dr. Christine Guillemot, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, Campus de Beaulieu
Light Field Image Processing
Light field imaging is becoming increasingly popular thanks to recent advances in acquisition devices. By capturing light rays emitted along different directions, light fields yield a rich description of the scene, enabling post-capture processing that can be appealing for a variety of applications. However, the huge volume of high-dimensional light field data is an obvious issue for storage, transmission but also for fast processing. Acquisition devices designed so far to capture light fields come with some technological limitations that translate into trade-offs between angular and spatial resolution. This talk will review fundamentals in light field imaging, the related plenoptic function, the main capturing devices and will present fundamental problems in light field image processing.
Short Biography
Christine Guillemot (F) holds a PhD degree from ENST (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications) Paris. She has been with FRANCE TELECOM, where she has been involved in various projects in the area of coding for TV, HDTV, and multimedia (November 1985 to October 1997) and she worked at Bellcore, NJ, USA, as a visiting scientist (January 1990 to mid 1991). Since November 1997, she is 'Director of Research' at INRIA, head of a research team dedicated to the design of algorithms for the image and video processing chain, with a focus on analysis, representation, compression, and editing, including for emerging modalities such as high dynamic range imaging and light fields.
Dr. Guillemot has co-authored 9 book chapters, 65 publications in peer-reviewed international journals (IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology), 162 publications in international conferences (IEEE-ICASSP, IEEE-ICIP, IEEE-MMSP, Eusipco) and has co-authored 24 granted patents.
Dr. Guillemot is an IEEE Fellow. She has served as Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2000-2003, and 2014-2016); Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2004-2006); Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2007-2009); Associate Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (2013-2015); Member, IEEE Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (2001-2006); Member, IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (2005-2008); Member, IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (2013-Present); Senior Area Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2016-2017); Steering Committee Member, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2016).
Dr. Guillemot’s research has focused over the past 20 years on numerous aspects of image and video processing: modeling, representation, compression, and communication. Her contributions concern algorithms for image and video analysis, representation, coding, communication and for inverse problems such as super-resolution, inpainting, restoration.