Laboratory of Telecommunication and Informatics 1

Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.

Laboratory exercises

Course Description

The laboratory assignments grouped in five areas, designed to complement the material covered in lectures. Information networks: queueing systems modelling, network algorithms, paths, circuit and packet switching networks. Photonic telecommunication networks: modelling and simulation of optical networks with circuit, burst and packet switching, algorithms for optimal design, routing and wavelength assignment. Communication protocols: specification and verification tools. Distributed systems programming models: point-to-point and group communication, synchronous and asynchronous distributed algorithms, message passing, distributed objects, distributed data; client-server applications, peer-to-peer systems, publish-subscribe systems. Data management: complex queries, storing and querying XML documents. Case studies.

Study Programmes

University graduate
[FER2-HR] Telecommunication and Informatics - profile
(1. semester)

General Competencies

In-depth understanding of the principles and theoretical background of information networks, communication protocols, distributed systems and data management, required for solving engineering problems in the area of telecommunication and informatics. Ability to design and conduct analytic, modeling, simulation and experimental investigation. Ability to design solutions to problems that are unfamiliar, incompletely defined, and have competing specifications. Ability to formulate the problem and criticaly evaluate the solution. Practical experience with design, implementation, and deployment of information and communication systems.

Learning Outcomes

  1. solve engineering problems in the area of telecommunication and informatics
  2. design information and communication system
  3. analyze telecommunication system
  4. model telecommunication system
  5. deploy information and communication system
  6. formulate the problem and criticaly evaluate the solution
  7. identify problems that are unfamiliar, incompletely defined, and have competing specifications
  8. evaluate the solution in telecommunication domain

Forms of Teaching


Lectures related to laboratory exercises of chosen subjects (3 of 4).

Laboratory Work

Complex laboratory assignments related to Information networks, Photonic telecommunication networks, Communication protocols and Distributed systems. Students choose three assignments out of four offered within this subject.

Experimental Exercises

Selected network models, communication protocols and distributed systems implemented using different software tools are demosntrated during lectures.


Regular consultations hours with lectureres, fevery week.

Acquisition of Skills

Implementation of software tools and languages for design and modeling information networks, communication protocols and distributed systems.

Programming Exercises

Software tolls and languages for different implementations.

Grading Method

Continuous Assessment Exam
Type Threshold Percent of Grade Threshold Percent of Grade
Laboratory Exercises 50 % 90 % 50 % 90 %
Class participation 0 % 5 % 0 % 5 %
Attendance 0 % 5 % 0 % 5 %

All laboratory assignements must be completed succesfully.

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Information networks: queueing systems modelling. Network algorithms: paths and flows. Circuit and packet switching networks.
  2. Information networks: queueing systems modelling. Network algorithms: paths and flows. Circuit and packet switching networks.
  3. Information networks: queueing systems modelling. Network algorithms: paths and flows. Circuit and packet switching networks.
  4. Photonic telecommunication networks: modelling and simulation of high bit rate optical transmission including wavelength division multiplexing. Algorithms for optimal design, routing and wavelength assignment. Simulation of optical networks with circuit, burst and packet switching: comparison of performances.
  5. Photonic telecommunication networks: modelling and simulation of high bit rate optical transmission including wavelength division multiplexing. Algorithms for optimal design, routing and wavelength assignment. Simulation of optical networks with circuit, burst and packet switching: comparison of performances.
  6. Photonic telecommunication networks: modelling and simulation of high bit rate optical transmission including wavelength division multiplexing. Algorithms for optimal design, routing and wavelength assignment. Simulation of optical networks with circuit, burst and packet switching: comparison of performances.
  7. Communication protocols: selected examples. Specification and verification of communication protocols using software tools Promela/Spin (Protocol meta language and model checker for communicating processes), Petri/DaNAMiCS (Petri nets) and Concurrency Workbench CWB (Calculus of Communicating Systems)
  8. Communication protocols: selected examples. Specification and verification of communication protocols using software tools Promela/Spin (Protocol meta language and model checker for communicating processes), Petri/DaNAMiCS (Petri nets) and Concurrency Workbench CWB (Calculus of Communicating Systems)
  9. Communication protocols: selected examples. Specification and verification of communication protocols using software tools Promela/Spin (Protocol meta language and model checker for communicating processes), Petri/DaNAMiCS (Petri nets) and Concurrency Workbench CWB (Calculus of Communicating Systems)
  10. Distributed systems: basic programming models. Point-to-point and group communication models, synchronous and asynchronous distributed algorithms, message passing and distributed objects, distributed data model. Selected examples: client-server applications, peer-to-peer systems, publish-subscribe systems.
  11. Distributed systems: basic programming models. Point-to-point and group communication models, synchronous and asynchronous distributed algorithms, message passing and distributed objects, distributed data model. Selected examples: client-server applications, peer-to-peer systems, publish-subscribe systems.
  12. Distributed systems: basic programming models. Point-to-point and group communication models, synchronous and asynchronous distributed algorithms, message passing and distributed objects, distributed data model. Selected examples: client-server applications, peer-to-peer systems, publish-subscribe systems.
  13. Data management: using PL/SQL and SQL3 for making complex queries against databases and optimization of those queries. Storing and querying XML documents.
  14. Data management: using PL/SQL and SQL3 for making complex queries against databases and optimization of those queries. Storing and querying XML documents.
  15. Data management: using PL/SQL and SQL3 for making complex queries against databases and optimization of those queries. Storing and querying XML documents.


Ana Petrić (2007.), Laboratorijske vježbe: Primjeri projektnih zadataka iz Komunikacijskih protokola, FER


ID 35240
  Winter semester
L1 English Level
L1 e-Learning
30 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
60 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

85 Excellent
75 Very Good
65 Good
55 Sufficient