Double-layer Microgrid Energy Management System for Strategic Short-Term Operation Scheduling
Optimal Primary Frequency Reserve Provision by an Aggregator Considering Nonlinear Unit Dynamics
Multi-energy balancing services provision from a hybrid power plant: PV, battery, and hydrogen technologies
Learning a reward function for user-preferred appliance scheduling
Analysis of the possibility of modeling resources on the distribution network in calculations for congestion relief
A method for deriving battery one-way efficiencies
Solving Bilevel Optimal Bidding Problems Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Mathematical Morphology-Based Fault Detection in Radial DC Microgrids Considering Fault Current from VSC
Determination of Lithium-Ion Battery Capacity for Practical Applications
A Method for Quantifying Battery’s Fast Charging Ability and Application to Different Lithium-Ion Chemistries
Modeling of characteristics and methodology for testing lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicle applications
Benefits of an Advanced AC OPF Model in the Croatian Transmission Network
Development of a LabVIEW-Based Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for Demand Response Laboratory
Fast frequency control service provision from active neighborhoods: Opportunities and challenges
Solving Bilevel AC OPF Problems by Smoothing the Complementary Conditions – Part I: Model Description and the Algorithm
The Impact of Providing Balancing Services with Electrolyzers on Power and Hydrogen Balancing Responsible Groups
Artificial Neural Network for High-Impedance-Fault Detection in DC Microgrids
Solving Bilevel AC OPF Problems by Smoothing the Complementary Conditions – Part II: Solution Techniques and Case Study
One-way voltaic and energy efficiency analysis for lithium-ion batteries
Incorporating Settling Time Constraints of Energy Storage Systems in Frequency Containment Control Optimization Problems
Day-ahead Energy and Balancing Capacity Bidding Considering Balancing Energy Market Uncertainty
Study of SCD function adjustment using simulation optimization system
Stacked Revenues Maximization of Distributed Battery Storage Units Via Emerging Flexibility Markets
Day-ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using LSTM Networks
Electric vehicle charging station fault detection: a machine learning approach
Analysis of aFRR and mFRR Balancing Capacity & Energy Demands and Bid Curves
Modeling of an Active Household under Different Tariffs
Cost Sensitivity Analysis to Uncertainty in Demand and Renewable Energy Sources Forecasts
Interaction between the Distribution System Operator and the Battery Storage Operator for Flexibility Procurement Services
Analysis of balancing services (reserve) markets in Europe
Optimal Bidding for a Large Battery-Electrolyzer Facility in the Day-ahead Market
Electric Vehicle Aggregator as an Automatic Reserves Provider under Uncertain Balancing Energy Procurement
Hydro Power Unit Speed Control Based on an MPC Algorithm
Laboratory Setup for Stability and Optimization Studies of Hybrid Microgrids
The effects of household automation and dynamic electricity pricing on consumers and suppliers
Analysis of possible revenues of the hybrid plant of solar power plant and battery storage through the participation of the battery storage in the Croatian energy and reserve markets
Learning Indoor Temperature Predictions for Optimal Load Ensemble Control
Adaptive Synthetic Inertia Control Framework for Distributed Energy Resources in Low-Inertia Microgrid
PV–battery-hydrogen plant: Cutting green hydrogen costs through multi-market positioning
A novel primary frequency control framework for multi-area power systems containing battery energy storage systems
Multi-market Participation of a Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen Facility with Battery Storage
Review of Different Optimization Techniques for Charging and Market Participation of Electric Vehicles
Assessing the impact of offshore wind siting strategies on the design of the European power system
Operational Model of a RES Plant Coupled with Battery Storage Considering the Imbalance Settlement
Fault response in microgrids with fuel cells
Energy-Storage Modeling: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Directions
Coordinated Synthetic Inertia Control Provision from Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Storage Systems
Three-Phase SRF PLL Model for System Frequency Response Studies in Low-Inertia Systems
A multi-state control strategy for battery energy storage based on the state-of-charge and frequency disturbance conditions
Optimal operation of the electrolyzer-battery-pv power plant participating in the energy and reserve markets
Laboratory Testbed for Advanced Grid Applications of Interconnected Battery Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grids
Pricing Algorithms in Short-term and Long-term Power Markets
Techno-economic Assessment for Battery Storage Installation in Zagreb
Fault Detection in DC Microgrids Using Short-Time Fourier Transform
Tight Robust Formulation for Uncertain Reserve Activation of an Electric Vehicle Aggregator
Model Predictive Control in Hydro Turbine Power Control
Robust state estimation of electricity‐gas‐heat integrated energy system based on the bilinear transformations
Fault Detection in DC Microgrids using Recurrent Neural Networks
A Model Predictive Control Approach to Operation Optimization of an Ultracapacitor Bank for Frequency Control
Convex Polar Second-Order Taylor Approximation of AC Power Flows: A Unit Commitment Study
Optimal power system operation and planning of investments in new lines, energy storage and continuous serial compensation of power lines
Study of VVC function settings using simulation optimization system
Development of a LabVIEW - Based Data Logging and Monitoring Application for a Photovoltaic Power Plant at FER
Price Forecasting in the Croatian Day-ahead Electricity Market Using Deep Learning Methods
Optimal PV and Battery Investment of Market-Participating Industry Facilities
Techno-economic Assessment of Battery Storage and Electrolyser Installation with Auxiliary Systems on Location of KTE Jertovec
Development of an application for logging production measurements from a photovoltaic power plant at FER and visualization of the collected measurements
Model for Optimal Power Transmission System Expansion Planning
A Cluster-Based Model for Charging a Single-Depot Fleet of Electric Vehicles
Transmission Expansion Planning using a Highly Accurate AC Optimal Power Flow Approximation
A model predictive control approach to operation optimization of an ultracapacitor bank for frequency control
Simultaneous Participation on Energy and Reserve Markets – Impact of Reserve Activation Uncertainty
Optimal dispatching of an energy system with integrated compressed air energy storage and demand response
Optimization of devices in a smart household
Distribution-Level Flexibility Markets—A Review of Trends, Research Projects, Key Stakeholders and Open Questions
Practical Implementation of a Hydro Power Unit Active Power Regulation Based on an MPC Algorithm
Individual Thermal Generator and Battery Storage Bidding Strategies Based on Robust Optimization
Determining Lithium-ion Battery One-way Energy Efficiencies: Influence of C-rate and Coulombic Losses
Microgrid Dispatch with Protection Constraints
Managing Risks Faced by Strategic Battery Storage in Joint Energy-Reserve Markets
Techno-economic Assessment of Battery Energy Storage (Island of Cres)
Battery Storage Participation in Reactive and Proactive Distribution-Level Flexibility Markets
Energy Storage Integration in European Markets
Optimal Investment of a Group of Industry Facilities in Solar Panels and Battery Energy Storage
Upgrade of the mixed reality application for management of power facilities
The future of energy
Review of challenges and assessment of electric vehicles integration policy goals: Integrated risk analysis approach
Techno-economic assessment of Battery Energy Storage on Island of Vis
Electric vehicle based smart e-mobility system – Definition and comparison to the existing concept
Technical study for connection of solar power plant SE Šestanovac to the distribution grid
Operating and Investment Models for Energy Storage Systems
Guest Editorial: Medpower 2018 Selected Papers
Analysis of the needs and regulation possiblities of energy storage integration in TS Bilice, TS Nijemci, TS Glina i TS Lošinj
Empirical study: IoT-based microgrid
A Comparison of Application Layer Communication Protocols in IoT-enabled Smart Grid
Three-level Hierarchical Microgrid Control—Model Development and Laboratory Implementation
Dynamic Electricity Pricing Tariffs:Trade-offs for Suppliers and Consumers
On the Interaction Between Aggregators, Electricity Markets and Residential Demand Response Providers
Battery storage instalation in distribution grid of Elektra Zagreb
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Bogomolje (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Application of an adaptive model predictive control algorithm on the Pelton turbine governor control
Robust Optimization of Generator's Offers in the Day-ahead Market
Electric Vehicles as Frequency Containment Reserve Providers
Transmission Expansion Planning Model Considering Battery Energy Storage, TCSC and Lines Using AC OPF
A Cluster-Based Operation Model of Aggregated Battery Swapping Stations
Cybersecurity of Smart Electric Vehicle Charging: A Power Grid Perspective
Analysis of multi-season optimization of voltage and reactive power flows
Bidding Strategy for Virtual Power Plant Considering the Large-Scale Integrations of Electric Vehicles
Experimental Testing and Evaluation of Lithium- Ion Battery Cells for a Special-Purpose Electric Vacuum Sweeper Vehicle
Application for Distributed Energy Resource Management
Optimal Battery Storage Participation in European Energy and Reserves Markets
Implementation of a laboratory SCADA system
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Hrvace(9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Optimal operating model of an electric vehicle battery swapping station
FACTS devices and energy storage in unit commitment
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Vrbnik(4500 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Suknovci (8000 kW) to the distribution grid
Thermal modeling of batteries using MATLAB
Optimal Investment of a Hotel in Electric Vehicle Charging Station and Stationary Batteries - Stochastic Approach
Analysis of Demand Response Potentials in Croatian Power System
Usage possiblities study of generation response of distributed power plants and flexible demand on TS Županja area
Energy and reserve co-optimisation – reserve availability, lost opportunity and uplift compensation cost
An Accurate Charging Model of Battery Energy Storage
Design and implementation of a battery management system
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Dazlina (19900 kW) to the distribution grid
Market-oriented power system operation adjusted for new distributed technology – case study France
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Konjščina (17000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Pliskovo (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Ivanec (15500 kW) to the distribution grid)
Virtual Storage Plant Offering Strategy in Day-Ahead Electricity Market
Integration of photovoltaic and battery systems at consumers in distribution network
Modeling of stationary batteries in households
Defining and Evaluating Use Cases for Battery Energy Storage Investments: Case Study in Croatia
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Jasenice 2 (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Bidding Strategy of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Carbon-electricity Trading
Development of medium-voltage distribution network in Elektroslavonija Osijek for the next 20 years
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Suknovci (9900 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of consumer (5077, 77 kW) with local production (1600 kW) Tvin d.o.o. to the distribution grid
Decentralized Master-Slave Communication and Control Architecture of a Battery Swapping Station
Technical study for connection biomass power plant BM Vocin 1 (1000 kW)
Strategic analysis of potential battery system project development as a support of power generation in Croatia
Optimizing Primary Response in Preventive Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow
Application of Model Predictive Control Algorithm on a Hydro Turbine Governor Control
Valuation of Energy Storage Operation in an AC Power Flow Model
Survey on Electric Vehicles and Battery Swapping Stations: Expectations of Existing and Future EV Owners
The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2018) Conference Book
Impact of EU New Energy Policy on HEP Group with Adjustments Guidelines
Optimal Operation of an Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Station
Electricity Market Design in Croatia within the European Electricity Market—Recommendations for Further Development
Protection setting - Elektra Koprivnica
Energy storage in AC power flow model
Chapter 19: Control of smart grid architecture
Optimal Investment of a Hotel in Electric Vehicle Charging Station and Stationary Batteries
Optimal Battery Energy Storage Investment in Buildings
Optimal operation of aggregated electric vehicle charging stations coupled with energy storage
Aggregating flexibility resources at the distribution level
Coordination of Regulated and Merchant Storage Investments
Profit Margin of Electric Vehicle Battery Aggregator
Impact of an Aggregator of Distributed Energy Resources on Traditional Power System Participants
A Review of Energy Storage Systems Applications
Evaluating Flexibility of Business Models for Distributed Energy Resource Aggregators
Investments in merchant energy storage: Trading- off between energy and reserve markets
Co-planning of Investments in Transmission and Merchant Energy Storage
Chapter 4: Energy storage in electricity markets
Transmission Network Planning
Role of energy storage in ensuring transmission system adequacy and security
Energy Storage Bidding in Day-Ahead Energy and Reserves Market
Lithium-ion Batteries: Experimental Research and Application to Battery Swapping Stations
Models for the Participation of Aggregators of Distributed Flexibility Services Providers in the Electricity Market in Croatia
Primary Frequency Response in Capacity Expansion With Energy Storage
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Dugopolje (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection coogeneration power plant Keter Bioel 2 (999 kW)
Technical study for connection of network customer Spin Valis d.d. (2151 kW consumption ; 1418 kW generation) to the distribution grid
Renewable energy sources in the electricity market
Integration of renewable energy sources in southeast Europe: A review of incentive mechanisms and feasibility of investments
Assessment of Energy Storage Operation in Vertically Integrated Utility and Electricity Market
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Kogeneracijsko energetsko postrojenje na drvnu biomasu Donja Stubica (4960 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wood pellets production plant Peletana Klanjec (1500 kW) to the distribution grid
Optimal Sizing and control of Battery Storage at Large Consumers
Role of Energy Storage in Ensuring Transmission System Adequacy and Stability
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Kogeneracijsko energetsko postrojenje na drvnu biomasu Klanjec (1900 kW) to the distribution grid
DC microgrids providing frequency regulation in electrical power system - imperfect communication issues
Assessment of N-1 criteria using energy storage
Electricity markets overview — Market participation possibilities for renewable and distributed energy resources
Ensuring Profitability of Energy Storage
Integration of renewable energy sources by using energy storage systems and FACTS devices
Visualization of distribution system planning for engineers and decision-makers
Croatian electricity market – position of distributed energy resources
DC microgrids with energy storage systems and demand response for providing support to frequency regulation of electrical power systems
Flexibility analysis of future power system with integrated electric vehicles
Robust Unit Commitment with Large-Scale Battery Storage
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Popovac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of consumer with production ( 2, 4 MW consumption and 2 MW u smjeru production) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Velika Gorica (4999 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP plant Donji Lapac I (5000 kW) + Donji Lapac II (5000kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant AAT Šarampov (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant KAPELICA (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Sladojevci (1000 kW + 1000 kW) to the distribution grid
Renewable Energy Sources
Technical study: grid impact assesment for micro hydro power plant MHE Dabrova Dolina 1
Technical study for connection of hybrid gas power plant AAT GEOTHERMAE (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of consumer Tvornice kabela Primca d.o.o. (2500 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of waste-to- energy power plant Kogeneracijsko postrojenje na gorivi otpad CIOS (3500 kW) to the distribution grid
The effects of family economic pressure and adjustment on parenting and adolescent well-being
Technical study - Protection setting for micro HPP Dabrova dolina
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant EDB MITROVAC (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Comparison of Energy Storage Operation in Vertically Integrated and Market-based Power System
Coupling Pumped Hydro Energy Storage With Unit Commitment
The Role of Microgrids in Day-ahead Electricity Market
Technical study for connection of solar power plant Koljane (6800 kW) to the distribution grid
Incorporating Storage as a Flexible Transmission Asset in Power System Operation Procedure
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant OZALJ (1800 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of hybrid gas power plant ING GRAD Velika Gorica (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of geothermal power plant Rečica (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Design and Need for Electricity Market at Distribution Level
Enhanced Security-Constrained Unit Commitment With Emerging Utility-Scale Energy Storage
The Role of Energy Storage in Energy Power Systems
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Eco- biogas (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Bioplinsko postrojenje Đurđevac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Curriculum, Handbook and Digital Contents in Renewable Energy
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant QUERCUS-ENERGIJA (1100 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Crnac 1 (1150 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Sisak I (5000 kW) + Sisak II (5000 kW) to the distribution grid
Phase shifting autotransformer, transmission switching and battery energy storage systems to ensure n-1 criterion of stability
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Drvni Centar (4600 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPE Ekoplin (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Development of the Zabok distribution network in the time period 2014-2034
Technical study for connection of consumer Fremitus (4000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of cogeneration power plant Green energy projects (5000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Energija Turbina to the distribution grid
Optimal Operation and Services Scheduling for an Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Station
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Prvo plinarsko drustvo (5000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Near-Optimal Method for Siting and Sizing of Distributed Storage in a Transmission Network
Development of the Virovitica distribution network in the time period 2014-2034
Technical study for connection of cogeneration power plant DELNI Lučice (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Moslavka (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Review on Unit Commitment under Uncertainty Approaches
Energy storage operation in the day-ahead electricity market
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant KRAKA (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of wind power plant Vrbnik (10000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Bingo Veliki Grđevac (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Energo-centar (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Agro Watt Marinkovac (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Clean Energy (1980 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Toward Cost-Efficient and Reliable Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Ina Etan (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPP Bojana (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of CHP power plant Široke Livade (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Runolist (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
A Hybrid Stochastic/Interval Approach to Transmission-Constrained Unit Commitment
Development of the power system simulations laboratory
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPE Ekoplin (2000 kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Technical study for connection of mHE Zeleni Vir (2560 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant BPP AGRO-WATT (1200 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of geothermal power plant GTE Marija (10000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant mTE Logorište (3000 kW) to the distribution grid
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Stara Sava Gradiška (2000kW) to the electrical distribution grid
Hands-on experience with Power Systems Laboratory upgrade
Technical study for connection of biogas power plant Kula (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Analysis of Renewable Energy Sources Incentive Mechanisms in South Eastern Europe
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Višnjica (2000 kW) to the distribution grid
Hands-On Laboratory Course for Future Power System Experts
Proceedings of IEEE Energycon 2014
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant BE- TO Karlovac to the transmission grid
Capacity Optimization of Renewable Energy Sources and Battery Storage in an Autonomous Telecommunication Facility
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant SPAČVA to the transmission grid
Remote Voltage Controls Adjustment Algorithm based on Optimal Voltage Scheduling
Development of the Bjelovar distribution network in the time period 2013-2033
Technical study for connection of wind power plant to the VE BRUVNO, VE MAZIN (BRUVNO 2A) AND VE MAZIN 2 to the transmission grid
Specifics of integration of wind power plants into the Croatian transmission network
Feasibility Study ad Selectrion of Technology for Sudan's First Nuclear Power Plant
Virtual power plant mid-term dispatch optimization
Comparison of State-of-the-Art Transmission Constrained Unit Commitment Formulations
An EPEC Approach to the Yearly Maintenance Scheduling of Generating Units
Proceedings of IEEE EuroCon 2013
Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Station: Business Case and Optimization Model
Offering model for a virtual power plant based on stochastic programming
Analysis of Secondary Regulation Options of Power Plants - Generators to Become a Part of the Secondary Regulation Scheme
Technical study for connection of biomass power plant Koprivnički Ivanec to the transmission grid
Yearly Maintenance Scheduling of Transmission Lines within a Market Environment
Development of the Elektra Koprivnica distribution network in the time period 2011-2031
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of biogas power plant Donji Vidovec to the Transmission Power Grid
Revision of the optimal technical solution of connection WPP Velika Glava, Bubrig, Crni Vrh
Settlement for coordinated regulation of system voltage and reactive power
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plants Bruvno, Mazin and Mazin 2 to the Transmission Power Grid
Study of optimal network connection solution for forest biomass power plant in Slatina - Miscanthus (4500 kW)
Optimal Generator Maintenance Scheduling of Hydro Power Plant Senj and Hydro Power Plant Sklope
Study of optimal network connection solution for forest biomass power plant in Slatina - Energija Turbina (4500 kW)
Development of medium-voltage distribution network in Karlovac area for the next 20 years
The Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Model of Virtual Power Plant Operation
Study of optimal network connection solution for forest biomass power plant in Slatina - Energy 9 (5000 kW)
Bilevel Optimization Models for Maintenance Scheduling of Transmission Lines and Generating Units
Virtual Power Plant Dispatch Optimization Using Linear Programming
Development of Pyramidia : an integrative e-learning multimedia tool
Virtual Power Plant Optimization within Liberalized Market Environment
Specifics of Integration of Wind Power Plants into the Croatian Transmission Network
Induced Voltage Measurements in Transmission Power Lines of PrP Osijek
Feasibility Assessment of Wind Power Plant with Scarce Local Wind Data Using Cascade-Correlating Algorithm
Development of medium-voltage distribution network Elektrolika Gospić for the next 20 years
Optimal Transmission Lines Maintenance Scheduling within a Market Environment Using the Bilevel Model
Connection of Power Plant Unije to the distribution Grid
Hydro Generating Units Maintenance Scheduling Using Benders Decomposition
The Implementation of Smart Metering Systems for Electricity Consumption in Croatia
Connection of Power Plant Bioenergija Vrbanja -Vinkovci to the Distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Options of CHP power plant Energo to the Distribution Power Grid
Connection of the Consumer "Trgovacki centar Pozega" to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Bioenergija Jasenovac to the Distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of biomas power plant Koprivnički Ivanec to the Transmission Power Grid
Integration Of Large-Scale Wind Power Plants In The Croatian Power System
Connection of the Consumer Kupac Zeleni grad - Kupinec to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Bionardo Vrbanja - Vinkovci to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Glina to the Distribution Grid
Analysis od optimal connection for the CHP power plant Dioki to the distribution grid
Connection of the Consumer Kupac Zagrebačke otpadne vode to the Distribution Grid
Large Scale Wind Power Plants Integration into the Croatian Power System
Connection of Power Plant Zadar 4 to the Distribution Grid
Auxiliary system load schemes in large thermal and nuclear power plants
Connection of Power Plant Slavonija DI - Slav. Brod to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Bioplin Vukovar to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Badljevina Sirač to the Distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Justification of Wind Power Plant Medeni Dolac and techno-economical Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Medeni Dolac to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Kanfanar - Pula to the Distribution Grid
Connection of Wind Power Plant Ravna 1 Pag to the Distribution Grid
Connection of the Consumer Spin Valis Požega to the Distribution Grid
Analysis of Incentives Approach to Renewable Sources and Cogeneration
Connection of Power Plant Lepa Rec - Varaždin to the Distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Justification of Wind Power Plant Mala Kapela and techno-economical Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Mala Kapela to the Transmission Power Grid
Earthing system primary testing in a transformer station 35/10 kV Veliki Grdevac
Connection of Power Plant Ovčara to the distribution Grid
Earthing system primary testing in a thermal plant Sisak
Earthing system primary testing in a transformer station 35/10 kV Đurđevac
Long-Term Planning of the Distribution Network Elektra Križ
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Otrić to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Velika Ciglena to the distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Vučipolje to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Ustrine to the distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Voštane to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Orahovica to the distribution Grid
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Mazin 2 to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Donji Miholjac (1MW) to the distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Osilovac to the distribution Grid
Power Systems
Power Systems
Specifities of Small Hydro Power Plant Connection to the Grid
Connection of Power Plant Tomašanci to the distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Ivankovo 2 (1MW) to the distribution Grid
The Development of 110 and 20 kV Network of DP Elektra Križ 2006-2026. Time Period and Programme for Transition from 110/35/10(20) kV to 110/20 kV
Connection of Power Plant Viljevo to the distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Udbina to the Distribution Grid
Connection of the Geothermal Power Plant Kutnjak on Elektra Koprivnica Distribution Network
Connection of a DFIG-based Wind Farm to the Transmission Network
Preliminary Analysis of Connection Possibilities of Wind Power Plant Medak to the Transmission Power Grid
Connection of Power Plant Lika Energo to the distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Tomašanci 1 to the distribution Grid
Connection of Power Plant Lipa 1 (995kW) to the distribution Grid
The comparison of the load growth prediction methods in distribution electric power grid
Connection of Photovoltaic Power Plant Benkovačko Selo 950kW to the distribution Grid
Comparison of Load Growth Prediction Methods in Distribution Network Planning
A Rich Content Self Study Tool
The True Inventor of the Radio Communications
Earthing System Primary Analysis in the Reversible HPP Velebit - Upper Horizon
Earthing system primary analysis in a thermal plant Tuzla
Defining the Optimal Term for the Capital Repair of the Hydro-Power Plants on the River Drava
Maintenance Scheduling of the Hydro Power-Plants od the River Drava
The True Inventor of the Radio Communications
The Features of the Computer Maintenance Management System and its Application on the Reliability Centered Maintenance
Impact of the Competitive Environment on the Generating Units Maintenance
Earthing system primary analysis in HE Miljacka
Maintenance of the power system elements in market environment
The Impact of the Open electricity Market on the Maintenance of the Power System Elements
Earthing system primary analysis in HPP Đale
Earthing system primary analysis in HPP Krcic
Earthing system primary analysis in HPP Golubic
Earthing system primary analysis in HPP Jaruga
Održavanje proizvodnih postrojenja elektroenergetskog sustava u novim tržišnim uvjetima
Pyramidia – An Integrative E-learning Tool
The Structure of the Pyramidia E-learning Tool – the Programmer’ s Point of View
I was born in 1984 in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. I received a dipl. ing. title, equivalent to the M.E.E., at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in 2007. I defended a PhD thesis Bilevel Optimization Models for Maintenance Scheduling of Transmission Lines and Generating Units under the supervision of Prof. Igor Kuzle in 2011. During my PhD studies I was a visiting researcher for 3 months at University of Castilla-La Mancha under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Conejo. After graduation, I was a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, where I worked on the project Energy Positioning: Control and Economics under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Kirschen.
Currently, I am a Professor at the Department of Power and Energy Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb. My research interests cover integration of renewable energy sources, unit commitment models, energy markets, power system planning and analysis, and integration of electric vehicles and storage systems.
University undergraduate
- Engineering Economics 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Engineering Economics 1 (Lecturer in charge)
- Engineering Economics 2 (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Fundamentals of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Lecturer in charge)
- Fundamentals of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Lecturer in charge)
- Management in Engineering (Lecturer in charge)
- Management in Engineering (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Project E (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Control of Energy Storage Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Control of Energy Storage Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Economics of Power and Energy Systems (Lecturer in charge, Lecturer in charge)
- Economics of Power and Energy Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Lecturer in charge)
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Lecturer in charge)
- Energy Policy Analysis and Modelling (Lecturer in charge)
- Energy Policy Analysis and Modelling (Lecturer in charge)
- Power System Planning and Operation (Lecturer in charge)
- Power System Planning and Operation (Lecturer in charge)
- Renewable Energy and Energy Storage (Lecturer in charge)
- Renewable Energy and Energy Storage (Lecturer in charge)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Modeling of Electricity Market (Lecturer in charge)
- Optimization Principles of the Electric Power Networks (Lecturer in charge)
Consumer electronics
Home automation Smart homes -
Power engineering and energy
Power system control Energy management Energy storage Power generation Distributed power generation Power generation control Power generation dispatch Power generation planning Wind energy generation Wind energy integration Wind power generation Power systems Hybrid power systems Power distribution Power grids Microgrids Smart grids Battery chargers Charging stations Power demand Power system economics Power system management Power system planning Power transmission Uninterruptible power systems Wind energy integration -
Engineering management
Power generation economics -
Industry applications
Renewable energy sources -
Intelligent transportation systems
Smart transportation -
Vehicular and wireless technologies
Electric vehicles