Software Agents

Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.

Laboratory exercises

Course Description

Basic concepts and characteristics of (mobile) software agents and agent systems. A (mobile) software agent programming model. (Mobile) agents system: management, mobility, communication and collaboration. Agent languages, protocols and standards. Semantic agents. Agent platforms, security mechanisms, interactions of different systems. Multi-agent systems. Multi-agent systems for simulations and electronic markets. Multi-agent systems in M2M (Machine-to-Machine) environment. Application of game theory in multiagent systems.


Basics of distributed systems.

Study Programmes

University graduate
[FER3-HR] Audio Technologies and Electroacoustics - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Communication and Space Technologies - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computational Modelling in Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Course of the profile (2. semester)
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Science - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Control Systems and Robotics - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Data Science - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electric Machines, Drives and Automation - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronic and Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronics - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Information and Communication Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Network Science - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
Elective Courses of the Profile (2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Elective Courses (2. semester)
[FER2-HR] Telecommunication and Informatics - profile
Specialization Course (2. semester)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply knowledge of software agents and agent systems
  2. Use an agent platform for programming software agents
  3. Apply software agents for different types of problems
  4. Analyze a multi-agent system
  5. Design a multi-agent system
  6. Develop an agent system
  7. Identify concepts of mobility, communication, collaboration, and agent management
  8. Create an agent system in the Java programming language

Forms of Teaching



Independent assignments



Practical exercises

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Structure and characteristics of software agents
  2. Remote programming models; Model of a mobile software agent; Mobile agent systems: management and mobility; Mobile agent platforms
  3. Security issues in multi-agent systems: security requirements, mechanisms, and standards
  4. Intelligent agents and applications: case study focused on electronic markets
  5. Programming software agents for mobile devices
  6. Programming software agents for mobile devices
  7. Communication in multi-agent systems: Agent Communication Language (ACL) and Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) languages; Structure of messages and protocols; Communication based on ontologies and semantic web mechanisms
  8. Midterm exam
  9. Models of cooperation and negotiation in multi-agent systems: organization and coordination of agents, agent teams, delegation of tasks to agents
  10. Agent architectures (e.g., reactive, layered, cognitive)
  11. Rationality; Game theory; Markov decision processes (MDP)
  12. Software agents, personal assistants, and information access
  13. Learning agents
  14. Multi-agent systems (collaborative agents, agent teams, competitive agents, swarm systems, and biologically inspired models)
  15. Final exam


(.), W. R. Cockayne, M. Zyda, Mobile Agents, Prentice Hall, 1997.,
(.), M. Wooldridge, An introduction to MultiAgent Systems, Wiley, 2002.,
(.), Fasli, Maria (2007.), Agent Technology For E-Commerce, Wiley,
(.), Jain, C. L.,N. T. Nguyen (2009.), Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems, Springer-Verlag,
(.), Ossowski, Sascha (2013.), Agreement Technologies, Springer,
(.), Alkhatib, Ghazi; Rine, David (2009.), Agent Technologies and Web Engineering: Applications and Systems, Hershey: Information Science Reference,


ID 222688
  Summer semester
L1 English Level
L1 e-Learning
30 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
6 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

85 Excellent
75 Very Good
65 Good
55 Sufficient