Acoustical Design

Data is displayed for the academic year: 2024./2025.

Course Description

Room acoustics, room constant and resonancies, problems of low frequencies and standing waves in rooms. Acoustic modeling. Design of rooms for hearing. Analyses of acoustic parameters and measurements in rooms. Acoustic treatment of rooms for special purposes. Acoustical design of TV and radio studios and control rooms. Digital control of acoustical quality of rooms. Acoustical measurements with impulse signals.

Study Programmes

Postgraduate doctoral study programme


Duncan Templeton (1997.), Acoustics in the Built Environment, Butterworth-Heinemann
Charles E. Wilson (1994.), Noise Control, Krieger publishing company, Malabar, Florida
Michael Rettinger (1988.), Handbook of architectural acoustics and noise control, Tab Books
Frank J. Fahy (2000.), Foundations of Engineering Acoustics, Elsevier


ID 154681
  Summer semester
L0 English Level