Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Revolutionizing Software Development: Autonomous Software Evolution
System for Semi-Automated Literature Review Based on Machine Learning
Ranking model for dormitory admission process
Tree Inheritance Distance
Challenges in Dynamic Software Updating
Extension of dynamic software update model for class hierarchy changes and run-time phenomena detection
Generating Trees for Comparison
Tracking Predictive Gantt Chart for Proactive Rescheduling in Stochastic Resource Constrained Project Scheduling
Dynamic Software Updating in Java: Comparing Concepts and Resource Demands
State Matura Exam Processing System
Analiza podataka u svrhu predlaganja studijskih programa u Nacionalnom informacijskom sustavu prijava na visoka učilišta
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Algoritmi i strukture podataka (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Algoritmi i strukture podataka (Predavanja)
- Razvoj programske potpore za web (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Razvoj programske potpore za web (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Programske paradigme i jezici (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Computers and information processing
Object oriented programming Software design Software engineering -
Software algorithms -
Systems engineering and theory
Static analysis