We are the leading national and regional research and higher education institution, with excellent teachers and students, closely linked with the economy, excellently organized and internationally recognized.


Our mission is:

  • to educate students capable of carrying out the technological and social development of Croatia through education and research in the field of electrical engineering, computing and information and communication technology, using scientific background from applied mathematics and applied physics;
  • to create new knowledge by internationally acknowledged research and by development of new interdisciplinary areas;
  • to innovatively develop the economy and public services, hence contributing to the overall development of the society;
  • to be an institution of high academic values and ethical principles, a site of critical thinking and questioning, and of equality for all its members;
  • to be a driving force in the Croatian society

In fulfilling the mission of FER, we rely on our core values that we continue to develop: we are the leading national and regional higher education and research institution with outstanding staff and students, closely connected with the economy, remarkably organised and internationally recognised.


As Croatia’s leading academic and research institution in the field of electrical engineering, computing, and information and communication technology, FER wants to be integrated and competitive in European higher education and research area; it wants to create new forms of knowledge transfer to the economy and to prompt economic and social activities of Croatia.


Development Strategy

This document represents a strategic framework for educational, research and innovation development of FER, as well as development of organisation and management activities, infrastructure and quality assurance system at FER for the period from 2019 till the end of 2023. The document is partly based on the Research, Technology Transfer and Innovation Strategy of the University in Zagreb, proposal of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation from 2021-2027, and Strategic Directives for Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia.

The Faculty Council adopted FER Development Strategy 2019-2023 at the 683rd regular session held on 12 December 2018.