Revolutionizing Software Development: Autonomous Software Evolution
Detecting Deception Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning in Datasets on COVID-19 and Climate Change
Learning with Conversational AI and Personas : A Systematic Literature Review
Explainable AI in the Real World: Challenges and Opportunities
Designing Educational Personas using Generative AI
Cardano - What Is It and How to Start Working with It
System for Semi-Automated Literature Review Based on Machine Learning
Investigating the different facets of student engagement during augmented reality use in primary school
Analysis of discussion data
Exploring group interactions in synchronous mobile computer-supported learning activities
Application for tracking chronic diseases
Making synchronous CSCL work: a widget-based learning system with group work support
Identifying Reading Styles from E-book Log Data
Support for knowledge assessment in STEM education using ELARS recommender system
Web application for demonstration of genetic programming
E-book User Modelling through Learning Analytics: The Case of Learner Engagement and Reading Styles
Web application for recommendation of social events
Mobile Learning System for Enabling Collaborative and Adaptive Pedagogies with Modular Digital Learning Contents
Supporting Teachers in Group Work Formation and Analytics for In-class Group Activities
Web application for financial planning
Web application for evaluation of first aid lecturers and demonstrators
Web application for learning Python
The development of shared graphical user interaces and iOS interfaces in In.Form mobile learning application
Designing and Implementing Seamless Learning with Teachers
System for reservation of sport objects
Web site for association
Digital games and tools for development of computational thinking in primary school
Group Formation and Grading in Learning Analytics Platform
Web Portal for Healthy Diet
Comparison of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Mathematical Methods in Cryptocurrency Price Prediction
The Use of Computational Thinking Concepts in Early Primary School
Web Application for Learning Musical Concepts
Examining Competitive, Collaborative and Adaptive Gamification in Young Learners' Math Learning
Web Application for Submission and Grading of Homework
Identifying Patterns in Computational Thinking Problem Solving in Early Primary Education
Web Application for Analysis of Forum Messages using User Personality Information
Application and Comparison of Heuristic Optimization Methods in Solving the Labyrinth Problem
Multiplatform system for improvement of learning in early primary school education based on digital interactive contents, gamification and adaptivity to the student
A Review of Research on Bridging the Gap between Formal and Informal Learning with Technology in Primary School Contexts
Web Application for Learning Geography
System for Forecast of Cryptocurrencies Value Change Based on Neural Networks
Application for Collaborative Mathematics Learning
Web Application for Scouts
Development of a Software Module for Augmented Reality Collaborative Learning
Learning Basic Programming Concepts Using Blocks
A Design-Based Approach to Developing a Mobile Learning System
System for Location-Based User Communication
Where does my Augmented Reality Learning Experience (ARLE) belong? A student and teacher perspective to positioning ARLEs
Gamified Digital Math Lessons for Lower Primary School Students
Learning with Gamification, Collaboration and Augmented Reality Technology
Analyzing Heterogeneous Learning Logs using the Iterative Convergence Method
Extension of a Digital Lessons System with Modules for Interactive Group Work and Adaptivity
Development of Application for Analitics and Prediction of Learning Results Based on Intelligent Algorithms
Mobile Application for Queue Management
Enabling Synchronous Collaboration in Web Mobile Learning Applications
Synchronous Collaborative Mathematics Learning in Early Primary School Grades: Challenges and Opportunities
Module for Promotion and Integration with Social Networks in a Web Portal
Improving the design of a mCSCL Chinese character forming game with a distributed scaffolding design framework
Adaptivity in Synchronous Mobile Collaborative Learning
Car rental website
Physician Office Web Site
Food Delivery Web Application
How Learners of Different Learning Styles Collaborate in a Mobile-Assisted Chinese Character Game Based on Flexible Grouping
Monadic Parser Combinator Library for OCaml Programming Language
Residential Building Web Site
Car Insurer Support Sistem
Designing Extensible and Flexible Augmented Mobile Learning Digital Lessons
Web Shop Development
Interest Recommender System Based on Public User Data
Dynamic Groups for Digital Content for Collaborative Learning
Car Rental Web Site
Bridging Formal and Informal Learning with the Use of Mobile Technology
A story of SCOLLAm: mobile and collaborative learning on tablet computers in one primary school in Croatia
Connecting virtual and real worlds: a report on the use of augmented reality in primary school education
Building Mobile technologies for Seamless Learning
Web Site for Small Accommodation Rentals
Keynote: Building Mobile technologies for Seamless Learning
Module for Digital Lesson Metadata Management
Integration of Augmented Reality Learning Experiences into a Wider Learning Management System for Tablets
The development of shared graphical user interaces and iOS interfaces in In.Form mobile learning application
The application of information and communication technology in primary and secondary schools in Croatia
Developing a multiplatform solution for mobile learning
Preparing Augmented Reality Learning Content should be easy: UNED ARLE- An Authoring Tool for Augmented Reality Learning Environments
The development of core modules, Windows tablet and Android interfaces in In.Form mobile learning application
User interface development for monitoring and control of networked computer resources
Use of Tablet Computers in Primary Schools
The experiences of setting up, developing and implementing a mobile learning project in Croatia
Car insurance web application
Usage of a mobile social learning platform with virtual badges in a primary school
The development of iOS SamEx mobile learning application
Exploring technology supported collaborative and cooperative group formation mechanisms
SCOLLAm portal extension
Photo studio management application
Design of an IPTV client application
A tale of two mobile learning journeys with smartphones and tablets: the interplay of technology and implementation change
Web application for real time group communication
Technology trends in mobile computer supported collaborative learning in elementary education from 2009 to 2014
Panel at e-book workshop
An interactive web application for Internet safety
Developing a system for displaying Augmented Reality Learning Experiences on tablet computers
Graphic user interfaces for the In.Form application
The Potential of Collaborative Mobile Learning: Experiences from a Design-Based Research Cycle in Singapore Schools
Exploring self-directed learning and the role of virtual badges in a mobile social learning platform
Tuition centre management application
A Learning Environment for Augmented Reality Mobile Learning
We are going to the ZOO! Virtual Badges in Formal out-of-school 1:1 Learning Journey with Smartphones
AuGeo: A geolocation-based augmented reality application for vocational geodesy education
Web application for collaborative mind map creation
Development of an application for creating and editing digital lessons
Food diary based on augmented reality for Andorid mobile devices
Web application with exercises for interactive learning of mathematics and language
Komunikator system for people with the autistic spectrum disorder
How can Badges be Used in Seamless Mobile Learning
Application for learning geodesy using augmented reality
Web application for collaborative learning through multimedia sharing
Development of a client application for digital lesson viewing
Application for context-aware museum exhibit information display
Exploration of Learning Badges and Self-directing Learning in a Seamless Mobile Learning Project
Educational mobile game for Andorid
Mobile interactive tourist guide through Losinj
Application for designing digital picture books for children with autism
Extension of the application for designing digital picture books for children with autism
Exploring Educational Benefits of Introducing Aspect-Oriented Programming into a Programming Course
How Flexible Grouping Affects the Collaborative Patterns in a Mobile-Assisted Chinese Character Learning Game?
Implementation of the FAO application for Android operating system
Extension of the SamEx web experiential learning application
Learning and social analytics in online learning systems
Traffic jam overview application for Android mobile devices
Web application for the Communicator system for children with autism
The Challenges of Transforming Teaching and Assessment of Programming
Extension of the application for designing digital picture books for children with autism
SamEx experiential mobile learning application for Android
The development of an audio synthesizer
The development of an audio synthesizer
Extension of the SamEx web experiential learning application
Designing Technology for Content-Independent Collaborative Mobile Learning
Social events application for Android mobile devices
TET 3D web application for managing outdoor learning
Impact of Aspect-Oriented Programming on the Quality of Novices’ Programs: A Comparative Study
Web application for the Communicator system for children with autism
Traffic jam overview application for Android mobile devices
Corporate event management application
TET 3D web application for managing outdoor learning
Social events application for Android mobile devices
Application for designing digital picture books for children with autism
Corporate event management application
SamEx experiential mobile learning application for Android
Implementation of the Chinese-PP application for Android operating system
The Impacts of Flexible Grouping in a Mobile- Assisted Game-based Chinese Character Learning Approach
Leveraging Social Networks to Increase Motivation in Learning Programming
A Moodle e-learning module for computer program quality assessment
Interaktivna mobilna aplikacija za učenje algoritama sortiranja Sortko
VOIP call analysis program
Experiences in Implementing and Using a Technological Framework for Mobile Collaborative Learning of Mathematics and Chinese
A framework for development of computer games
Sortko: Learning Sorting Algorithms with Mobile Devices
Collaboration modules of eSTUDENT association’s central information system
Database and user modules of eSTUDENT association’s central information system
Computer user activities monitor application
Application for law firm support
Improving the Scaffolds of a Mobile-assisted Chinese Character Forming Game via a Design-based Research Cycle
Improving the Teacher, Peer and Technological Scaffolds of a Mobile-assisted Chinese Character Forming Game with the SCAPE Framework
MyCould platform for mobile and ubiquitous learning
Library management application
ColInq: A System for Collaborative Inquiry Learning with Mobile Devices
Tool for web browser extension design
Application for learning sorting algorithms on Android mobile devices
Aplikacija za podršku veterinarskoj ambulanti
Mobile application for public transport planning
Designing Content-Independent Mobile Learning Technology: Learning Fractions and Chinese Language
Supporting Mobile Collaborative Activities through Scaffolded Flexible Grouping
A system for language learning with mobile devices through collaboration
Programska komponenta za sinkronu i asinkronu suradnju u inteligentnom sustavu za računalno podržano učenje
A Mixed Method Approach to Quietly Capturing the Evidence of Seamless Learning with Mobile Devices
Programska aplikacija za vođenje ordinacije liječnika psihologa
M2Learn Open Framework: Developing Mobile Collaborative and Social Applications
Can one-to-one computing help children learn cooperatively?
Doing collaboration and learning fractions with mobile devices
Work in Progress: Support for Mobile Collaborative Learning Applications
M2Learn framework: How to facilitate the development of mobile collaborative context-aware applications
Inquiry learning mobile application
Inquiry learning web application
Video store application
The implementation of interactive computer games
Nastavnička komponenta za podršku aktivnostima sinkrone i asinkrone suradnje u inteligentnom sustavu za računalom podržano učenje AHyCo.
Korištenje paralelizma pri razvoju aplikacija
Application for commercial company revision
Context - Awareness and Distributed Events in Mobile Learning
A system architecture for a context – aware blended mobile learning environment
Application for medical practitioner?s office administration
A Blended Learning Approach to Course Design and Implementation
Learning environment supported by communication mobile devices
Portal za pregled informacija o knjigama s mogućnošću interakcije korisnika
Moduli za operativno planiranje prehrane i materijalno poslovanje u aplikaciji "Prehrana hrvatskog vojnika u 21. stoljeću"
Distance learning software
Application for small tourist rental agencies
Nadogradnja sustava AHyCo programom za prikaz informacija o nastavnicima, studentima i ispitima u stvarnom vremenu
Aplikacija za zaštitu autorskih prava na digitalnim slikama
Using mobile devices to entice the social component of learning
E-commerce program based on .NETNuke portal
Mobile device based application for real life situation simulation
Travel management program for mobile devices
Portal za razmjenu rabljenih CD-a i ploča temeljen na Web 2.0 tehnologiji
Ostvarivanje grupnog rada i asinkrone komunikacije korištenjem sustava za podršku učenju MILE
Interactive internet newspaper browser
Information systems for business intelligence in banking
Module for online assessment in AHyCo learning management system
Aplikacija za podršku hotelskom poslovanju
Korištenje lokacijskih servisa i razmjena binarnih sadržaja pomoću sustava za podršku učenju MILE
Online assesment of programming assignments in a learning managment system AHyCo
Lociranje objekata u bežičnoj komunikacijskoj mreži
Evaluation of .NET 3.0 and 3.5 framework in graphical and communication programs
Introducing adaptivity and collaborative support into a Web-based LMS
Knowledge Assessment at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Web based database of products and services by croatian ICT industry
Interakcija i kolaboracija u okolini za učenje
Internetska stranica za podršku učenju kroz zajednički rad
The analysis of student activity by the automatic evaluation of programming assignments in an online learning environment
Programska aplikacija "Prehrana vojnika u 21. stoljeću" (PHV-21)
Izvješćivanje i izrada tiskanica u okviru poslovnog sustava nabave
Mobile and interactive learning environment
Aplikacija za poduzeće za opskrbu plinom, evidenciju stanja potrošača te podršku terenskom radu
Specifičnosti materijala za učenje pri mobilnom učenju
Aplikacija za praćenje osnovnih sredstava
Internetska aplikacija za podršku manjim i srednjim turističkim iznajmljivačima smještajnih kapaciteta
Složene klijentske aplikacije za podršku poslovnim procesima
Introducing Location - Awareness into a Learning Environment Supported by Mobile Devices
Introducing of Spatial Density in Learning Environment Supported by Mobile Devices
Programska podrška projektnom načinu izvođenja nastave
Mobilni klijenti u mobilnom učenju
Programska potpora poslovnom sustavu planiranja
Algoritam planiranja puta u inteligentnom transportnom sustavu
Arhitektura sustava za anketiranje i praćenje usvajanja znanja u učionici
Analiza podataka o prehrani velikog broja osoba
Organizacija prehrane na distribuiranim lokacijama
Mobilno učenje i nastava potpomognuta mobilnim uređajima
Razmjena nastavno orijentiranih podataka u sustavu s heterogenim elementima
Using educational portals and integration with LMS
AHyCo portal
Multimedijska podrška adaptivnom hipermedijskom sustavu za učenje
An Approach to Online Collaborative Learning using AHyCo LMS
AHyCo(Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware) LMS (Learning Managment System)
University undergraduate
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Lecturer in charge)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Lecturer in charge)
- Application development using C# programming language (Lecturer in charge)
- Programming Paradigms and Languages (Lecturer in charge)
- User Experience and User Interface Design (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Web Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- Web Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Digital Education (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Research Seminar (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Computer supported education (Lecturer in charge)
Computers and information processing
Learning management systems Software -
Algorithms Software algorithms -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Learning (artificial intelligence) Distance learning Electronic learning Learning systems -
Learning management systems Electronic learning Mobile learning -
Communications technology
Mobile learning