Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Izabrane publikacije
- Životopis
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
- Hobiji i osobni interesi
Akademik Josip Lončar (1891. – 1973.) i dio njegova studija matematike i fizike u Francuskoj
Fractal analysis of degenerate spiral trajectories of a class of ordinary differential equations
Alojzije Stepinac - glagoljica
Šare's algebraic systems
Nikola Tesla i njegov asistent Charles F. Scott
Glagoljičko pismo i hrvatsko ime
Čudo hrvatske glagoljice
Mahatma Gandhi and Kristian Kreković Connecting India and Croatia
Srinivasa Ramanujan kao most preko oceana
Tesline dvije autobiografije
Glagoljicom pisana bilježnica iz Državnog Arhiva u Beču o obrani Sigeta od Turaka 1566. i pogibiji Nikole Zrinskog
Vilim (William) Feller
Vladimir Paleček utemeljitelj Međunarodnog fonda "Gladno dijete"
Pokušaj nastavka "Glagoljskih natpisa" akademika Branka Fučića
Zaslov; Dva velikana nenasilnosti i mirotvorstva: Mahatma Gandhi i Stjepan Radić
Maximally singular weak solutions of Poisson equations
Društvo prijatelja glagoljice i njihov časopis Bašćina (razgovor s dr. sc. Tomislavom Galovićem, dr. sc. Darkom Žubrinićem i Mirnom Lipovac)
Sigetska bitka 1566. g. opisana glagoljicom
Essential singularities of fractal zeta functions
Kajkavski Očenaši
Hrvatska glagoljica na aukcijama
Mahatma Gandhi and Kristian Krekovic connecting India and Croatia
Parčićev glagoljički pečat
Minkowski measurability criteria for compact sets and relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces
Dvanaesti primjerak prvotiska iz 1483. godine
Črnkov zapis iz Državnog Arhiva u Beču o obrani Sigeta od Turaka i pogibiji Nikole Zrinskog 1566. g.
Matematičari koji su diplomirali na tehničkim fakultetim
Iracionalnost Eulerova broja e
Glagoljički prijepis latiničkog zapisa Franje Črnka o bitki kod Sigeta 1566. i o Nikoli Zrinskom
An overview of the theory of complex dimensions and fractal zeta functions
U Zagrebu identificiran novi batomaljski list Statuta bratovštine Majke Božje Goričke iz 1425. godine
O Eulerovom broju e i odgovarajućoj eksponencijalnoj i logaritamskoj funkciji
Complex dimensions generated by essential singularities
Glagoljičke obljetnice
Iskustva s matematičkom tipografijom na Zavodu za primijenjenu matematiku Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Fractal tube formulas and a Minkowski measurability criterion for compact subsets of Euclidean spaces
Towards bifurcations of complex dimensions
Hrvatska glagoljaška baština u kontekstu europske kulture
Nastava hrvatskog jezika, matematike i fizike tijekom školovanja Nikole Tesle u Hrvatskoj
Fractal properties of a class of polynomial planar systems having degenerate foci
Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality
Introduction to fractal analysis of orbits of dynamical systems
Tenth jubilee collection of the Passion heritage NGO dedicated to Istria and Kvarner
Zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums: theory, examples and applications
Tenth jubilee collection of the Passion heritage NGO dedicated to Istria and Kvarner
Antun Lučić Anthony F. Lucas father of world's petroleum industry
Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums: Higher- Dimensional Theory of Complex Dimensions
Education of Nikola Tesla in Croatia and his professor Martin Sekulić
Dragutin Antun Parčić - znameniti hrvatski glagoljaš i leksikograf
Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets
Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions
A Minkowski measurability criterion for relative fractal drums via complex dimensions
Fractal tube formulas for relative fractal drums in arbitrary Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions
Wavy spirals and their fractal connection with chirps
Relative fractal drums, complex dimensions and geometric oscillations
Uloga hrvatske glagoljičke baštine za sudbinu Istre nakon Drugog svjetkog rata
Gauge Minkowski content and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums
From singular dimensions and fractal analysis of vector fields to Lapidus zeta functions
Tube formulas for relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions
Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums [<a href="" target="_blank">PDF</a>]
Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets and their residues
Fractal analysis of unbounded sets in Euclidean spaces: complex dimensions and Lapidus zeta functions
Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions: A general higher-dimensional theory
Fractal analysis of unbounded sets in Euclidean spaces and Lapidus zeta functions
Matematika 2
Kosinjska dolina i kosinjska glagoljička tiskara
Školovanje Nikole Tesle u Hrvatskoj
Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums
Matematika 1
Kako se čuje dimenzija $\sqrt{3}$?
Josip Pecaric Croatian mathematician wrote a preface to a monograph by Wan-Lan Wang published in China 2011 [<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>]
Fractal properties of oscillatory solutions of a class of ordinary differential equations
Quasilinear elliptic equations with positive exponent on the gradient
Box-counting fractal strings, zeta functions, and equivalent forms of Minkowski dimension
Oscillations of a class of forced second-order differential equations with possible discontinuous coefficients
Box-counting fractal strings, zeta functions, and equivalent forms of Minkowski dimension
Fractal oscillations near the domain boundary of radially symmetric solutions of p-Laplace equations
Prilozi Stanka Hondla u Hrvatskoj enciklopediji
Josip Andrić, istaknuti hrvatski muzikolog, skladatelj i pisac iz Bačke i autor prve povijesti slovačke glazbe (<a href="" target=_blank>Josip Andrić</a>)
Relative zeta functions of fractal sets in Euclidean spaces
Lapidus zeta functions of arbitrary fractals and compact sets in Euclidean spaces
Fractal properties of trajectories of dynamical systems
Znameniti ruski matematičar A. N. Kolmogorov bio je gost u Zagrebu 1965.
Hrvatska glagoljska bašćina u današnjoj Lici s naglaskom na Gacku
Prilozi Stanka Hondla u Hrvatskoj enciklopediji
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation at infinity
Fractal properties of Bessel equation
Pedagoški zavjet istaknutog hrvatsko-američkog znanstvenika Vilima Fellera
Sena Jurinac 1021-2011 legendary Croatian artist who shaped the entire opera world
Zeta functions associated with arbitrary compact sets in $R^{; ; N}; ; $: Towards a general theory of complex fractal dimensions (reporter: Professor Michel L. Lapidus)
Posao je odabrao mene
Antun Lučić - Anthony F. Lucas, otac svjetske naftne industrije [<a href="" target="_blank">PDF</a>]
Fractal properties of solutions of differential equations
Vladimir Varićak (1865.-1942.)
Dr. Slobodan Lang: "Storm" was humanitarian operation that prevented genocide
Vilim Feller, istaknuti hrvatsko-američki matematičar / William Feller, Distinguished Croatian-American mathematician (bilingual Croatian - English edition)
Middle European Mathematical Olympiade organized in Varazdin, Croatia 2011
Mate Ujevic 1901-1967 the founder and editor in chief of Croatian Encyclopaedia [<a href="">source</a>]
Professor Mladen Bestvina associate editor of the Annals of Mathematics [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Box dimenzija skupova
Putokazi Branka Fučića
Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets
Experience of the Croatian-French History Workshop at the Faculty of Humanities and Its Future
Nenad Ban's scientific work is regarded as a milestone in biochemical research [<a href="">source</a>]
Singular dimension of solution set of a class of p-Laplace equations
Professor Henrik Heger founder of Croatian studies at Sorbonne in Paris in 1981 [<a href="" target="blank">source</a>]
Rješivost nekih nelinearnih eliptičkih problema s jakom ovisnošću o gradijentu
Mervan Pasic Croatian mathematician invited by Japanese colleagues [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
of the Katyn Forest tragedy [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Kristian Kreković, znameniti hrvatski slikar [<a href="">web</a>]
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation for a class of completely integrable nonlinear Schroedinger Cauchy problems
Professors Z. Drmac and K. Veselic received prestigeous SIAM math prize [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Loss of regularity of weak solutions of p-Laplace equations for p \neq 2
Proslava 90. obljetnice Zavoda za primijenjenu matematiku FER-a u Zagrebu
Hausdorff dimension of singular sets of Sobolev functions and applications
Jaksa Cvitanic a leading expert in Mathematical Finance [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Box dimension and Minkowski content of the clothoid
Zvonimir Janko and Yakov Berkovich authors of important math monograph [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Differential Equations and Applications a new Math journal in Croatia [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
On some new properties of solutions of nonlinear PDE-s
Generating singularities of weak solutions of p-Laplace equations on fractal sets
Oscillatory and phase dimensions of solutions of some second-order differential equations
Poincare map in fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of planar vector fields
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals
The existence of positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Box dimension and Minkowski content of generalized Euler spirals
Poissonova razdioba
Stokesova formula
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Laplaceova jednadžba
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Induktivna metoda
Zvonimir Janko, outstanding Croatian mathematician [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Jacobijeva matrica
Greenova furmula
Gaussova krivulja
Razdioba, normala
Recent results on fractal analysis of trajectories of some dynamical systems
Galerkinova metoda
Box dimension of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in R^3
Box dimension of trajectories of some discrete dynamical systems
Singular dimension of spaces of real functions
Newton-Raphsonova metoda
Gaussova formula
William Feller (1906-1970) [<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>]
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in ${; ; ; \mathbb R}; ; ; ^3$
Fraktalna analiza dinamičkih sustava
Rudolf Strohal i njegova "Hrvatska glagolska knjiga" (1915.)
Maximally singular functions in Besov spaces
Uvod u diskretnu matematiku
William Feller (Zagreb 1906 - New York 1970) - on the occasion of hundred years since the birth of outstanding Croatian - American mathematician
Fractal dimensions in dynamics
Analysis of Minkowski contents of fractal sets and applications
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some planar vector fields
Croatian Glagolitic heritage
On extended singular set of potentials
Hausdorff dimension of singular sets of Sobolev functions and applications
Maximally singular Sobolev functions
Minkowski content and singular integrals
Jewels of the history of Croatian culture and science on Internet
Dopisivanje Ruđera Boškovića i Leonharda Eulera
Singular sets of Lebesuge integrable functions
Box dimensions and Minkowski contents of spiral trajectories
O jednoj kurzivnoj glagoljskoj bilježnici u Pragu
William Feller - outstanding Croatian-American mathematician
Linearna algebra
Singular sets of Sobolev functions
Generating singularities of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations using Wolff's potential
Minkowski content and singular integrals
Danilo Blanuša i njegov problem mladoženje
Multidimensional generalization of Levin-Cochran-Lee inequalities
O jednoj kurzivnoj glagoljskoj bilježnici u Pragu
Singular sets of Sobolev functions
Matrične transformacije ravnine
Nonexistence of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with $p$-growth in the gradient
A class of nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities : qualitative properties and existence of solutions
Hrvatska matematička dijaspora
Some qualitative properties of solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems
Eulerovo zbrajanje
Nesumjerljivost dužina
Some qualitative properties of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations and applications
Harmonijski brojevi
Diskretna matematika
Glagoljski brojevi
Recent advances in quasilinear elliptic equations
Quasilinear elliptic equations and systems with strong dependence on the gradient
Positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems with strong dependence on the gradient
Quasilinear elliptic systems with the natural growth in the gradinet
Generating singularities of quasilinear elliptic equations
A singular ODE related to quasilinear elliptic equations
Solvability of quasilinear elliptic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Strategijska igra J.H. Conwaya
A note on Cacciopoli's inequality
Kako su računali naši stari
Control of essential infimum and supremum of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations
Božanski ili zlatni omjer
Mathematics for primary and secondary schools on Internet
On Levin's generalization of Carleman's inequalities
Fundamentals of Applied Functional Analysis
Hrvatska glagoljica
Croatian fonts
Croatia - Overview of History, Culture and Science
Faculty of electrical engineering : with a short survey of the history of Croatia
Uvod u varijacione metode za diferencijalne jednadžbe
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal tube formulas and a Minkowski measurability criterion for compact subsets of Euclidean spaces. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 12 (2019), no. 1, 105–117.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal tube formulas for compact sets and relative fractal drums: oscillations, complex dimensions and fractality. J. Fractal Geom. 5 (2018), no. 1, 1–119.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums: theory, examples and applications. Dissertationes Math. 526 (2017), 105 pp.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 453 (2017), no. 1, 458–484.
Lapidus, M. L.; Radunović, G.; Žubrinić, D. Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets. Adv. Math. 307 (2017), 1215–1267.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and fractal drums. Higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer, Cham, 2017. xl+655 pp.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions: a general higher-dimensional theory. Fractal geometry and stochastics V, 229–257, Progr. Probab., 70, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2015.
Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 15 (2014), no. 2, 321–378.
Rođen 1956. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao 1978. na Matematičkom odsjeku PMF-a Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na istoj instituciji doktorirao 1984. Od 1981. zaposlen je na FER-u. Znanstveni interesi su mu u području nelinearne analize za eliptičke rubne probleme, fraktalnih svojstava dinamičkih sustava, te u području fraktalnih zeta funkcija. Koautor je dviju monografija na engleskom jeziku i 60tak znanstvenih radova, kao i nekoliko studentskih priručnika, sve u području Matematike. Bavio se popularizacijom matematike i bio koncem 1980tih zamjenik voditelja ekipe mladih matematičara u bivšoj državi na Međunarodnim matematičkim olimpijadama (IMO). Godine 2010. objavio je (na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku) monografiju o Vilimu Felleru, najvećem hrvatskom matematičaru u povijesti.
Jedan je od osnivača (1993.) i sadašnji predsjednik Društva prijatelja glagoljice u Zagrebu. Auktor je knjige Hrvatska glagoljica objavljene 1994. g. (drugo izdanje 1996., 400 str.). Utemeljio portal Croatia - Its History, Culture and Science, 1995. g., koji je evidentiran u NSK u Zagrebu. Pomoćnik je glavnog urednika g. Nenada Bacha (NY) na portalu CROWN, također evidentiranog u NSK.
Održao je tri javna predavanja o Antunu Lučiću (Anthony F. Lucas, rođen 1855. u gradu Splitu), koji je u SAD-u proglašen otcem naftne industrije.
Od 2015. bavi se istraživanjem školovanja Nikole Tesle u Hrvatskoj.
Boundary value problems Partial differential equations Difference equations Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Euclidean distance Hilbert space Functional analysis Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals -
Boundary value problems Partial differential equations Difference equations Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Euclidean distance Hilbert space Functional analysis Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
fraktalna analiza vektorskih polja
fraktalne zeta funkcije
eliptički rubni problemi
Osobni podaci
Hobiji i osobni interesi
Hrvatska povijest, kultura i znanost