Portfolio and program management
Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.
Course Description
The course deals with the principles and application of portfolio and program management. Portfolios translate an organization’s business strategy into a collection of managed activities concerning desirable benefits and outcomes. Program management deals with the management of several interconnected projects in a conjoined multi-project environment to achieve profits that would not be possible with separate project implementation. The purpose of portfolio and program management is to align projects with business objectives. The content of the course includes the presentation of strategic and systemic aspects of organizational project management, the basics of portfolio and program management (PPM). Introduction to portfolio and program management frameworks including portfolio planning, monitoring and supervision. A description of the different types of project management offices (PMOs) and their functions and the activities necessary to implement PPM and PMO in the organization. Understanding the interrelationship and interdependence of different projects within the organization, the importance of macro-planning and demonstrations of practical implementations of program and portfolio management. Presentation of tools and techniques for PPM and linking the topic of sustainability with the field of program management, with emphasis on projects to achieve social equality, economic efficiency and environmental protection.
Study Programmes
Postgraduate spec. study
Mislav Ante Omazić; Stipe Baljkas (2005.), Projektni menadžment, Sinergija, Zagreb
Murali Kulathumani (2017.), Breakthrough Project Portfolio Management: Achieving the Next Level of Capability and Optimization, J. Ross Publishing
ID 181874
Summer semester
L1 English Level