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The eight conference on software engineering research and practice in Sweden (SERPS’08) was held in
Karlskrona, Sweden, on the 4th–5th of November, 2008. The aim with SERPS’08 was to bring researchers and industry practitioners together to discuss software engineering issues, problems, solutions and  experiences. Further, one of the main aims of SERPS is to allow primarily  junior researchers to publish early and currently ongoing work and thus receive feedback at an early stage from the software engineering community. Therefore this was just the perfect occasion to be the first conference where DICES researchers will present their work. We submitted three papers and all three were accpeted:

  • J. Feljan, J. Carlson and M. Žagar, Realizing a domainspecific component model with Java Beans
  • L. Lednicki, J. Carlson and M. Žagar, Uniform treatment of hardware and software components
  • A. Petričić, I. Crnković and M. Žagar. Models transformation between UML and a domain specific language

The presentations were excellent, we got a few very usefull comments and ideas which helped us in our further work.

SERPS’08 had 76 participants from academia and industry during two days, with five sessions discussing various software engineering areas. The topics of interest included (but were not limited to): Requirements engineering, technical product management, software design, verification and validation, project management, maintenance and evolution, quality management, process assessment and improvement, methods/tools/techniques (for software development) and, finally, methods for software engineering research.

In closing session Ivica Crnković announced that the next SERPS conference be held at Malardalen University - one of partners of DICES project.

Find more about the conference here. Some pictures from the event can be found below.



Juraj's presentation


Luka's presentation


Luka's paper discussion


Ana's presentation


Paper discussion


Conference participants


Announcing where next conference will take place