Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Computer Vision (CRV) at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. The center promotes collaboration between its members in the topics of computer vision and image understanding, pattern recognition and digital image processing and analysis.
Center of Excellence for Computer Vision (CRV)
We are pleased to inform CRV members and all participants of the past Croatian Computer Vision Workshops (CCVW) that all original scientific papers published so far in the Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop (ISSN: 1849-1227) series have been assigned a DOI.
DOI of the Proceeding is 10.20532/ccvw (https://doi.org/10.20532/ccvw).
DOI of the individual papers has the form 10.20532/ccvw.YEAR.PAPER_NUMBER, where YEAR is the year when the CCVW was held and where PAPER_NUMBER is the number of the paper in the online submission system.
Online landing pages for individual papers may be accessed from the Proceedings webpage: https://www.fer.unizg.hr/crv/proceedings.