Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Computer Vision Group (FFTS-CVG)

FTTS-CVG includes four professors and two PhD students, working in the area of computer vision and related fields with the aim to promote and improve application of computer vision in the field of transport and traffic. Current group research focus is on non-moving and moving objects detection, tracking, recognition and classification in planning, data collection, modelling, simulation, management and control of transportation system. The group has gained experience working in several national and international projects specially in the areas of video georeferencing, inspection and assessment of transport infrastructure, data fusion for mobile robots and integration of multisensor imaging system.


Laboratory web page: http://www.fer.unizg.hr/crv/laboratories/FTTS-CVG


For more information about Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Computer Vision Group please contact:

Hrvoje Gold
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Address: Vukelićeva, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Tel: +385 1 2457912
Fax: +385 1 6129809
E-mail: hrvoje.gold@fpz.hr