- Bibliography (CROSBI)
- Biography
- Teaching
- Research areas
- Professional memberships
- Personal data
- List of select projects
- Past employments
Optical Ground Station Proposal for Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure
Assessment of Signal Losses in LEO Satellite-to-Ground Optical Communication Links
Optical Ground Station Proposal for Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure
Light-Pollution Characterization Module
Light-Pollution Characterization from LEO
Negative-Inertia Converters: Devices Manifesting Negative Mass and Negative Moment of Inertia
Baseband Signal Processing Chain for a Satellite Digital Transmitter
Wavelength reuse WDM-PON using RSOA and modulation averaging
Switch-mode radiofrequency amplifiers with complementary filters
A proposal for characterizing global light pollution using a LEO nanosatellite
Voltage-controlled capacitor for large signals
Constant-resistance filters with diplexer architecture for S-band applications
Signal-to-noise ratio of arbitrarily filtered spontaneous emission
Link budget analysis for a proposed Cubesat Earth observation mission
30-MHz class E power amplifier using AlGaN/GaN HFET transistors
System for control and energy management for a CubeSat
10-MSymbols/s QAM-16 externally-modulated optical link for radio-over-fiber applications
Accurate estimate and measurement of continuous-wave noise in filtered incoherent light
Ultra-stable LED sources
Temperature-stable LED-based light source without temperature control
Reaching <100 ppm/K output intensity temperature stability with single-color light-emitting diodes
Class-D GaN 15MHz-bandwidth amplitude modulator with a direct CMOS interface
Fiber-optic vibration sensor for high-power electric machines realized using 3D printing technology
Fiber-optic vibration sensor for high-power electric machines
Microwave amplifier with AlGaN/GaN field-effect transistor
Temperature dependence of injection-locked Fabry- Pérot laser emission in WDM-PON architectures
Self-Seeded WDM-PON for Next Generation Broadband Access Networks
GaN-on-Diamond: A Brief History
Optimal AlGaN/GaN HEMT Buffer Layer Thickness in the Presence of an Embedded Thermal Boundary
C and L band Self-seeded WDM-PON Links using Injection locked Fabry-Pérot Lasers and Modulation Averaging
Colorless optical sources for fiber-optic access networks of new generation
Diamond for enhanced GaN device performance
3, 000+ Hours Continuous Operation of GaN-on- Diamond HEMTs at 350°C
GaN-on-Diamond : The Next GaN
175, 000 Device-Hours Operation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Diamond at 200°C Channel Temperatures
An ultra-stable VCSEL light source
Thermal Analysis of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Angular Fourier - Series Expansion
Integral-equation solution of modes in apertured laser resonators with distributed mirrors
Stanje i budućnost mikroelektronike i elektroničke tehnologije kod nas i u svijetu - Prilika za uključenje
Characterization of mirror-based modulation-averaging structures
Measurement of Thermal Boundary Resistance using Liquid Crystal Thermography
Extended Cavity Light Source Using Modulation-Averaging Reflectors for WDM-PON
Interrogating FBG based temperature sensors — Practical issues
47-km 1.25-Gbps transmission using a self-seeded transmitter with a modulation averaging reflector
Extended-Cavity Optical Sources with Modulation Averaging Reflectors
Comparison of GaN on Diamond with GaN on SiC HEMT and MMIC Performance
Novel high temperature annealed schottky metal for GaN devices
Development of III-Nitride HEMTs on CVD Diamond Substrates
GaN-on-diamond Technology for Microwave/Millimeter-wave Applications
Laser machining of GaN-on-diamond wafers
Advancements in GaN-on-Diamond HEMT and MMIC Fabrication
Modulation-Averaging Reflectors for Extended-Cavity Optical Sources
Poluvodički Nanotehnološki Centar u Hrvatskoj
Formation and characterization of 4-inch GaN-on-diamond substrates
Nanotehnologija u Hrvatskoj – Šansa za male i zakašnjele
GaN-on-Diamond Field-Effect Transistors: from Wafers to Amplifier Modules
Comparative Study of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Free- Standing Diamond and Silicon Substrates for Thermal Effects
Full-Wafer Characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Free- Standing CVD Diamond Substrates
Croatian Semiconductor Industry Cluster
Frequency performance enhancement of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on diamond
Materials Characterization Comparison of GaN HEMT- on-Diamond Layers Pre- and Post-Attachment
High-bandwidth CX4 optical connector
Diamond cools high-power transistors
GaN-HEMT Epilayers on Diamond Substrates: Recent Progress
Comparison of GaN HEMTs on Diamond and SiC Substrates
Comparison of GaN HEMTs on Diamond and SiC Substrates
AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Diamond Technology Demonstration
Practical measurement of timing jitter contributed by a clock-and-data recovery circuit
Comparison of EDC-enabled link performance using measured waveforms from 2.5G and 10G lasers
Low-speed lasers, nonlinearities, and EDC
Relationship between root-mean-square and peak-to- peak jitter measurements
TFI-5 Jitter Specification
Allowing IEC Class 1M Laser Safety certification for parallel optic PMD in 10GFC
Technical Specification for TFI-5 compliant optical components
Active cables for FC-PI-2
TFI-5 based on 16-lane parallel optics
Four-lane 850nm optical interface
Comment on FC-PI-2 rev12 Annex F.4: Relative Intensity Noise RIN(OMA) measuring procedure
Four-lane power budgeting models from Alvesta
Interface of directly bonded GaAs and InP
10 Gb/s very short reach (VSR) interconnect solutions
Laser safety for parallel-optic products
Laser safety limits for single and four-lane short-wave optics
4 x 2.5Gb/s multichannel optical transceiver
Growth of 1.3 μm InGaAsN laser material on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy
Analysis of polarization pinning in vertical- cavity surface-emitting lasers using etched trenches
Growth of 1.3-um InGaAsN laser material on GaAs by MBE
Continuously-Tunable, Photo-Pumped 1.3-m Fiber Fabry-Perot Surface-Emitting Lasers
Growth of 1.3 um InGaAsN laser material on GaAs by MBE
Monolithic integration of a vertical-cavity laser and a photo-detector for low bias-voltage operation
Minimum temperature sensitivity of 1.55 μm vertical-cavity lasers at −30 nm gain offset
Continuously tunable photopumped 1.3-μm fiber Fabry-Perot surface-emitting lasers
Methods for controlling the polarization in VCSELs
The interior design of the new laser and New muxed laser arrays, sidebars in The ideal light source for datanets, by by K.S. Giboney, L.B. Aronson, B.E. Lemoff
Fusion bonding for vertical-cavity surface- emitting lasers
64°C continuous-wave operation of 1.5-μm vertical-cavity laser
A finite-difference time-domain electromagnetic field solver for vertical-cavity lasers
Near-ohmic p-InP/p-GaAs fused junctions
Mode selectivity study of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Scattering losses from dielectric apertures in vertical-cavity lasers
Wafer fusion : materials issues and device results
Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio InP-based vertical-cavity laser mirrors using CH4/H2/O2/Ar reactive ion etching
Capacitance-voltage and SIMS characterization of GaAs/InP fused junctions for 1300 nm vertical-cavity laser application
Simulation and analysis of 1.55 μm double-fused vertical-cavity lasers
Isotype heterojunctions with flat valence or conduction band
Structural and electrical characterization of the GaAs/InP wafer-fused interface
Design and analysis of double-fused 1.55-μm vertical-cavity lasers
Wafer Fusion for Surface-Normal Optoelectronic Device Applications
Loss limitations in dielectrically apertured vertical-cavity lasers
Room-temperature performance of double-fused 1.54 um vertical-cavity lasers
Silicon heterointerface photodetector
Estimation of scattering losses in dielectrically apertured vertical cavity lasers
Modeling and optimization of 1.54 m double-fused VCSELs for cw operation above room temperature
Scattering parameters for lossless multisection quarter-wave transformers
Cleaved GaN facets by wafer fusion of GaN to InP
Progress in long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers
Multimode fiber transmission using room temperature double-fused 1.54 μm vertical-cavity lasers
Multimore Fibre Transmission Using Room- Temperature Double-Fused 1.54 um Vertical- Cavity Lasers
Laterally oxidized long wavelength CW vertical- cavity lasers
Submilliamp long wavelength vertical cavity lasers
1-Gbit/s, single-mode operation of vertical cavity lasers emitting at 1.54 um
Laterally oxidized long wavelength cw vertical‐cavity lasers
Current VCSEL research in HP Laboratories
1 Gbit/s, single-mode operation of vertical-cavity lasers emitting at 1.54 um
Long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers with GaAs mirrors
Submilliamp long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers
Loss analysis of 1.55 um vertical-cavity lasers
Cleaved facets in GaN by wafer fusion of GaN to InP
Characterisation of metal mirrors on GaAs
Long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes
Numerical analysis of 1.54 μm double‐fused vertical‐cavity lasers operating continuous‐wave up to 35 °C
Wafer fusion for optoelectronic applications
Double fused long-wavelength vertical cavity lasers
Spontaneous emission in microcavities with distributed mirrors
Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of 1.54 µm vertical-cavity lasers
Double‐fused 1.52‐μm vertical‐cavity lasers
Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of 1.54 µm vertical-cavity lasers
Long wavelength vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
Transverse-mode and polarisation characteristics of double-fused 1.52 um vertical-cavity lasers
Long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers
Transverse-mode and polarization characteristics of double-fused 1.52 µm vertical-cavity lasers
Silicon hetero-interface photodetector
Low-Temperature Pd Direct Bonding and Electrical Transport Across InP-Pd-GaAs Interfaces
Long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers
Double-fused 1.52-µm vertical cavity lasers
Wafer fused, Low Threshold, Long Wavelength Vertical Cavity Lasers on GaAs substrates
Optically pumped all-epitaxial wafer-fused 1.52 µm vertical-cavity lasers
Long-wavelength vertical-cavity lasers
Scaling laws for gain‐guided vertical cavity lasers with distributed Bragg reflectors
Temperature and Transverse Mode Characteristics of InGaAsP (1.3 µm) Vertical Cavity Lasers on GaAs substrates
Wafer bonding of InP and GaAs: Interface characterization and device applications
Optically pumped all-epitaxial wafer-fused 1.52-µm vertical cavity lasers
High quantum efficiency and narrow absorption bandwidth of the wafer-fused resonant In0.53Ga0.47As photodetectors
Long wavelength surface emitting lasers on GaAs substrates
Limitations to Controlling Spontaneous Emission in Microcavities with Distributed Mirrors
Spontaneous Emission in Microcavities with Distributed Mirrors
Low threshold, wafer fused long wavelength vertical cavity lasers
Anisotropy Control in the Reactive Ion Etching of InP Using Oxygen in Methane/Hydrogen/Argon
Reactive ion etcher self‐bias voltage regulator
Vertical Cavity Laser High Speed Dynamics and Modeling
Transverse modes in cavities with distributed Bragg reflectors
InGaAsP Vertical Cavity Lasers
Modal reflection of quarter-wave mirrors in vertical-cavity lasers
Conditions for Continuous Wave Operation of 1.3 µm InGaAsP Vertical Cavity Lasers
Effect of layer thickness variations on propagation delay and penetration depth of a quarter-wave distributed Bragg reflector
Low Threshold, Electrically Injected InGaAsP (1.3 µm) Vertical Cavity Lasers on GaAs substrates
Thermal resistance of 1.3μm InGaAsP vertical cavity lasers
Low threshold, electrically injected InGaAsP (1.3 um) vertical cavity lasers on GaAs substrates
Wafer fused long wavelength vertical cavity lasers
Classical analysis of microcavity lasers
Modal Reflectivity of Quarter-Wave Mirrors in Vertical Cavity Lasers
Refractive indexes of (Al, Ga, In)As epilayers on InP for optoelectronic applications
In-Situ Monitoring of Etching and Deposition Processes for Optoelectronic Device Fabrication
InGaAsP (1.3um) vertical-cavity lasers using GaAs/AlAs mirrors
Thermal design for CW of 1.3µm GaInAsP surface- emitting lasers
In situ characterization of sputtered thin film optical coatings using a normal incidence laser reflectometer
Epitaxial AlGaAs/AlAs distributed Bragg reflectors for green (550 nm) lightwaves
144 °C operation of 1.3 μm InGaAsP vertical cavity lasers on GaAs substrates
High Temperature Long Wavelength Vertical Cavity Lasers
Analytic Expressions for the Reflection Delay, Penetration Depth and Absorptance of Quarter- Wave Dielectric Mirrors
Reactive Sputtering of Si/SiNx Quarter-wave Dielectric Mirrors using in-situ Laser Reflectometry
Effects of nonuniform current injection in GaInAsP/InP vertical‐ cavity lasers
Low-threshold, high-temperature pulsed operation of InGaAsP/InP vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
Low-threshold, high-temperature pulsed operation of InGaAsP/InP vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
High-temperature pulsed operation of InGaAsP/InP surface emitting lasers
Low-threshold, high-temperature pulsed operation of InGaAsP/InP vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
Sputter deposition of precision Si/Si3N4 Bragg reflectors using multitasking interactive processing control
Refractive Index of AlGaInAs on InP for Optoelectronic Applications
Determination of valence and conduction‐band discontinuities at the (Ga, In) P/GaAs heterojunction by C‐V profiling
The role of non-uniform dielectric permittivity in the determination of heterojunction band offsets by cv-profiling through isotype heterojunctions
Characterization of Isotype Heterojunctions by Capacitance-Voltage Carrier Concentration Profiling
Features of Lateral Profiled Elements in Bipolar Integrated Technology
Dubravko Babić was born in Zagreb, Croatia. He received his Dipl. Ing. Degree from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in 1982, and his M. Sc. and Ph. D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California, Santa Barbara in 1984 and 1995, respectively.
Between 1982 and 1985 he worked as a graduate student on the measurement of AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction band-offsets by capacitance-voltage profiling with prof. Herbert Kroemer at UC Santa Barbara. From 1985 to 1989 he worked at Avantek, Inc. (Santa Clara, California) as a Design Engineer, on the development of microwave switching and limiter diodes (up to 40 GHz), and hyperabrupt varactors for 3 GHz voltage-controlled oscillators.
In 1989, he joined the Ultrafast Optoelectronics Group at UC Santa Barbara, as a graduate student to work with professors John E. Bowers and Evelyn L. Hu on the development of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) where in 1995 he demonstrated the world’s first room-temperature continuous-wave operating long-wavelength (1550 nm) VCSEL. From 1995 to 1999, he was a Member of Technical Staff at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Palo Alto, California) working on long-wavelength VCSEL development using wafer bonding technology.
In 1999, he founded Alvésta Corporation, manufacturer of 10Gb/s multichannel fiber-optic modules, where he served as the company's first Chief Executive Officer and then in 2001 as Chief Technical Officer. He managed the company through first product sale and raised $20M in venture capital for its funding (Alvesta was acquired by Emcore Corporation in 2002). Between 2003 and 2008, he assisted Clariphy Communications, Inc, (Irvine, California) developing optical equalization technology, as a member of the company's technical advisory board (Clariphy was acquired by InPhy in 2017), and XLoom Communications, Ltd (Israel) as Vice President US operations managing the development of 20Gbps multichannel optical modules in Tel Aviv, Israel (XLoom was acquired by Mellanox in 2014).
Between 2008 and 2013 he managed the development of RF and millimeter-wave amplifier modules based on GaN-on-diamond technology as Vice President RF Electronics and co-founder of Group4 Labs, Inc. (Fremont, California), where he developed laser machining of GaN-on-diamond wafers, built and operated GaN-on-diamond transistor reliability testing, and in 2009 his team demonstrated the world’s first GaN-on-Diamond X-band power amplifier module (Group4 Labs was acquired by Element Six, Ltd in 2013).
After Group4 Labs he co-founded and served as Vice President RF Devices in Eridan Communications, Inc. (Santa Clara, California, eridan.io), a start-up company developing polar modulators based on GaN-technology for wireless communications. In 2012 he joined the faculty of University of Zagreb, Croatia, and in 2022 was elected to Full Professor. He is presently managing (on a part-time basis) the wholly-owned subsidiary of Eridan Communications, Inc. (California entity) in Zagreb: Eridan Communications d.o.o. The activities in Zagreb company are closely aligned with the California entity in developing RF GaN chips and supporting customers in the EU.
Since 2003, Prof. Babić has also served as an expert witness in multiple intellectual property litigation cases (in the USA 2003-2012 and in Croatia 2017 and 2023) and assisted a number of start-up companies with patent writing and intellectual property issues.
Dr. Babić’s research interests include high-speed communications-component technology (semiconductor lasers and detectors, microwave amplifiers and other semiconductor devices) and optics. In recent years, he has been involved with space technology and building remote sensing and quantum communications. He has over 140 publications presented at conferences and in peer-reviewed journals, thirty-six US granted patents, and one book chapter. His Web of Science h-index is 27 and Google Scholar h-index is 37.
In 2021, a research group at Stanford University in California (USA) published a study about scientific citation that ranks about 160 000 scientists globally in different fields (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918). The study published a list of most influential scientists based on their entire careers in specific fields. Professor dr. sc. Dubravko Babić was listed in the top 2% of scientists globally in the field "Optoelectronics and Photonics".
University undergraduate
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project E (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Optical Networks (Lecturer in charge)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Radiofrequency System Design (Lecturer in charge)
Components, packaging, and manufacturing technology
Electronic components -
Antennas and propagation
Optical diffraction Optical reflection Microwave propagation Millimeter wave propagation Optical propagation -
Circuits and systems
Electronic circuits Switching circuits Filters -
Communications technology
Optical communication equipment Radio communication equipment Optical receivers Radio transceivers Optical transmitters Radio transmitters Data communication Radio communication Satellite communication Satellite ground stations -
Electron devices
Junctions Semiconductor lasers Transistors -
Lasers and electrooptics
Semiconductor lasers -
Aerospace and electronic systems
Professional memberships
Personal data
List of select projects
Project lead - CROSPERITY Satellite-based measurement of electromagnetic radiation, Croatian Science Foundation, project number IP-01-2018-2504.
Project lead - European Space Agency Contract No. 4000138775/22/NL/SC Light-pollution characterization module (October 2022 - September 2023).
Task Manager / Participant Contact - Digital Europe Programme DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-DEPLOY-NATIONAL (#101091513) Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI (January 2023 - December 2023).
Past employments
University of California, Santa Barbara 1983-1985 Research Assistant
Avantek, Inc., Santa Clara, California 1985-1989 Design Engineer
University of California, Santa Barbara 1989-1995 Research Assistant
Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, California 1995-1999 Member of Technical Staff
Alvesta Corporation, Sunnyvale, California 1999-2002 Chief Executive Office / Chief Technical Officer
Etanvie Technologies, Santa Clara, California 2003-2008 Chief Technologist
Group4 Labs, Menlo Park, California 2008-2012 Vice President RF Technology
Eridan Communications, Santa Clara, California 2014-2018 Vice President RF Devices
Eridan Communications, d.o.o. Zagreb 2019 Managing Director