Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Comparison of football referees' physiological loads between two match halves
Dijagnostika morfoloških karakteristika te motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti kod sudaca ekipnih sportova - primjer nogometnih sudaca
Replicating human skill for robotic deep-micro-hole drilling
Vision based collision detection for a safe collaborative industrial manipulator
Soft robotics approach to autonomous plastering
Structured Ecological Cultivation with Autonomous Robots in Indoor Agriculture
Transformation tools enabling the implementation of nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city
Unsupervised optimization approach to in situ calibration of collaborative human-robot interaction tools
Collaborative human-robot framework for delicate sanding of complex shape surface
Nature conservation versus forestry activities in protected areas - the stakeholders’ point of view
A novel concept of attitude control for large multirotor-UAVs based on moving mass control
Upravljanje letjelicom s više rotora promjenom ravnine vrtnje rotora