- Bibliography (CROSBI)
- List of select publications
- Biography
- Research areas
- Professional memberships
- Personal data
- Hobbies and interests
Fractal analysis of degenerate spiral trajectories of a class of ordinary differential equations
Srinivasa Ramanujan as a bridge over the ocean
Tesla's two autobiographies
Mahatma Gandhi and Kristian Kreković Connecting India and Croatia
Glagolitic script and Croatian name
Črnko's record about the defense of Siget from the Turks and the death of Nikola Zrinski in 1566, kept in the State Archive in Vienna
Miracle of Croatian Glagolitic Script
Vilim (William) Feller
Alojzije Stepinac - Glagolitic Script
Šare's algebraic systems
Nikola Tesla and his assistent Charles F. Scott
An attempt of continuation of "Glagoljski natpisi" (Glagolitic Inscriptions) by academician Branko Fučić
Maximally singular weak solutions of Poisson equations
Afterword; Two giants of nonviolence and peace- making: Mahatma Gandhi and Stjepan Radić
Society of friends of Glagolitic script and Jorunal „Bašćina“ (interview with Tomislav Galović PhD, Darko Žubrinić PhD, and Mirna Lipovac)
Vladimir Paleček - The Founder of the "Hungry Child" International FUnd
Mathematician who graduated at technical faculties
Parčić's glagolitic seal
Kajkavian Lord's Prayers
Mahatma Gandhi and Kristian Krekovic connecting India and Croatia
Croatian glagolitic at auctions
Essential singularities of fractal zeta functions
Twelvth copy of the first Croatian incunabulum from 1483
The Siget battle from 1566 described in Croatian glagolitic
Črnko's record about the defense of Siget from the Turks and the death of Nikola Zrinski in 1566, kept in the State Archive in Vienna
Minkowski measurability criteria for compact sets and relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces
Fractal tube formulas and a Minkowski measurability criterion for compact subsets of Euclidean spaces
Glagoljički prijepis latiničkog zapisa Franje Črnka o bitki kod Sigeta 1566. i o Nikoli Zrinskom
Towards bifurcations of complex dimensions
An overview of the theory of complex dimensions and fractal zeta functions
Glagolitics Anniversary
Experiences with mathematical typography at the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb
New Batomalj parchment sheet of the Statute of the confraternity of Mother Mary of the Hill from 1425 identified
Irrationality of Euler's number e
About Euler the number e and corresponding exponential and logarithmic function
Complex dimensions generated by essential singularities
Teaching of Croatian Language, Mathematics and Physics in the time of Education of Nikola Tesla in Croatia
Fractal properties of a class of polynomial planar systems having degenerate foci
Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality
Introduction to fractal analysis of orbits of dynamical systems
Croatian Glagolitic heritage in the context of European culture
Zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums: theory, examples and applications
Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions
Education of Nikola Tesla in Croatia and his professor Martin Sekulić
Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums: Higher- Dimensional Theory of Complex Dimensions
Tenth jubilee collection of the Passion heritage NGO dedicated to Istria and Kvarner
Dragutin Antun Parčić - a famous Croatian Glagolitic priest and lexicographer
Antun Lučić Anthony F. Lucas father of world's petroleum industry
Tenth jubilee collection of the Passion heritage NGO dedicated to Istria and Kvarner
Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets
Fractal tube formulas for relative fractal drums in arbitrary Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions
Gauge Minkowski content and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums
Relative fractal drums, complex dimensions and geometric oscillations
The role of Croatian Glagolitic heritage for the destiny of Istria after the Second World War
A Minkowski measurability criterion for relative fractal drums via complex dimensions
From singular dimensions and fractal analysis of vector fields to Lapidus zeta functions
Wavy spirals and their fractal connection with chirps
Fractal analysis of unbounded sets in Euclidean spaces: complex dimensions and Lapidus zeta functions
Mathematics 2
Fractal analysis of unbounded sets in Euclidean spaces and Lapidus zeta functions
Education of Nikola Tesla in Croatia
Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums [<a href="http://www.math.caltech.edu/~mathphysics/Slides/lapidus.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>]
Tube formulas for relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions
Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets and their residues
Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions: A general higher-dimensional theory
Kosinj valley and Kosinj Glagolitic printing
Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums
Mathematics 1
How is heard dimension \ sqrt {; ; ; 3}; ; ; ?
Box-counting fractal strings, zeta functions, and equivalent forms of Minkowski dimension
Quasilinear elliptic equations with positive exponent on the gradient
Fractal properties of oscillatory solutions of a class of ordinary differential equations
Fractal oscillations near the domain boundary of radially symmetric solutions of p-Laplace equations
Oscillations of a class of forced second-order differential equations with possible discontinuous coefficients
Josip Pecaric Croatian mathematician wrote a preface to a monograph by Wan-Lan Wang published in China 2011 [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/10376/1/Josip-Pecaric-Croatian-mathematician-wrote-a-preface-to-a-monograph-by-Wan-Lan-Wang-published-in-China-2011.html" target="_blank">Source</a>]
Box-counting fractal strings, zeta functions, and equivalent forms of Minkowski dimension
Contributions of Stanko Hondl to Croatian Encyclopaedia
Fractal properties of Bessel equation
A famous Russian mathematician A. N. Kolmogorov was a guest in Zagreb in 1965
Croatian Glagolitic heritage in contemporary Lika with accent on Gacka
Josip Andrić, distinguished Croatian musicologist, composer and writer from Bačka and the author of the first history of the Slovak music
The job chose me
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation at infinity
Zeta functions associated with arbitrary compact sets in $R^{; ; N}; ; $: Towards a general theory of complex fractal dimensions (reporter: Professor Michel L. Lapidus)
Sena Jurinac 1021-2011 legendary Croatian artist who shaped the entire opera world
Relative zeta functions of fractal sets in Euclidean spaces
Pedagogical credo of distinguished Croatian-American scientist William Feller
Fractal properties of trajectories of dynamical systems
Lapidus zeta functions of arbitrary fractals and compact sets in Euclidean spaces
Antun Lučić - Anthony F. Lucas, father of world petroleum engineering [<a href="http://www.croatianhistory.net/etf/antun_lucic.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>]
Contributions of Stanko Hondl to Croatian Encyclopaedia
Vladimir Varićak (1865-1942)
Professor Mladen Bestvina associate editor of the Annals of Mathematics [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/10044/1/Professor-Mladen-Bestvina-associate-editor-of-the-Annals-of-Mathematics.html" target="_blank">source</a>]
William Feller, Distinguished Croatian-American mathematician [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/10218/1/William-Feller-distinguished-Croatian-American-mathematician---first-monograph.html">Summary</a>]
Fractal properties of solutions of differential equations
Sign-Posts of Branko Fučić
Dr. Slobodan Lang: "Storm" was humanitarian operation that prevented genocide
Middle European Mathematical Olympiade organized in Varazdin, Croatia 2011
Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets
Box dimension of sets
Mate Ujevic 1901-1967 the founder and editor in chief of Croatian Encyclopaedia [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/10081/1/Mate-Ujevic-1901-1967-the-founder-and-editor-in-chief-of-Croatian-Encyclopaedia.html">source</a>]
Kristian Kreković, distinguished Croatian painter [<a href="http://www.croatianhistory.net/etf/krek.html">web</a>]
Loss of regularity of weak solutions of p-Laplace equations for p \neq 2
Nenad Ban's scientific work is regarded as a milestone in biochemical research [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/10040/1/Nenad-Bans-scientific-work-is-regarded-as-a-milestone-in-biochemical-research.html">source</a>]
Singular dimension of solution set of a class of p-Laplace equations
Experience of the Croatian-French History Workshop at the Faculty of Humanities and Its Future
Professors Z. Drmac and K. Veselic received prestigeous SIAM math prize [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9894/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Professor Henrik Heger founder of Croatian studies at Sorbonne in Paris in 1981 [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9949/1/" target="blank">source</a>]
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation for a class of completely integrable nonlinear Schroedinger Cauchy problems
Solvability of some nonlinear elliptic problems with strong dependence on the gradient
Mervan Pasic Croatian mathematician invited by Japanese colleagues [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9952/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
of the Katyn Forest tragedy [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9957/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Celebrating 90th anniversary of the Department of Applied Mathematics of FER in Zagreb
Zvonimir Janko and Yakov Berkovich authors of important math monograph [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9867/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Differential Equations and Applications a new Math journal in Croatia [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9857/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Hausdorff dimension of singular sets of Sobolev functions and applications
On some new properties of solutions of nonlinear PDE-s
Generating singularities of weak solutions of p-Laplace equations on fractal sets
Oscillatory and phase dimensions of solutions of some second-order differential equations
Jaksa Cvitanic a leading expert in Mathematical Finance [<a href="http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/9907/1/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Box dimension and Minkowski content of the clothoid
Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals
Poincare map in fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of planar vector fields
The existence of positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Box dimension and Minkowski content of generalized Euler spirals
Gauss formula
Poisson distribution
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Method of mathematical induction
Newton-Raphson method
Jacobi matrix
Zvonimir Janko, outstanding Croatian mathematician [<a href="http://www.croatianhistory.net/etf/janko/" target="_blank">source</a>]
Recent results on fractal analysis of trajectories of some dynamical systems
Box dimension of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in R^3
Box dimension of trajectories of some discrete dynamical systems
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Green's formula
Gauss curve
Distribution, normal
Stokes formula
Laplace equation
Galerkin method
Singular dimension of spaces of real functions
Introduction to discrete mathematics
Rudolf Strohal and his "Croatian Glagolitic Book" (1915)
Analysis of Minkowski contents of fractal sets and applications
Fractal analysis of dynamical systems
William Feller (Zagreb 1906 - New York 1970) - on the occasion of hundred years since the birth of outstanding Croatian - American mathematician
William Feller (1906-1970) [<a href="http://www.croatianhistory.net/etf/feller.html" target="_blank">source</a>]
Maximally singular functions in Besov spaces
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in ${; ; ; \mathbb R}; ; ; ^3$
Fractal dimensions in dynamics
Croatian Glagolitic heritage
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some planar vector fields
Hausdorff dimension of singular sets of Sobolev functions and applications
On extended singular set of potentials
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Singular sets of Lebesuge integrable functions
Correspondence between Rugjer Boskovic and Leonhard Euler
Box dimensions and Minkowski contents of spiral trajectories
Jewels of the history of Croatian culture and science on Internet
Minkowski content and singular integrals
Linear Algebra
William Feller - outstanding Croatian-American mathematician
Danilo Blanuša and its bridegroom problem
Minkowski content and singular integrals
On a glagolitic quickscript notebook in Prague
Singular sets of Sobolev functions
On a Croatian Glagolitic quickscript note-book in the Prague
Generating singularities of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations using Wolff's potential
Multidimensional generalization of Levin-Cochran-Lee inequalities
Croatian mathematical diaspora
A class of nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities : qualitative properties and existence of solutions
Some qualitative properties of solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems
Nonexistence of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with $p$-growth in the gradient
Euler's summation
Matrix transformations of the plane
Incommensurability of lengths
Singular sets of Sobolev functions
Harmonic numbers
Some qualitative properties of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations and applications
Glagolitic numbers
Recent advances in quasilinear elliptic equations
Discrete mathematics
Solvability of quasilinear elliptic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
A singular ODE related to quasilinear elliptic equations
Generating singularities of quasilinear elliptic equations
Quasilinear elliptic systems with the natural growth in the gradinet
Positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems with strong dependence on the gradient
Quasilinear elliptic equations and systems with strong dependence on the gradient
A note on Cacciopoli's inequality
Strategic game of J.H. Conway
Control of essential infimum and supremum of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations
How our predecessors computed
On Levin's generalization of Carleman's inequalities
Divine or golden section
Mathematics for primary and secondary schools on Internet
Fundamentals of Applied Functional Analysis
Croatian Glagolitic Script
Croatian fonts
Croatia - Overview of History, Culture and Science
Faculty of electrical engineering : with a short survey of the history of Croatia
Introduction to Variational Methods for Differential Equations
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal tube formulas and a Minkowski measurability criterion for compact subsets of Euclidean spaces. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 12 (2019), no. 1, 105–117.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal tube formulas for compact sets and relative fractal drums: oscillations, complex dimensions and fractality. J. Fractal Geom. 5 (2018), no. 1, 1–119.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums: theory, examples and applications. Dissertationes Math. 526 (2017), 105 pp.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 453 (2017), no. 1, 458–484.
Lapidus, M. L.; Radunović, G.; Žubrinić, D. Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets. Adv. Math. 307 (2017), 1215–1267.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and fractal drums. Higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer, Cham, 2017. xl+655 pp.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions: a general higher-dimensional theory. Fractal geometry and stochastics V, 229–257, Progr. Probab., 70, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2015.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 15 (2014), no. 2, 321–378.
Born in 1956. in Zagreb. Completed his studies at the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics, in 1978. Earned his PhD at the same institution in 1984. Since 1981 employed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. His scientific interests are in the field of nonlinear analysis of elliptic boundary value problems, fractal properties of dynamical systems, and in the field of fractal zeta functions. Coauthor of two monographs (in English) and about 60 professional research papers, as well as of several student manuals, all in the field of Mathematics. He was active in popularizing Math, and by the end of 1980s was a deputy leader of young mathematicians of the former state at International Mathematical Olympiads (IMO's). In 2010, published (in Croatian adn English) a monograph about William Feller, the greatest Croatian mathematician in history.
A founder (in 1993.) and the current president of Fans of the Glagolitic Society in Zagreb. Author of a book Hrvatska glagoljica (Croatian Glagolitic Script) published in 1994 (2nd edition in 1996, 400 pp.). Founded the web site Croatia - Its History, Culture and Science, www.croatianhistory.net in 1995, registered at the National and University Library in Zagreb. Deputy editor of the editor in chief Mr. Nenad Bach (NY) on the web site CROWN www.croatia.org, also registered at the National and University Library in Zagreb.
Delivered three public lectures about Antun Lučić (Anthony F. Lucas, born in 1855 in the city of Split), proclaimed in the USA as the father of petroleum engineering.
Since 2015, he is interested in the schooling of Nikola Tesla in Croatia.
Boundary value problems Partial differential equations Difference equations Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Euclidean distance Hilbert space Functional analysis Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals -
Boundary value problems Partial differential equations Difference equations Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Euclidean distance Hilbert space Functional analysis Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals
Professional memberships
fractal analysis of vector fields
fractal zeta functions
elliptic boundary value problem
Personal data
Hobbies and interests
Croatia - Its History, Culture and Science