Power System Dynamics and Control

Data is displayed for academic year: 2023./2024.


Course Description

Control characteristics of energy processes in power system production and transmission facilities. Load - frequency control in power systems. Droop curve, load damping. Primary, secondary and tertiary load - frequency control system structure in power systems. Frequency collapse and underfreqency load shedding. Reactive power - voltage control in power systems. Voltage control devices. Voltage collapse and undervoltage load shedding. Dynamic characteristics of electric machines, network, loads and interconnections. Unit behavior during failure. Angle stability. Small signal stability and transient stability. Power system voltage stability. Long term stability. Power system stabilizers. Dynamics models of electric power systems elements.

Study Programmes

University graduate
[FER3-EN] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
(3. semester)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain principles of balancing between active and reactive power in a power system.
  2. Name and explain types of power system regulation.
  3. Differentiate interconnected power system operation form islanding power system operation.
  4. Explain the connection between frequency and active power and between voltage and reactive power.
  5. Describe the process of frequency collapse in a power system and functioning of frequency load shedding system.
  6. Describe the voltage collapse process in a power system and functioning of undervoltage load shedding system.
  7. Name and explain types of power system stability.
  8. Identify the most important parameters which determine dynamic behaviour of synchronous machines and describe the impact of each parametr on the power system dynamics.

Forms of Teaching


attendance is not required


attendance is not required

Field work

Visit to National Dispatching Centre

Independent assignments



mandatory laboratory exercises

Grading Method

Continuous Assessment Exam
Type Threshold Percent of Grade Threshold Percent of Grade
Laboratory Exercises 50 % 10 % 50 % 10 %
Quizzes 50 % 10 % 50 % 10 %
Seminar/Project 50 % 10 % 50 % 10 %
Mid Term Exam: Written 50 % 25 % 0 %
Final Exam: Written 50 % 25 %
Final Exam: Oral 20 %
Exam: Written 50 % 50 %
Exam: Oral 20 %

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Active power and frequency interdependencies, Load-generation balance, Static characteristic of different power units, Power system equivalent static characteristic
  2. Swing equation, Linear and nonlinear models of hydro power turbines, Linear and nonlinear models of thermal power tubines, Model of a synchronous generator with regulation, Hydro generator model, Turbo generator model
  3. Dynamic response of power system to imbalance, Primary, secondary and tertiary f-P control, Power reserves in control, Consumer dynamic model, Reduction of complex power system models
  4. Island operation, Load following, Operation of an isolated system
  5. Underfrequency load shedding schemes, Restoration, Black start, System blackout and restoration, Analysis of historical power system blackouts
  6. Reserve, Energy mix, Interconncetions, Interconnection line equation
  7. Reactive power and voltage interdependencies, Reactive power characteristics and consumers, Reactive power control devices
  8. Midterm exam
  9. Primary, secondary and tertiary U-Q control, Reactive power compensation, Undervoltage load shedding schemes
  10. Reliability, security and stability of power system, Frequency stability
  11. Power angle stability
  12. Voltage stability
  13. Parallel connected power systems, Dynamic characteristics of the power systems connection, Power system simulation considering frequency and voltage fluctuations
  14. Power system multimachine model considering angle and voltage stability, Simulation of the post-distrubance power system recovery, Commercial power system software tools
  15. Final exam


Igor Kuzle (2016.), Dinamika elektroenergetskog sustava, FER/ZVNE
Igor Kuzle (2011.), (f-P) i (U-Q) regulacije u EES-u, FER/ZVNE
Prabha Kundur (1994.), Power System Stability and Control, Epri Power System Engineering
Jan Machowski, Zbigniew Lubosny, Janusz W. Bialek, James R. Bumby (2020.), Power System Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons
Vijay Vittal, James D. McCalley, Paul M. Anderson, A. A. Fouad (2019.), Power System Control and Stability, John Wiley & Sons
Peter W. Sauer, M. A. Pai, Joe H. Chow (2017.), Power System Dynamics and Stability, John Wiley & Sons

For students


ID 223059
  Winter semester
L1 English Level
L1 e-Learning
45 Lectures
0 Seminar
30 Exercises
6 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

90 Excellent
80 Very Good
70 Good
60 Sufficient