Detectors and electronic instrumentation for particle physic

Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.

Course Description

Radiation interactions with materials of the detectors. Detectors based on electromagnetic interactions, and on the visual effects. Types of the detectors: gaseous counters, scintillation detectors, semiconductors detectors, TOF-detectors, multiwire proportional chambers, time-projection chambers, Čerenkov counters, calorimeters, and spectrometers. A pulse (signal) generation and resolving in the detectors. Methods for the pulse processing and conversion, and electronic components (TDC, ADC, FADC; NIM, CAMAC, FASTBUS). Kinematical set-up of the experiments and conservation laws at low and at the high energies, till the highest at the CERN. Precision and energy resolution in the measurements with the accelerated beams. Data, events, and objects in the calorimeters and complex detectors (PID). Coincident experiments in the precise hypernuclear spectroscopy based on the reaction (e, e'K+) by using electron beam at the JLab. Development of the spectrometers of higher generations of the subMeV energy resolution for kaons K+ and scattered electrons e', to investigate structure of the hypernuclei with Lambda hyperon in the light or medium-heavy nuclei. Epistemological reflections of the results of the experiments and possible applications in technology.

Study Programmes

Postgraduate doctoral study programme


William R. Leo (1994.), Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How - to Approach, Second Revised Edition, Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Glenn F. Knoll (2012.), Student Solutions Manual to accompany Radiation Detection and Measurement, 4th Edition, J. Wiley & Sons, New York
Tomislav Petković (2011.), Eksperimentalna fizika i spoznajna teorija, 3. promijenjeno izdanje. Tumač akronima i glosarij, Postscriptum preciznim pokusima i očekivanju nove fizike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb
O. Hashimoto, ... L. Tang, ... T. Petković, ... and J. Pochodzala (2010.), Hypernuclear spectroscopy at JLab Hall C, Nuclear Physics A, 835, 1-4(2010) 121 - 128
Donald H. Perkins (2000.), Intoduction to High Energy Physics, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press
Tomislav Petković (2010.), Nova fizika na LHC-u i nova filozofska istraživanja, Filozofska istraživanja 117 - 118, God. 30 (2010) Sv. 1-2 (193 - 209)., Filozofska istraživanja 117 - 118, God. 30 (2010) Sv. 1-2 (193 - 209).
S. N. Nakamura, ... T. Petković. ... S. A. Wood, ... and S. Zhamkochyan (2013.), Observation of the 7He-Lambda Hypernucleus by the (e, e'K+) reaction, Physical Review Letters 110, 012502 (2013)
T. Gogami, C. Chen, ... T. Petković, ... L. Tang, ... and L. Zhu (2016.), Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich hypernucleus HeΛ7 from electron scattering. Physical Review C (0556-2813) 94 (2016), 2; 021302-1-021302-6, Physical Review C (0556-2813) 94 (2016), 2; 021302-1-021302-6
X.Qiu, L.Tang, ... T. Petković, ...L.Yuan, S.Zhamkochyand, L.Zhu (2018.), Direct measurements of the lifetime of medium-heavy hypernuclei, Nuclear Physics A (0375-9474) 973 (2018), May 2018; 116-148


ID 154702
  Summer semester
L0 English Level
L1 e-Learning