Eddy current losses in power voltage transformer open-type cores
Methodology for Eddy Current Losses Calculation in Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)
Eddy current losses in power voltage transformer open-type cores
Eddy current losses in open-type cores
Evaluation of Methodology for Lightning Impulse Voltage Distribution over High-Voltage Windings of Inductive Voltage Transformers
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Transformer capacitance matrix computation using 3D boundary element method and adaptive cross approximation
Fast computation of electric field and capacitance matrix of transformer windings with boundary element method and adaptive cross approximation
Computation of electric field in transformer winding insulation using boundary element method and adaptive cross approximation
Computation of electric field inside substations with boundary element methods and adaptive cross approximation
Computation of transformer capacitance matrix with 3D BEM and adaptive cross approximation
Computation of Self- and Mutual Inductances of Open-core Transformers Using a 3D Integral Equations Approach
Integral Equation Methods for Ion Flow Field
Power system neutral point grounding
Lightning impulse voltage distribution over voltage transformer windings — Simulation and measurement
Development of 3D BEM code for Computation of a Transformer Winding’s Capacitance Matrix
Transformer electric field calculation using BEM and FEM
Calculation of Power Frequency Electric Field with Boundary Element Methods and Adaptive Cross Approximation
Computation of electric field in transformers by boundary element method and fast multipole method
Power system neutral grounding
University undergraduate
- Introduction to computer modelling with the programming language Julia (Lecturer in charge)
- Electromagnetic Fields (Lecturers)
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (Lecturers)
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (Lecturers)
- Management in Engineering (Lecturers)
University graduate
- Engineering Design (Lecturer in charge)
- Finite Element Method Programming (Lecturer in charge)
- Diploma thesis (Lecturers)
- Diploma thesis (Lecturers)
- Graduation Thesis (Lecturers)
Postgraduate doctoral study programme
- Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (Lecturer in charge)
- Computer Aided Design (Lecturer in charge)
Computers and information processing
Power engineering computing Scientific computing High performance computing -
Electronic design automation and methodology
Design methodology Engineering drawings Technical drawing -
Finite element analysis Method of moments Approximation methods Numerical simulation -
Electromagnetic compatibility and interference
Electromagnetic analysis Computational electromagnetics Electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic transients