Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Path Following
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Controllers on a Mechatronic System
Nova metoda za ocjenu stabilnosti automobilskih nelinearnih sustava upravljanja
Reduction of Losses in Electric Power Distribution System - Dynamic Reconfiguration Case Study
Distributed Power System Coordination via Parametric Optimization and ADMM
Product Demand Forecasting for Shelf Space Allocation in Retail via Machine Learning
Optimizacijski pristupi rješavanju problema alokacije prostora na policama
Primjena podržanog učenja za upravljanje mehatroničkim sustavom
Prediktivno upravljanje - laboratorijske vježbe
Estimacija varijabli stanja i upravljanje u prostoru stanja mehatroničkim sustavom
An Energy Flow Control Algorithm of Regenerative Braking for Trams Based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
Automatsko upravljanje - laboratorijske vježbe
Sinteza regulatora laboratorijskog mehatroničkog sustava metodom postavljanja polova
Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja - laboratorijske vježbe
Primjena PID regulatora na upravljanje laboratorijskim mehatroničkim sustavom
Modelsko prediktivno upravljanje laboratorijskim mehatroničkim sustavom
Praćenje svesmjernog mehatroničkog sustava u prostoru pomoću Opti track sustava
acados — a modular open-source framework for fast embedded optimal control
Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia
Kalman Filter Based Sensor Fusion for Omnidirectional Mechatronic System
Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja
Parametric Optimization Based MPC for Systems of Systems with Affine Coordination Constraints
Alternating direction method of multipliers in optimal control of systems of systems
Optimal coordinated and robust control of electrical power distribution system
Robust Microgrid Control Using Tube Scaling Approach
Razvoj holonomskog mehatroničkog laboratorijskog postava
Distribuirani algoritmi za upravljanje sustavima sustava
Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia
D5.4 Final report on the validation of the management strategies for the case studies
D2.4 Report on the developed approach to systematic uncertainty handling in economics- driven coordination for SoS control
D2.5 Report on the integration of economics- driven and market-based mechanisms with dynamic reconfiguration in SoS control
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Ludwigshafen presentation: Technical work in WP5
Dynamic Management of Electrical Power Distribution Networks
D5.5 Synthesis report: State of the art and future directions in management and control of physically coupled systems of systems
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Zagreb presentation: Technical work in WP2
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Nice presentation: Technical work in WP2
Coordinated Microgrid Control via Parametric Optimization
Optimalna koordinacija rada mikromreže primjenom parametarskog optimiranja
Dynamic Management of Electrical Power Networks With Distributed Generation and Storage
D5.3 Technical report describing case studies, including the abstract and the detailed simulation models
D2.2 Report on algorithms for dynamic reconfiguration applied to economics-based coordination in SoS
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Electrical Power Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation and Storage
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Aachen presentation: Technical work in WP2 and WP5
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Energy Efficient Housing with Modern Construction Materials
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Florence presentation: Technical work in WP2
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Malaga presentation: Technical work in WP2
Vjerojatnosni pristupi planiranju gibanja robotskih sustava
Capacitance changes in neutron irradiated n-type silicon: The flux effect
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Automatsko upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Automatsko upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Inteligentni sustavi upravljanja (Nositelj)
- Prediktivno upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Prediktivno upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Konveksna optimizacija (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
- Laboratorij automatike 1 (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Modelsko prediktivno i optimalno upravljanje (Nositelj)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Learning systems Backpropagation Computation theory Computational complexity Evolutionary computation Neural networks Artificial neural networks Feedforward neural networks Multi-layer neural network Radial basis function networks -
Control systems
Automatic control Centralized control Closed loop systems Control design Control engineering Control system synthesis Controllability Decentralized control Digital control Linear feedback control systems Networked control systems Nonlinear control systems Optimal control -
Industrial electronics
Industrial control Process control Predictive control -
Linear algebra Linear programming Distributed algorithms Dynamic programming Prediction algorithms Convex functions Linear systems Linearization techniques Mathematical programming Nonlinear dynamical systems Optimization Optimization methods Mathematical programming Quadratic programming -
Robotics and automation
Autonomous systems -
Systems engineering and theory
Hierarchical systems System analysis and design Asymptotic stability Control system analysis State-space methods Large-scale systems Robust control System dynamics System of systems Cyber-physical systems Systems engineering education -
Computers and information processing
Control engineering computing Mathematics computing Matlab Integer linear programming -
Power engineering and energy
Power system control -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Control theory Intelligent control Linear feedback control systems
Osobni podaci
Izabrani projekti
Dynamic Management of Physically Coupled Systems of Systems (DYMASOS)