Interactive multi-criteria search of open data portals
Extending the OpenRefine tool functionality
Monitoring the transport conditions of temperature-sensitive goods using blockchain technology and smart contracts
Synchronization Algorithms in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Digital Identity Based on Blockchain Technology
Automated Assessment of the Spatial Accuracy of Nature Observation Datasets
Impact of Key Scrum Role Locations in Student Distributed Software Development Projects
Agent-Based Medical Image Processing Using Multi-stage Distributed Neural Network
Framework for Federated Learning Open Models in e Government Applications
Flipped Classroom Real-World Activities for Learning Open Computing Concepts
LoRa/LoRaWAN; intermittent network connectivity; robust data collection; energy efficiency
Federated Learning Over Data Streams
Sensor Network Based on ESP32 Microcontrollers and LoRa Communication Technology
Measuring the performance of the Apache Beam platform in the processing of spatial and temporal data flows
Distributed Process Status Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus
System Resilience Based on Distributed Deep Neural Network with Early Exit
Dynamic Scheduling of Contextually Categorised Internet of Things Services in Fog Computing Environment
Remote access to metering station measurement data
Leader election algorithms in distributed embedded systems
Hand Movement Recognition with ESP32 Microcontroller Based System
Resilience of Complex Internet of Things Systems in a Fog Computing Environment
Application of the FedAvg Algorithm in Remote Data Collection Systems
A System for over-the-Air Firmware Updates on Large-Scale LoRaWAN Networks
Performance Measurement of the Apache Beam Platform in Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data Streams
Introducing Open Data Concepts to STEM Students Using Real-World Open Datasets
Federated Learning as a Tool for Open Machine Learning Models in eGovernment
Federated Learning in Embedded Systems
Dew Intelligence: Federated learning perspective
Benchmarking Apache Beam for IoT Applications
Smart Surface Based on Pressure-Sensitive Textile
Open computing - Laboratory exercises manual
Visualizing dissemination status of new firmware versions in Internet of things systems
Security and Privacy in Internet of Things based on Blockchain Technology
Domain Specific Languages for the Internet of Things
Data literacy in the sector of agriculture of Croatia: Learning about and with open data
Data Collection in LPWAN LoRa Networks Based on Message Queue Systems
Survey on Low Power Wide Area Networks in IoT
Evaluation of selected technologies for the implementation of meter data management system
Distributed Deep Learning in Fog Computing
Dissemination of New Software Versions in LoRa-Based Systems
Docker-Based System for Performing Laboratory Exercises
Linked Open Data Streams
Self-Organization and Self-Adaptability in LoRaWAN Networks
Performance Comparison of the Ethereum Blockchain on Heterogeneous Hardware
Distributed CAN Bus-Based System for Process Control
Determining and visualizing the position of objects in space using accelerometers
Control of Model Elements Using Mobile Phone and Bluetooth LE Technology
Communication Protocols for Sensor Networks Based on NB-IoT Technology
Crowdsourcing Techniques for Cognitive, Socio-Cognitive and Affective Computing
Assessment of the Robustness of Socio-Technical Systems by Analyzing the Properties of Complex Network-Based Models
Algorithms for Energy Consumption Management In Smart Homes
Human-Device Interaction Scenarios Using Voice User Interface
Utilizing Distributed Ledger Technologies for Internet of Things Applications
Data Stream Markets
Deep Learning Techniques on Graph-Structured Data
Motif-Based Spectral Clustering Algorithms
Modeling the Characteristics of Metering Points for Efficient Transfer and Storage of Data
Project Work Division in Agile Distributed Student Teams - Who Develops What?
Resilience of Distributed Student Teams to Stress Factors: a Longitudinal Case-study
Assessing compression algorithms on IoT sensor nodes
Interactive Surfaces Based on Smart Textile
Managing Diversity in Distributed Software Development Education — A Longitudinal Case Study
Assessing the Impact of the Distributed Software Development Course on the Careers of Young Software Engineers
Managing a Home Media Center Using a Voice User Interface
Control of Railway Model Elements by Using Voice User Interface
Distribution of CAP Notifications Using Amazon Echo Device Family
Sensor Node Based on NB-IoT Communication Technology
Estimating the Efficiency of Transferring Compressed Data Over an Unreliable Communication Channel
Measurement of communication channel throughput for LoRa technology
Communication Protocol Family for Bi-Directional Data Distribution in LoRa Wireless Networks
System for Conducting Laboratory Exercises Based on Computer Virtualization
Machine Learning Based Large-Scale Network Analysis
System for Assessment of Communication Channel Quality in LoRa- based Distributed Systems
Home Automatization Based on Open Source Solutions
Life-Cycle Management of Docker Containers
System for Visualization of Spatially Distributed Objects
Team resilience in distributed student projects
Hall of Fame Nomination Paper: Distributed Software Development Course
Vulnerability of dynamic complex networks with local dependencies and recovery process
Application models for ubiquitous systems with sporadic communication availability
Architecture of an Interoperable IoT Platform Based on Microservices
Private cloud solution based on the OpenStack platform
Exploring Students’ Happiness in Distributed Software Projects
Introducing SCRUM into a Distributed Software Development Course
Waiting for penguins - teaching in the distributed environment
Location based content delivery based on Bluetooth beacons
Energy harvesting methods in wireless sensor networks
Recommender systems in ubiquituous computing
Virtual Piano based on the Raspberry Pi platform
Substructures in complex networks with temporally and spatially dependant connections
Indoor ambiental parameter monitoring using wireless sensor network
Monitoring of mobile object parameters on mobile devices equipped with Bluetooth interface
Management of a computer grid based on low-cost embedded computers
Communication between mobile devices and wireless sensor networks
Parallelizing MPEG Decoder with Scalable Streaming Computation Kernels
User – application interaction based on gesture recognition
Interaction with objects in augmented reality based on hand gesture recognition
Open Data Sources
Picking the Right Project: Assigning Student Teams in a GSD Course
Multi-dimensional Assessment of Risks in a Distributed Software Development Course
Storage and retrieval of spatial temporal data from wireless sensor networks
Gesture interaction with objects in augmented reality
Rendering of dynamic objects in Augmented reality
Communication between mobile devices and wireless sensor networks
Visualization of data sources in augmented reality
Secure Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
Tool for visualization of wireless sensor network
A Framework for simulation of wireless sensor networks in dynamically changing environment
Wireless Sensor Network Gateway
Collaboration Patterns in Distributed Software Development Projects
Open Computing - Exercises
Interaction With Objects in Augmented Reality
Scenario Description Language in Multi-agent Simulation System
Avoiding Scylla and Charybdis in Distributed Software Development Course
Scenario-Based Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems
Wireless Sensor Network for Tracking Parameters in Enclosed Spaces
Student Motivation in Distributed Software Development Projects
Evaluating Open-Source Cloud Computing Solutions
Business intelligence and electronic commerce
Customers' Role in Teaching Distributed Software Development
SmartX National Student Card System
European initiative for academic card application standardization
SDLMAS: A Scenario Modeling Framework for Multi-Agent Systems
Wireless Sensor Network ofr Waste Monitoring
Scenario Description Language for Multi-agent Systems
System architecture of a new national student card in Croatia
System architecture of a new national student card in Croatia
Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Water Resources
Wireless Sensor Network Adaptability Based On Artificial Immune System
Distributed Learning and Collaboration in the Distributed Software Development
An Artificial Immune System Approach to News Article Recommendation
Inter-Agent Communication: A Cost-Reduction Approach Using an Autonomous Mobile Mailbox
Adapting Paintable Architecture Concepts to Wireless Sensor Networks
Autonomous Mobile Mailbox Model for Communication Cost Reduction
Autonomous Mobile Mailbox Model for Communication Cost Reduction
Taking Global Software Development from Industry to University and Back Again
On the Teaching of Distributed Software Development
Autonomous Mobile Objects in CORBA-Based Distributed Systems
Adaptive Object Oriented Distributed Computer Systems
Concurrent Access to Remote Instrumentation in CORBA-Based Distributed Environment
The Virtual Laboratory Project
CORBA-Based Remote Instrumentation
Remote Access to GPIB-Based Equipment Using Public Computer Networks
Remote Instrument Access Using Remote Method Calls
University undergraduate
- Open Computing (Lecturer in charge)
- Open Computing (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Open Computing (Lecturer in charge)
- Web Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- Web Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Distributed Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- Distributed Software Development (Lecturer in charge)
- Laboratory of Computer Engineering 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Ubiquitous Computing (Lecturer in charge)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Ubiquitous Computing (Lecturer in charge)
Computers and information processing
Internet of Things Network theory (graphs) Object oriented methods Object oriented programming Wearable Computers Distributed computing Open systems Pervasive computing Software agents Software engineering -
Communications technology
Internet of Things Web services Wireless sensor networks
Professional memberships
IEEE, ACM, KES International