Centre for Research and Innovation

 Centre for Research and Innovation supports research activities and project development. It also offers assistance with intellectual property issues and technology transfer, providing resources to facilitate high-quality research.


Centre for Research and Innovation

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER)  is one of the leading research institutions in Croatia, with numerous projects funded by both domestic and international bodies, particularly through EU funds. Centre for Research and Innovation (CII) supports research activities and project development of the faculty. It also offers assistance with intellectual property issues and technology transfer, providing resources to facilitate high-quality research.

Research and EU funding support

CII provides support during the entire project application process, as well as during implementation.

In the project application phase, the Centre:

  • publishes announcements about open calls;
  • participates in workshops and info days;
  • organizes internal workshops to educate employees about open calls;
  • helps in the preparation of project proposal;
  • provides support during the process of writing the proposal and drawing up the budget.

In the initial phase of project implementation, the Centre:

  • collects necessary documentation for project implementation;
  • reviews and draws up contracts;
  • informs project managers and employees about contract conditions, internal procedures and project management;
  • keeps records of approved project proposals at FER.

Depending on the project funds, in the implementation phase, the Centre can:

  • provide administrative and financial management of the project;
  • participate in the implementation of dissemination and exploitation work packages;
  • help organize events;
  • participate in writing narrative and financial reports.

Intellectual property and technology transfer

In the field of intellectual property and technology transfer, the Centre:

  • informs FER employees about the procedures of intellectual property protection;
  • collects requests for the protection of intellectual property;
  • provides administrative assistance during the protection of intellectual property at the State Intellectual Property Office;
  • participates in maintaining the intellectual property;
  • keeps records of FER's intellectual property;
  • carries out the process of technology mapping.

If you have any questions, please contact us at cepipodrska@fer.hr.

Head of the Centre for Research and Innovation

Mirjana Dozan, 
dipl. ing., MBA

(01)  6129 584