Introduction to Nanoscience

Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.

Course Description

Introduction to the basic phenomena and ideas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. An overview of basic concepts of quantum mechanics, the science necessary to understand the matter at the "nano" scale. A selective survey of nanostructured materials; basic about the nanostructures, quantum dots, quantum wells, nanowires, their properties and applications. Examples: carbon nanotubes, fulerens, graphene, nanodiamond, nanoonions etc. How to make and to see the nanostructures - the tools of the Nanoscience: an overview of the techniques for the nanofabrication and self-assembly, microscopy, manipulation and measurement, the tools for characterization of nanostructures. Smart materials based on nanostructures, examples of existing applications and potential new ones. Applications in (nano)electronics, (quantum)computing, (nano)biology and (nano)medicine.


Basics of differential and integral calculus and general physics.

Study Programmes

University graduate
[FER3-HR] Audio Technologies and Electroacoustics - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Communication and Space Technologies - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computational Modelling in Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Science - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Control Systems and Robotics - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Data Science - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electric Machines, Drives and Automation - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronic and Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronics - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester)
Elective Courses of the Profile (1. semester)
[FER3-HR] Information and Communication Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Network Science - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Elective Courses (1. semester) (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Computer Engineering - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Computer Science - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Control Engineering and Automation - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Electrical Engineering Systems and Technologies - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Electronic and Computer Engineering - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Electronics - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Information Processing - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Telecommunication and Informatics - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)
[FER2-HR] Wireless Technologies - profile
Mathematics and Science (1. semester)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Define and apprehend the basic phenomena and ideas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
  2. Explain and understand basic quantum systems.
  3. Explain and understand new properties and behaviour of nanostructures.
  4. Explain and understand that the dependance of the behavior on the particle sizes can allow one to engioneer their properties.
  5. Explain and understand the techniques for the nanofabrication and self-assembly, microscopy, manipulation and measurement - the tools for characterization of nanostructures.
  6. Generalize and understand the broad implications of nanotechnology.
  7. Explain and understand new smart materials based on nanostructures.
  8. Develop the understanding or apprehend the role and consequences of applications in (nano)electronics, (quntum)computing, (nano)biology and (nano)medicine.

Forms of Teaching


Lecturers with AV support originated by the laboratories.

Seminars and workshops

Individual presentations of specified topics.


Demonstration and hands-on practical excercises.

Grading Method

Continuous Assessment Exam
Type Threshold Percent of Grade Threshold Percent of Grade
Seminar/Project 0 % 30 % 0 % 0 %
Mid Term Exam: Written 0 % 35 % 0 %
Final Exam: Written 0 % 35 %
Exam: Written 0 % 70 %

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Introduction to nano (world). What is nanoscience? Overview of quantum effects and fluctuations in nanostructures.
  2. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics for understanding nanoscience. The uncertainty principle and Hitachi experiment. Schroedinger equation.
  3. Confined electrons in 1D and 3D. Tunnel effect through a potential barrier. Hydrogen atom. Multielectron atoms and periodic table of the elements.
  4. Basic nanostructures: quantum dots, quantum wells, quantum wires.
  5. Tools for measuring and manipulating nanostructures: scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope.
  6. Making nanostructures - an overview of nanofabrication: top down and bottom up approach.
  7. Tools for making nanostructures: epitaxy growth (MBE), litography, ion implantation, chemical methods, self-assembly, etc.
  8. Midterm exam
  9. Experimental tools for nanostructure characterization: electronic microscopy and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, Raman).
  10. Experimental tools for nanostructure characterization: optical and electrical spectroscopy techniques (photoluminescence, IV, CV, DLTS techniques).
  11. Nanostructures based on carbon: nanowires, fulerens, graphene, nanodiamonds, nanoonions ...
  12. Smart and new materials based on nanostructures. New composite materials (polymer-nanostructures).
  13. Examples and applications of nanomaterijals in electronics and computing: from a single electron transistors to next generation solar cells, nanocomputers, nanorobots.
  14. Examples and applications of nanomaterials in nanobiology and nanomedicine, cancer detecting and fighting with nanoparticles, smart drugs.
  15. Final exam


Amretashis Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Sarkar (2015.), Introduction to Nano, Springer
Stanislav Kurajica, Sanja Lučić Blagojević (2017.), Uvod u nanotehnologiju, Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2017., Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa
Lahorija Bistričić (.), Uvod u nanoznanost (skripta predavanja),
Stuart Lindsay (2009.), Introduction to Nanoscience, OUP Oxford
Mark A. Ratner, Daniel Ratner (2003.), Nanotechnology, Prentice Hall Professional
C. C. Koch (2007.), Nanostructured Materials, William Andrew Pub


ID 223721
  Winter semester
L1 English Level
L2 e-Learning
45 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
0 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

85 Excellent
70 Very Good
60 Good
50 Sufficient