Competition law
Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.
Course Description
Introduction to EC competition law. Basic economic concepts and market competition. Relevant market. Market power. Limiting Agreements (Article 81 of the UEZ). Abuse of a dominant position (Article 82 of the UEZ). Supervision of the concentration of entrepreneurs. Croatian Competition Law.
The EC competition law in the field of electronic communications. Regulatory framework. The relationship between market competition and sectoral regulations. Relevant market and market power in electronic communications. Application of Art. 81. UEZ. Application of Art. 82. UEZ. Joint ventures and concentrations. Application of Art. 86. UEZ. Croatian competition law in the field of electronic communications.
Study Programmes
Postgraduate spec. study
Bellamy & Child (.), European Community Law of Competition, Oxford University Press
Ian Walden (2005.), Telecommunications Law and Regulation, Oxford University Press
Christian Koenig, Andreas Bartosch, Jens-Daniel Braun (eds.) (2001.), EC Competition and Telecommunications Law: A Practitioner's Guide, Kluwer
Nikos Th. Nikolinakos (2006.), EU competition law and regulation in the coverging telecommunications, media, and IT sectors, Kluwer
(2001.), EU Directive 2002/19 on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities (“Access Directive”), OJ L 108/7,
ID 155035
Summer semester
L2 English Level