- Bibliography (CROSBI)
- Teaching
- Research areas
- Professional memberships
- Personal data
- List of select projects
Assessing the Ability of Genetic Programming for Feature Selection in Constructing Dispatching Rules for Unrelated Machine Environments
ECF: A C++ framework for evolutionary computation
Heuristic Ensemble Construction Methods of Automatically Designed Dispatching Rules for the Unrelated Machines Environment
Improving the Performance of Relocation Rules for the Container Relocation Problem with the Rollout Algorithm
Leveraging More of Biology in Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning
Evolving routing policies for electric vehicles by means of genetic programming
DARWIN: Survival of the Fittest Fuzzing Mutators
Evolving Dispatching Rules for Dynamic Vehicle Routing with Genetic Programming
A Search for Nonlinear Balanced Boolean Functions by Leveraging Phenotypic Properties
Constructing ensembles of dispatching rules for multi-objective tasks in the unrelated machines environment
Machine learning and evolutionary computation in design and analysis of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
To Bias or Not to Bias: Probabilistic Initialisation for Evolving Dispatching Rules
Divide and conquer: Using single objective dispatching rules to improve convergence for multi-objective optimisation
Digging Deeper: Operator Analysis for Optimizing Nonlinearity of Boolean Functions
Look into the Mirror: Evolving Self-dual Bent Boolean Functions
A New Angle: On Evolving Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions
A survey of metaheuristic algorithms for the design of cryptographic Boolean functions
A Variable Neighborhood Search Method with a Tabu List and Local Search for Optimizing Routing in Trucks in Maritime Ports
An analysis of training models to evolve heuristics for the travelling salesman problem
Finding Near-Optimal Portfolios with Quality-Diversity
Collaboration methods for ensembles of dispatching rules for the dynamic unrelated machines environment
Does size matter? On the influence of ensemble size on constructing ensembles of dispatching rules
Ensembles of priority rules to solve one machine scheduling problem in real-time
Modeling Strong Physically Unclonable Functions with Metaheuristics
On the Evolution of Boomerang Uniformity in Cryptographic S-boxes
Combining single objective dispatching rules into multi-objective ensembles for the dynamic unrelated machines environment
A comparative study of dispatching rule representations in evolutionary algorithms
Selection of dispatching rules evolved by genetic programming in dynamic unrelated machines scheduling based on problem characteristics
Genetic programming for electric vehicle routing problem with soft time windows
On generalizing the power function exponent constructions with genetic programming
On the Difficulty of Evolving Permutation Codes
Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for the parallel unrelated machines scheduling problem: a survey
NeuroSCA: Evolving Activation Functions for Side-Channel Analysis
Local search based methods for scheduling in the unrelated parallel machines environment
Using priority rules for resource-constrained project scheduling problem in static environment
Solving the Dial-a-Ride Problem Using an Adapted Genetic Algorithm
Introduction to automated design of scheduling heuristics with genetic programming
Evolving Constructions for Balanced, Highly Nonlinear Boolean Functions
Artificial Intelligence for the Design of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives
Constructing Ensembles of Dispatching Rules for Multi- objective Problems
Towards Interpretable Dispatching Rules: Application of Expression Simplification Methods
Evolutionary computation and machine learning in security
Evolutionary Construction of Perfectly Balanced Boolean Functions
Design Space Exploration of Clustered Sparsely Connected MPSoC Platforms
Novel ensemble collaboration method for dynamic scheduling problems
On the Application of ϵ-Lexicase Selection in the Generation of Dispatching Rules
Ensembles of priority rules for resource constrained project scheduling problem
Genetic programming hyperheuristic parameter configuration using fitness landscape analysis
Automatic design of dispatching rules for static scheduling conditions
CoInGP: convolutional inpainting with genetic programming
Solving scheduling problems with genetic programming fitness landscape features
Designing dispatching rules with genetic programming for the unrelated machines environment with constraints
Toward more efficient heuristic construction of Boolean functions
Evolutionary algorithms-assisted construction of cryptographic boolean functions
Evolutionary algorithms for designing reversible cellular automata
On the genotype compression and expansion for evolutionary algorithms in the continuous domain
Deep reinforcement learning based obstacle evasion
Implicit function symbolic regression system
An attempt of reinforcement learning in a partially observable environment
Reinforced evolution of Dota 2 agent
A Search for Additional Structure: The Case of Cryptographic S-boxes
Security Risk Optimization for Multi-cloud Applications
Enhancing transfer learning for head pose estimation
Evolutionary Computation in the Energy Domain: Smart Grid Applications
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Design of Quantum Protocols
Evolutionary computation and machine learning in cryptology
Solving vehicle routing problem with time windows using different versions of the evolutionary algorithm
Fitness Landscape Analysis of Dimensionally-Aware Genetic Programming Featuring Feynman Equations
Metaheuristics for problems with limited budget of evaluations
Towards an evolutionary-based approach for natural language processing
Expression interpretability and feature analysis in symbolic regression
Comparison of schedule generation schemes for designing dispatching rules with genetic programming in the unrelated machines environment
Predictive and generative machine learning models for photonic crystals
What Is Your MOVE: Modeling Adversarial Network Environments
Parking space occupancy detection
A comparative study of solution representations for the unrelated machines environment
Adversarial attacks on classification models using multi-objective optimization
Adversarial Attacks in Natural Language Processing
Design of priority rules for resource constrained project scheduling problem.
One property to rule them all? On the limits of trade-offs for S-boxes
GPS spoofing parameters optimization based on evolutionary algorithms
Encryption of Communication Using Evolutionary Algorithms with Adversarial Learning
C3PO: cipher construction with cartesian genetic programming
Solving vehicle routing problem using metaheuristics in static and dynamic conditions
Creating dispatching rules by simple ensemble combination
Optimization model for distributed application deployment
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Design of Quantum Protocols
On the design of S-box constructions with genetic programming
Evaluating the efficiency of solution representations for unrelated machines scheduling
Optimized activation functions for classifiers based on artificial neural networks in the domain of implementation attacks on cryptographic devices
Improving genetic algorithm performance by population initialisation with dispatching rules
Machine Learning in Security of Voice Controllable Systems
Metaheuristic algorithms for vehicle routing problems with time windows and pick-up and delivery
Solving vehicle routing problems with symbolic regression
A characterisation of S-box fitness landscapes in cryptography
Optimising architectures of artificial neural network classifiers in the domain of side- channel cryptographic attacks
Cellular automata based S-boxes
Hyper-bent Boolean Functions and Evolutionary Algorithms
Solving classification problems using cartesian genetic programming
Detection and classification of text based elements on an image using deep neural networks
Automated design of dispatching rules for scheduling problems with constraints
Methods for solving static scheduling problems in the unrelated machines environment
Optimization of GPS attack parameters with evolutionary algorithm
Automated design of dispatching rules in unrelated machines environment
Evolutionary Heuristics for Fault Injection Parameter Space Search
Biome Simulation with Machine Learning
Optimization of Priority Scheduling Using Machine Learning on GPU
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Creating a Computer Player in a Game
The Design of (Almost) Disjunct Matrices by Evolutionary Algorithms
Classification of cancer data: Analyzing gene expression data using a fuzzy decision tree algorithm
A Search for Differentially-6 Uniform (n, n-2) Functions
Application of optimization algorithms to vehicle routing problems
Evolving Bent Quaternary Functions
Implementation and Application of Support Vector Machine to Classification and Regression
Evolving dispatching rules for optimising many- objective criteria in the unrelated machines environment
Strategy Game Model Implementation
Image compression with neural networks
Detection of cell nuclei using evolutionary computation
Fuzzy Logic for the Analysis of Time Sequences
Finding short and implementation-friendly addition chains with evolutionary algorithms
Comparison of ensemble learning methods for creating ensembles of dispatching rules for the unrelated machines environment
Evolving priority rules for resource constrained project scheduling problem with genetic programming
Solving Scheduling Problems in the Unrelated Machines Environment by Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Handwriting recognition with machine learning and its application for text identification on payment slips
A survey of dispatching rules for the dynamic unrelated machines environment
Analysis of molecular signature of tumors with machine learning
Path finding optimization in a dynamic environment
Encrypting communication with evolutionary algorithms
A Software Framework for Interactive Visualization of Optimization Algorithms
Genetic algorithm inspired by quantum mechanics
Neighbourhood Assessment Optimization for Mobile Telecommunications Network Antennas
Application of stohastic optimization algorithms in deep learning
Modelling physically unclonable functions with evolutionary algorithms
Accelerated Massive Parallelism
CryptoBench: benchmarking evolutionary algorithms with cryptographic problems
On the mutual information as a fitness landscape measure
Algorithms for expensive optimization
Hyper-heuristic methods for solving job shop scheduling problems with unrelated machines
Classification of heart diseases based on ECG signal using machine learning supported by evolutionary computation
Complexity Comparison of Integer Programming and Genetic Algorithms for Resource Constrained Scheduling Problems
On the evolution of bent (n, m) functions
Evolutionary algorithms for the design of orthogonal latin squares based on cellular automata
Implementation of Semi-Procedural Animation for Character Locomotion
Implementation and analysis of data mining algorithms
Imperialist competitive algorithm
Side-Channel Analysis and Machine Learning: A Practical Perspective
Methods for construction and optimization of addition chains
Combinatorial optimization problems and algorithms
Strategy evolution in multiplayer games using evolutionary algorithms
Immunological algorithms paradigm for construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties
Evolving S-boxes based on cellular automata with genetic programming
Design of S-boxes Defined with Cellular Automata Rules
Adaptive scheduling on unrelated machines with genetic programming
Measuring performance of optimization algorithms in evolutionary computation
On-line Scheduling Heuristics in Distributed Environments
Adaptive User Environment for Symbolic Regression
Classification using evolution of decision trees
Evolving Algebraic Constructions for Designing Bent Boolean Functions
Evolving Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generators
Genetic programming with semantic analysis
Maximal nonlinearity in balanced boolean functions with even number of inputs, revisited
Classification of data with genetic programming
Cryptographic Boolean functions : One output, many design criteria
Designing DNA Microarrays with Ant Colony Optimization
Constrained scheduling for unrelated machines
Extreme Pipelining Towards the Best Area-Performance Trade-Off in Hardware
Evolution of scheduling heuristics for the resource constrained scheduling problem
Evolutionary algorithms for multi and many-objective optimization
Evolutionary Algorithms for Finding Short Addition Chains: Going the Distance
Evolutionary Algorithms for Boolean Functions in Diverse Domains of Cryptography
Symbolic regression based forecasting with genetic programming
Workforce Scheduling in Inbound Customer Call Centres with a Case Study
Comparison of solution representations for scheduling in the unrelated machines environment
Strategy game parameter optimization with genetic algorithms
Application of nonparametric optimization algorithms
Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Cryptology
Strongly typed and semantic genetic programming
Parallel machine simulator
Evolution of evolutionary algorithms
Cartesian Genetic Programming Approach for Generating Substitution Boxes of Different Sizes
Analyzing Gene Expression Data: Fuzzy Decision Tree Algorithm applied to the Classification of Cancer Data
Metalanguage implementation in Evolutionary Computation Framework
Evolutionary Methods for the Construction of Cryptographic Boolean Functions
Fault Injection with a new flavor: Memetic Algorithms make a difference
Evolutionary Approach for Finding Correlation Immune Boolean Functions of Order t with Minimal Hamming Weight
Vehicle routing in dynamic environments
Artificial intelligence with behavior trees
Correlation Immunity of Boolean Functions: An Evolutionary Algorithms Perspective
Detecting Complex Diseases Using Genetic Features
Short term load forecasting
Adaptive memetic algorithms
Application of learnable evolution model to optimization problems
Cartesian genetic programming in evolutionary computation framework
Optimization by learnable evolution
Optimization of Boolean functions for cryptographic applications
S-box Pipelining Using Genetic Algorithms for High-Throughput AES Implementations: How Fast Can We Go?
Graph coloring with adaptive metaheuristics
Graph coloring with adaptive local search heuristics
Evolving DPA-Resistant Boolean Functions
Glitch it if you can: parameter search strategies for successful fault injection
Optimality and beyond: The case of 4×4 S-boxes
On Using Genetic Algorithms for Intrinsic Side-channel Resistance: The Case of AES S-box
Short term electric grid load forecasting
Solving Large Dense Symmetric Eigenproblem on Hybrid Architectures
Asynchronous and implicitly parallel evolutionary computation models
Combining Evolutionary Computation and Algebraic Constructions to Find Cryptography-Relevant Boolean Functions
Evolving Genetic Algorithms for Fault Injection Attacks
S-box, SET, Match: A Toolbox for S-box Analysis
Benu: Operating System Increments for Embedded Systems Engineer’s Education
Optimization of scheduling for unrelated machines
Evaluation of crossover efficiency in genetic programming
Confused by Confusion: Systematic Evaluation of DPA Resistance of Various S-boxes
Optimization efficiency based on fitness landscape
From fitness landscape to crossover operator choice
Evolutionary computation framework interface
Fractal visualization with evolutionary algorithms
Inferring Presence Status on Mobile Devices
Optimization of combinatorial networks pipelining
Discovering the status of mobile users
Workforce scheduling using evolutionary algorithms
Automated cutting using genetic programming
Automated nesting of irregular shapes with evolutionary algorithm
Detection of malignant formations on the lung X-ray using genetic programming and analysis methods of statistical texture characteristics
Optimal cutter path generation for automated cutting procedures
Vehicle routing in real time with genetic programming
Investigation of coevolutionary approach in gene regulatory network inference
Evolutionary algorithms based on probabilistic distributions
Multithread parallelization of evolutionary algorithms
Detection of malignant formations on lung radiographs with the help of evolutionary algorithms
Detection of malignant formations on X-ray images of the lung using a genetic algorithm and deterministic algorithms for continuous optimization
Inferring Presence Status on Smartphones: The Big Data Perspective
Increasing the efficiency of content retrieval via the Internet
Optimization of 3D models by reducing polygon count using evolutionary algorithms
Development of computationally demanding algorithms in a hybrid parallel environment
Parallelization of detection of malignant formations in radiographs using parallel evolutionary algorithms
Evolution of Vehicle Routing Problem Heuristics with Genetic Programming
On the Recombination Operator in the Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms
Evolving Cryptographically Sound Boolean Functions
Stochastic continuous optimization methods in evolutionary computation framework
Metaheuristics for routing and wavelength assignment problem
Evolutionary computation description language
Inference of gene regulatory networks using hybrid coevolutionary algorithm
On the Analysis of Experimental Results in Evolutionary Computation
Heuristic local-search methods applied on school timetabling
Distrubited job manager in a computer network
Particle swarm optimization on parallel processor architectures
Evolutionary neural network training
Distributed algorithms for evolutionary computation framework in Java
Parallel Neural Network Training with OpenCL
Automated Design of Combinatorial Logic Circuits
Evolving priority scheduling heuristics with genetic programming
Operating System Core as Template for Embedded System Software Development
Neural network inference with genetic algorithms
Evolving neural networks for face detection
Evolution of automatic robot control with genetic programming
Genetic programming applied to pulmonary embolism identification
Influence of the Crossover Operator in the Performance of the Hybrid Taguchi GA
Web-based system for student knowledge assessment
Methods for specification and automatic recognition of network protocols
University course timetabling using parallel genetic algorithm
Determining technical trading rules using genetic programming
Intelligent Problem Solving in Process Control of an Event Filter Cluster for a Particle Physics Experiment
Parallelized Rabin-Karp Method for Exact String Matching
Automated design of combinatorial networks
Automatic parallelization with genetic programming
Influence of parameters of evolutionary computing algorithms on the quality of found solutions of university exam timetabling problem
On asynchronous parallel evolutionary algorithm efficiency
Evolutionary algorithm for hybrid parallel platforms
Genetic programming efficiency in machine learning
Scheduling for parallel unrelated machines using evolutionary algorithms
Application of genetic programming in machine learning
Evaluation of Crossover Operator Performance in Genetic Algorithms with Binary Representation
Evolution of automatic control using parallel evolutionary algorithms
Classification of data using parallel neural networks
Protein sequence alignment with genetic algorithms
Evolving scheduling policies with gene expression programming
Visual denition of procedures for automatic virtual scene generation
Development enviroment for testing scheduling algorithms
Autonomous robot control using genetic programming
Gennetic annealing in optimization
Testing Task Schedulers on Linux System
One machine scheduling with genetic programming
Image compression with genetic algorithms
Semantic genetic programming
Implementation of classifier systems in evolutionary computation framework
Automatic steering control using evolutionary algorithms
Sport events results prediction with neural networks
University timetabling using evolutionary algorithms
University Course Timetabling Using ACO: A Case Study on Laboratory Exercises
Testing task schedulers on Linux system
Evolutionary algorithm implementation on graphical processing platforms
Analysis of solution representation efficiency in evolutionary computation framework
Floating-point representation efficiency in evolutionary algorithms
Training neural networks with genetic algorithm
Learning artificial neural network with parallel particle swarm optimization
Automatically defined functions in evolutionary algorithms
N-body problem parallel simulation
Applying ai-techniques as help for faculty administration - a case study
Application of artificial intelligence methods on agglomeration of database user roles
Multithreaded evolutionary algorithms
Heterogeneus platform parallelization with OpenCL
Operating Systems
University timetabling with hybrid genetic algorithm
Automatic control in a simulated environment
Solving cutting stock problem with evolutionary algorithms
Intelligent process control of the event filter cluster for experiments in particle physics
Exam Timetabling Using Genetic Algorithm
Job shop scheduling with genetic algorithms
Evolving memory page replacement strategies with genetic programming
Tree representations in optimization algorithms
Parallel evolutionary algorithms
Combinatorial network design with evolutionary algorithms
Parallelization of evolutionary algorithms
Evolving scheduling heuristics with genetic programming
Exam scheduling with genetic algorithms
University Course Timetabling with Genetic Algorithm: A Laboratory Excercises Case Study
Solving vehicle routing problem with genetic algorithms
Picture representation using evolutionary methods
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem
Graph Colouring with a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
Solving the n-body problem in physical systems
Semantic Genetic Programming
N Queen Solving with Genetic Algorithms
Solving Timetabling Problems using Genetic Algorithms
Solving Traveling Salesman Problem with Genetic Algorithms
Obtaining primary memory page replacement strategy with genetic programming
Synchronization problems
Genetic Programming Heuristics for Multiple Machine Scheduling
Dynamic Scheduling with Genetic Programming
Priority Scheduling with Genetic Programming
Scheduling based on adaptive rules
An overview of distributed programming techniques
Forward Kinematics of a Stewart Parallel Mechanism
Hexapod Structure Evaluation as Web Service
Kinematic evaluation and forward kinematic problem for Stewart platform based manipulators
Forward Kinematics of a Stewart Parallel Mechanism
The Forward And Inverse Kinematics Problems For Stewart Parallel Mechanisms
Parallelization of Elimination Tournament Selection without Synchronization
The Evaluation of Problem Solving Methods for Stewart Parallel Mechanism Kinematics
Genetic Algorithms in Real-Time Imprecise Computing
A New Model of Global Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithms in Real-Time Imprecise Computing
A Few Implementations of Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Parallel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Adaptive Genetic Operators in Elimination Genetic Algorithm
The effect of adaptive operator probability on genetic algorithm efficiency
University undergraduate
- Operating Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Operating Systems (Lecturer in charge)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Final BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Lecturers)
- Project C (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design (Lecturer in charge)
- Evolutionary Computing Optimization (Lecturer in charge)
- Parallel Programming (Lecturer in charge)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Project (Lecturers)
- Seminar (Lecturers)
- Seminar (Lecturers)
- Seminar 1 (Lecturers)
- Seminar 2 (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Algorithms in embedded computer systems (Lecturer in charge)
- Scheduling Algorithms (Lecturer in charge)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Computational intelligence Concurrent computing Evolutionary computation Particle swarm optimization Genetic algorithms -
Genetic algorithms Newton method Optimization Optimization methods -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Computational intelligence Concurrent computing Evolutionary computation Particle swarm optimization Genetic algorithms -
Engineering in medicine and biology
Genetic programming -
Science – general
Genetic programming
Professional memberships
- Croatian Academy of Engineering
- IEEE Senior member
- ACM member
Personal data
List of select projects
ECF - Evolutionary Computation Framework
User-oriented scheduling heuristics (in Croatian)
Programska podrška projektiranju Stewartovih paralelnih mehanizama (http://hexapod.zemris.fer.hr)