Software Agents
Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.
Laboratory exercises
Course Description
Basic concepts and characteristics of (mobile) software agents and agent systems. A (mobile) software agent programming model. (Mobile) agents system: management, mobility, communication and collaboration. Agent languages, protocols and standards. Semantic agents. Agent platforms, security mechanisms, interactions of different systems. Multi-agent systems. Multi-agent systems for simulations and electronic markets. Multi-agent systems in M2M (Machine-to-Machine) environment. Application of game theory in multiagent systems.
Basics of distributed systems.
Study Programmes
University graduate
[FER3-HR] Audio Technologies and Electroacoustics - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Communication and Space Technologies - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computational Modelling in Engineering - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Course of the profile
(2. semester)
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Science - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Control Systems and Robotics - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Data Science - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electric Machines, Drives and Automation - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronic and Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronics - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Information and Communication Engineering - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Network Science - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
Elective Courses of the Profile
(2. semester)
[FER3-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Elective Courses
(2. semester)
[FER2-HR] Telecommunication and Informatics - profile
Specialization Course
(2. semester)
Learning Outcomes
- Apply knowledge of software agents and agent systems
- Use an agent platform for programming software agents
- Apply software agents for different types of problems
- Analyze a multi-agent system
- Design a multi-agent system
- Develop an agent system
- Identify concepts of mobility, communication, collaboration, and agent management
- Create an agent system in the Java programming language
Forms of Teaching
Independent assignmentsProject
LaboratoryPractical exercises
Week by Week Schedule
- Structure and characteristics of software agents
- Remote programming models; Model of a mobile software agent; Mobile agent systems: management and mobility; Mobile agent platforms
- Security issues in multi-agent systems: security requirements, mechanisms, and standards
- Intelligent agents and applications: case study focused on electronic markets
- Programming software agents for mobile devices
- Programming software agents for mobile devices
- Communication in multi-agent systems: Agent Communication Language (ACL) and Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) languages; Structure of messages and protocols; Communication based on ontologies and semantic web mechanisms
- Midterm exam
- Models of cooperation and negotiation in multi-agent systems: organization and coordination of agents, agent teams, delegation of tasks to agents
- Agent architectures (e.g., reactive, layered, cognitive)
- Rationality; Game theory; Markov decision processes (MDP)
- Software agents, personal assistants, and information access
- Learning agents
- Multi-agent systems (collaborative agents, agent teams, competitive agents, swarm systems, and biologically inspired models)
- Final exam
(.), W. R. Cockayne, M. Zyda, Mobile Agents, Prentice Hall, 1997.,
(.), M. Wooldridge, An introduction to MultiAgent Systems, Wiley, 2002.,
(.), Fasli, Maria (2007.), Agent Technology For E-Commerce, Wiley,
(.), Jain, C. L.,N. T. Nguyen (2009.), Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems, Springer-Verlag,
(.), Ossowski, Sascha (2013.), Agreement Technologies, Springer,
(.), Alkhatib, Ghazi; Rine, David (2009.), Agent Technologies and Web Engineering: Applications and Systems, Hershey: Information Science Reference,
ID 222688
Summer semester
L1 English Level
L1 e-Learning
30 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
6 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises
Grading System
85 Excellent
75 Very Good
65 Good
55 Sufficient