Use of machine learning models for identification of predictors of survival and tumour recurrence in liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma
The Disparate Goals of Statistics and Machine Learning: Survival Analysis and Prediction on Liver Transplantation Data
Machine-learning-assisted donor-recipient matching for orthotopic liver transplantation
Time-to-Event Prediction: Current Trends in Machine Learning
Combining Deep Learning and the Heat Flux Method for In-Situ Thermal-Transmittance Measurement Improvement
Use of machine learning models for identification of predictors of survival in patients undergoing liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
No difference in outcomes of liver transplantation using elderly donor grafts versus young donor grafts in the setting of short cold ischemia times
Determination of influential parameters for heat consumption in district heating systems using machine learning
Evaluating Automatic Term Extraction Methods on Individual Documents
Modelling influential factors of consumption in district heating systems
Predicting News Values from Headline Text and Emotions
Modelling the impact of installation of heat cost allocators in DH systems using algorithms of Machine Learning
Two Layers of Annotation for Representing Event Mentions in News Stories
Social network analysis - examples from practice
Modelling the Impact of Installation of Heat Cost Allocators in DH Systems Using Machine Learning
Critical Level of Data Imbalance For Machine Learning Algorithms In Software Defect Prediction
Improvement of Software Defect Prediction Methods Based On Machine Learning
Detecting and Ranking Conceptual Links between Texts Using a Knowledge Base
A Systematic Data Collection Procedure for Software Defect Prediction
A project of developing a knowledge management system
A Project of Developing a Knowledge Management System
Data Collection for Software Defect Prediction – an Exploratory Case Study of Open Source Software Projects
TKLBLIIR: Detecting Twitter Paraphrases with TweetingJay
Rotation Forest in Software Defect Prediction
Promotional Forecast Model for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Stores
Software Defect Prediction with Bug-Code Analyzer - a Data Collection Tool Demo
Multi-label Classification of Croatian Legal Documents Using EuroVoc Thesaurus
Temporal visualization of large text collections based on correspondence analysis
Stability of Software Defect Prediction in Relation to Levels of Data Imbalance
Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing in Large Scale Next Release Problem
Construction and Evaluation of Cellular Automata Lattice Based on the Semantics of an Urban Traffic Network
CroNER: Recognizing Named Entities in Croatian Using Conditional Random Fields
Are You for Real? Learning Event Factuality in Croatian Texts
Visualization of temporal text collections based on Correspondence Analysis
TakeLab: Systems for Measuring Semantic Text Similarity
Multivariate Logistic Regression Prediction of Fault-Proneness in Software Modules
Optimizing Sentence Boundary Detection for Croatian
Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Features for Collocation Extraction in Croatian
Towards a Constraint Grammar Based Morphological Tagger for Croatian
Distributional Semantics Approach to Detecting Synonyms in Croatian Language
Semi-Supervised Acquisition of Croatian Sentiment Lexicon
Experiments on Hybrid Corpus-Based Sentiment Lexicon Acquisition
Overview of search-based optimization algorithms used in software engineering
CroNER: A State-of-the-Art Named Entity Recognition and Classification for Croatian
Exploring Classification Concept Drift on a Large News Text Corpus
Construction of Cellular Automata Lattice Based on the Semantics of an Urban Traffic Network
Uncensoring censored data for machine learning: A likelihood-based approach
Unsupervised Topic-Oriented Keyphrase Extraction and its Application to Croatian
Acronym extraction in Croatian language
Parallel Ant Colony Optimization for Laboratory Exercises Timetabling Problem
Random Indexing Distributional Semantic Models for Croatian Language
Pattern recognition
Tagging parts of speech Croatian texts
Question Classification for a Croatian QA System
Distance mesures
Question Type Classification for Information Retrieval Systems
Determining Semantic Orientation of Subjective Words and Phrases
First Story Detection in Textual Data Streams
Automatic Graph-based Extraction of Synonyms
Automatic keyphrase extraction from Croatian text using machine learning methods
Robust Keyphrase Extraction For A Large-Scale Croatian News Production System
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English- Croatian Parallel Corpora
Croatian OCR Error Correction Using Character Confusions and Language Modelling
A Style Checker for Written Text
Innovation in machine processing of textual data - experiences from the CADIAL project
Learning Bayesian Networks from Censored Survival Data
Learning Bayesian networks from survival data using weighting censored instances
Systems for intelligent text analysis and visualization of documents in Croatian language
Visualization of Text Streams: A Survey
Application of various clustering algorithms on a collection of documents
Building a Stemming Algorithm Using Genetic Programming
Implementation of a game simulator and checkers game-playing algorithms
Letters and numbers - From morphology and text search to text visualization
The Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Simulations of Language Acquisition
Innovation in machine processing of textual data - experiences from the CADIAL project
Correction of Merged Words Errors in Texts Obtained by Optical Character Recognition
University Course Timetabling Using ACO: A Case Study on Laboratory Exercises
System for Organizing and Sharing Knowledge Based on Topic Maps
A system for visualisation and entity relationship analysis
Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
A Stemming Algorithm Based on String Clustering
Automated Sentence Boundary Detection
OCR Error Correction
Extending Lexical Association Measures for Collocation Extraction
Decision tree based on knowledge discovery by rough set theory
Program environment for execution of tournaments for game playing algorithms
A Computational Model of Croatian Derivational Morphology
Morphological Normalization of Texts in Croatian Language for Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Word Sense Discrimination Using Expectation Maximization Algorithm
GPS data based non-parametric regression for predicting travel times in urban traffic networks
Exploring String and Word Kernels on Croatian-English Parallel Corpus
String Kernels for Text Classification
Web Page Cleaning Techniques for Text Mining
Word Sense Discrimination
Lexicon-Based Morphological Normalisation and its Aplication to Croatian Language
Automatic Diacritics Restoration in Croatian Texts
FAQ retrieval system for Croatian language
TermeX: A Tool for Collocation Extraction
Collocation extraction from corpus
Comparative Analysis of Automatic Term and Collocation Extraction
Structure-Based Web Page Comparison Algorithm
Spelling Corrector for Short Texts
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Croatian Newspaper Articles
OCR Error Correction
CADIAL Search Engine at INEX
Textual features for corpus visualization using correspondence analysis
Automatic Diacritics Restoration in Croatian Texts
Maximum Entropy Method and its Application on Text Tagging
Keyword Extraction Based on Document Clustering
Post-test analysis of automatically generated multiple choice exams: a case study
String Distance-Based Stemming of the Highly Inflected Croatian Language
Keyword Extraction from Text Using Decision Trees
Technologies for the Processing and Retrieval of Semi-Structured Documents - Experience from the CADIAL project
Impact of censoring on learning Bayesian networks in survival modelling
Client Side of Distributed Linguistic Resource Annotator
Collocation Extraction Using Genetic Programming
Language Morphology Offset: Text Classification on a Croatian-English Parallel Corpus
Higher-order Functional Representation of Croatian Inflectional Morphology
Query correction based on Levenshtein distance
orngTxt : Orange data mining tool, Add-On for Text mining
Dialogue system in Croatian language
Automatic Acquisition of Inflectional Lexica for Morphological Normalisation
Ontological semantics
Decision Tree Construction from Knowledge Discovered by Rough Sets Theory
Artificial Intelligence : Reasoning using Propositional and Predicate Logic - problems collection
Spatial index building
Enthusiast: An authoring tool for automatic generation of paper-and-pencil multiple-choice tests
Comparing Document Classification Schemes Using K-Means Clustering
Building a Search Engine Model with Morphological Normalization Support
A heuristic algorithm for matching of address data
System for matching of personal names entries to reference database
Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
Presenting Coral software on web
Matrix transformation and k-means algorithm for visualization of text data
Churn prediction model in retail banking using fuzzy c-means clustering
An Implementation of the Gale– Church Parallel Text Alignment Algorithm
Selforganizing neural networks for text mining
Computer Aided Document Indexing for Accessing Legislation
Distributed linguistic resource annotator
Language and Knowledge Technologies for News Collections in Croatia
Building an ontology for intelligent text retrieval
Data searching based on approximate string matching
Correlation based approach to mobile robot pose tracking in unknown environments
TMT : Object-Oriented Text Classification Library
Computational Linguistic Models and Language Technologies for Croatian
Named entity recognition using machine learning techniques
Collocation extraction optimization using evolution programming
Approximate Representation of Textual Documents in the Concept Space
First-order-logic rule induction
Mining spatial-temporal data for travel time estimation in urban traffic networks
Web service as a provider for statistics of text features and the eurovoc dictionary
Collocation extraction measures for text mining applications
Computer Aided Document Indexing System for Accessing Legislation
Process Control of an Event Filter Farm for a Particle Physics Experiment Based on Expert System Technology
N-Grams and Morphological Normalization in Text Classification: A Comparison on a Croatian-English Parallel Corpus
Web service for automatic indexing of documents
Feature selection for text analysis in vector space model
Visualization of grouped data
Computer Aided Document Indexing System (CADIS) with Eurovoc
DAEM algorithm and protein grouping
Expert system for liver disease diagnosis
Automatic natural language recognition
Application of graph theory in textmining
Text mining using concept indexing
Application of linear discriminant analysis in document classification
Hierarchy data-grouping algorithms
EMC Aware Circuit Design and Optimizations
Rocchio classifier
A New MSc Curriculum in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Zagreb
Comparison of different dimensionality reduction methods for information retrieval and text mining
Active learning classifier based on support vector machines
Aproximate representation of textual documents in the concept space
Application of bioinformatic models in textmining
Concept decomposition for document grouping
Dimensionality reduction methods for information retrieval
Correspondence analysis
Document classification methods for hierarchical structured classes
Automatic Indexing with Descriptors from Eurovoc
Kernel methods selecton for text classification using support vector method
Coordination learning in multiagent systems
Automated document indexing in vector space model
Implemantation of Fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks for document indexing and classification
Enhanced Thesaurus Terms Extraction for Document Indexing
Computer Aided Document Indexing System
Mining textual data in Croatian
Discriminant analysis
ROC Analysis
Implemenation and analysis of algorithms for dimensionality reduction on singular values
Computer-Aided document Indexing System
Dimension Reduction based on SVD and grouping algorithms
Kernel methods implementation in depth text analysis
Text Classification Using Decision Tree
Sofware and software industry
Knowledge representation
Simulation of Multi-robot Reinforcement Learning for Box-pushing Problem
Intelligence of Massively Parellel Microworlds
Comparison of Information Retrieval Techniques: Latent Semantic Indexing and Concept Indexing
Machine Learning
Application of Kernel-Based Methods in Text Categorization
Rough Sets implementation
Object Classification Based on Morphological Characteristics by Using Neural Nets
Radial Basis Network Function
Hopfield Neural Network Applied to Markowitz Model of Portfolio Selection
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Intelligent Tutor Systems
Simulation Supported Learning of Soft Computing Models
Concept Decomposition by Fuzzy k-means Algorithm
Text Classification Method Based on k-NN Method and Naive Bayesian Classifier
Principal components
Educational Interactive Software as a Support to the Teaching of Artifical Neural Network Methodology Applied to a Classification Problem
Kernel-Based Methods for Pattern Recognition
Artificial Neural Nets with Radial Base Functions
An Approach to Validation of Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations
Object-Oriented Implementation of a Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning
Web-oriented Simulator for Soft Computing Models
An Approach to Validation of Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations
Artificial Neural Networks and Advanced Supervised Learning Techniques
The visualization of the procedure for designing semantic variable values using parameterized s and t norms
Acorn Variability in Common oak (Quercus robur L.)
Temporal redundancy analysis and motion compensation in digital video using the software system Mathematica
Applying Survival Analysis for Estimating and Comparing Flushing Time Variability
Model of Multi-agent System for Temporally Rich Domains
Modelling Crisp and Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations
Modelling Crisp and Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations
Intelligent Systems
Multivariante analysis of leaf shape of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) in the "Gajno" provenance test (Croatia)
Flushing variability of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the provenance experiment in Croatia
Object-Oriented Implementation of a Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning
Flushing variability of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in provenance experiment in Croatia
A New approach for Modelling Fuzzy Time Primitives
Morphometric analysis of oak acorns (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.)
Statistical Analysis of the Strength of Wood Finger Joints
Statistical Analysis of the Strength of Wood Finger Joints
Heuristics searching technics
A Model for Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
The Use of Forest Management Models
Strength of end-grain finger joints in beech-wood
Further Consideration about the Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution
Temporal and Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Systems
Fuzzy Time Petri Net Primitives for Processing Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge
Research into thermal conductivity and moisture permeability of different mattress structures
Temporal and fuzzy temporal knowledge representation in intelligent systems
Statistical analiysis of the strength of massive wood L-joints
Program Implementation of Reasoning Using Fuzzy and Fuzzy Time Petri Net
An Extension of Reasoning with Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge
Knowledge Representation Using Fuzzy and Time Fuzzy Petri Nets
Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Petri Nets with Time Tokens
Graph Colouring for i486 and Alpha 21064 Processors
Register assignment using graph coloring algorithms
University graduate
- Introduction to Data Science (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Data Science (Lecturers)
- Multivariate Data Analysis (Lecturers)
- Multivariate Data Analysis (Lecturers)
Postgraduate spec. study
- Machine learning (Lecturer in charge)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Knowledge discovery Machine learning Prediction methods -
Statistics -
Computers and information processing
Data processing Data analysis Data mining -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Data visualization