Digital Image Analysis
Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.
Course Description
Analysis of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. Image feature extraction. Texture features. Principal component analysis. Edge detection. Gradient and compass operators. Boundary extraction. Image segmentation. Hough transform. Clustering algorithms. Texture description and analysis. Mathematical morphology. Shape description and analysis. Boundary and region representation. Image registration. Neural networks. Expert systems. Motion detection. Optical flow. Applications.
Study Programmes
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle (2014.), Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Cengage Learning
Robert M. Haralick, Linda G. Shapiro (1992.), Computer and robot vision, Addison Wesley Publishing Company
E. R. Davies (2012.), Computer and Machine Vision, Academic Press
ID 154716
Summer semester
L2 English Level