Interactive Computer Graphics

Data is displayed for academic year: 2023./2024.

Course Description

Interactive computer graphics is the art and science of creation, manipulation and viewing of the objects representations using computer technologies. This requires the design and construction of models that represent objects in ways that support the creation and viewing of them first, than the design of devices and techniques through which the person may interact with the model or the view and the creation of techniques for rendering and preserving the model. The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of computer graphics.

Study Programmes

University undergraduate
[FER3-EN] Computing - study
Elective Courses (6. semester)
[FER3-EN] Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - study
Elective Courses (6. semester)

Learning Outcomes

  1. define concepts of contemporary graphics hardware
  2. apply mathematics, physics and computer programming to computer graphics applications and problem solutions
  3. develop interactive graphics applications using graphics application programming interface
  4. develop applications that implement graphics primitives and demonstrate geometrical transformations
  5. explain principles of the 3D graphics rendering and modelling
  6. solve problems in 3D graphics and develop graphical applications
  7. evaluate the quality of graphical applications

Forms of Teaching


The lectures take place live in Croatian and were recorded and posted on the youtube list:

Partial e-learning

Moodle is used for short knowledge tests.

Independent assignments

Additional assignments for extra points can be made.

Multimedia and the internet

The course uses multimedia and networking.


The lab is done in a faculty lab or through MSTeams.

Grading Method

Continuous Assessment Exam
Type Threshold Percent of Grade Threshold Percent of Grade
Laboratory Exercises 50 % 15 % 0 % 0 %
Homeworks 0 % 5 % 0 % 0 %
Class participation 0 % 10 % 0 % 0 %
Mid Term Exam: Written 0 % 30 % 0 %
Final Exam: Written 30 % 40 %
Exam: Written 50 % 50 %
Exam: Oral 50 %

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Computer graphic pipeline; Raster graphics
  2. Use of standard graphics APIs, Standard media formats
  3. Graphic primitives, Basic geometric operations (intersection calculation and proximity tests)
  4. Animation and double buffering, Representations of graphic objects
  5. Affine and coordinate system transformations
  6. Bezier curves, spline curves, and surfaces
  7. Parametric polynomial curves and surfaces, Implicit representation of curves and surfaces
  8. Midterm exam
  9. Ilumination models (local and global), Rendering in nature; Emission and scattering of light
  10. Visibility and occlusion, including solutions to this problem, Occlusion culling
  11. Shadow mapping
  12. Ray tracing
  13. Human visual systems including adaptation to light, sensitivity to noise, and flicker fusion
  14. Texture mapping (including minification and magnification)
  15. Procedural models such as fractals, and L-systems, Final exam


Marko Čupić i Željka Mihajolović (2020.), Interaktivna računalna grafika kroz primjere u OpenGL-u”, Zavodska skripta (ažurirana i mijenjana izdanja), Zagreb, 2016.,
Eric Lengyel (2012.), Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition, Cengage Learning
Tomas Akenine-Mo ̈ller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman (2018.), Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition, CRC Press

For students


ID 210748
  Summer semester
L1 English Level
L3 e-Learning
45 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
15 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

Very Good
50 Sufficient