico Dusman
SIZ za znanost - prioritetni projekt
■ 1986-1988 • Modeliranje i upravljanje objekata i procesa voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Tugomir Šurina
U sklopu projekta SIZA-a za znanost "Razvoj strojarskih i metalurških tvorevina u konceptu njihove računalom integrirane proizvodnje"
■ 1984-1986 • Kompjutorsko upravljanje
voditelj - prof.dr.sc. Tugomir Šurina SIZ za znanost
Past employments
1977-1978 • SOUR "Rade Končar", Technical Office, researcher
1978-1984 • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (FSB), assistant
1984 • Registered in the register of researchers, under registration number 073841
1984-1989 • FSB, research assistant
1989-1995 • FSB, assistant professor
1991 • ETF Z-01-490 / 1-1991 dated 22 November 1991, senior research associate in the field of computer science
1995-2000 • FSB, Associate Professor
2000-2005 • FSB, Associate Professor (re-election)
2004-2019 • MathOS University of Osijek, external associate
2006 • April 25 elected scientific advisor
2006-2011 • FSB, full professor
2008-2012 • EFOS University of Osijek, external associate
2011-2019 • FSB, full professor
2019 • retired professor
■ graduated in 1977 • Faculty of Electrical Engineering Zagreb,
Teleprinter connection to microprocessor
(84 pages; Defense: December 21, 1977)
mentor: Prof.dr.sc. Gabro Smiljanic
■ Master's degree in 1982 • Faculty of Electrical Engineering Zagreb,
Development of a signal processing program on a computer
(96 pages; Defense: April 26, 1982)
mentor: Prof.dr.sc. Hrvoje Babić
■ PhD in 1987 • Faculty of Electrical Engineering Zagreb,
Biplane construction algorithms
(148 pages; defense: May 13, 1987)
mentor: Prof.dr.sc. Vladimir Ćepulić