Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
A framework for designing experimental tasks in contemporary physics lab courses
Exploring digital signal processing using an interactive Jupyter notebook and smartphone accelerometer data
University students’ recognition of typical wave optics patterns
Understanding and overcoming students’ difficulties in interpreting graphs: insights from a racing car problem
Effect of an inquiry-based teaching sequence on secondary school students’ understanding of wave optics
Linking information from multiple representations: an eye-tracking study
Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments
Physics lab courses under digital transformation: A trinational survey among university lab instructors about the role of new digital technologies and learning objectives
Effect of representation format on conceptual question performance and eye-tracking measures
Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student perceptions on synchronous and asynchronous course formats and implications for the future
Development and validation of the Conceptual Survey on Wave Optics
Lab courses for prospective physics teachers: what could we learn from the first COVID-19 lockdown?
Učinak istraživačkih učeničkih pokusa na prepoznavanje interferencijskih i ogibnih uzoraka
The effect of pupils’ investigative experiments on their recognition of interference and diffraction patterns
Effect of students’ investigative experiments on students’ recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study
Maintaining item banks with the Rasch model: An example from wave optics
Measuring Scientific Reasoning Using the LCTSR
Razvoj obrazovne aplikacije za učenje vektora u programskom jeziku Java
Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student assessments of learning achievement, perceived effectiveness of online recitations, and online laboratories
Students’ Understanding of Diagrams in Different Contexts: Comparison of Eye Movements Between Physicists and Non-physicists Using Eye-Tracking
Analyzing high school students’ reasoning about polarization of light
Student recognition of wave optics patterns explored by eye tracking
Role of representations on students' answers to conceptual questions
Student recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study
Učeničko razumijevanje vektora u različitim kontekstima
Physics and non-physics students' understanding of graphs: An eye-tracking study
Istraživanje znanstvenog zaključivanja kod studenata
Using eye tracking in studying physics problem solving
Role of diagrams in problem solving: An evaluation of eye-tracking parameters as a measure of visual attention
Measuring students’ conceptual understanding of wave optics: A Rasch modeling approach
Rasch Analysis in Physics Education Research: Why Measurement Matters
Comparing Student Understanding of Graphs in Physics and Mathematics
Web-aplikacija za učenje stranoga pisma
Oblikovanje i priprema istraživački usmjerenog nastavnog sata
Measuring students’ conceptual understanding of wave optics: A Rasch modeling approach
Demonstracijski intervjui iz valne optike
Učeničko razumijevanje kontrole varijabli i uloge modela u nastavi fizike
Students' strategies in simple equation solving: insights from developmental and eye-tracking studies
Učeničko razumijevanje oblika, pretvorbe i očuvanja energije
Testiranje hipoteza u istraživačkim pokusima iz valne optike
Attention modulates topology and dynamics of auditory sensory gating
Učeničko razumijevanje proporcionalnosti
Razvoj formalnih operacija kod učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola: rješavanje jednostavnih jednadžbi
Student understanding of graph slope and area under a graph: A comparison of physics and nonphysics students
Primjena zakona očuvanja energije i količine gibanja
Using the Rasch model to analyze the test of understanding of vectors
Istraživanje znanstvenog načina razmišljanja i logičkog zaključivanja kod studenata
Razumijevanje kontroliranih eksperimenata i modela u nastavi fizike
Student difficulties with graphs in different contexts
Učeničko razumijevanje vektora
Pokusi sa strujnim krugovima u osnovnoj školi
Učeničko razumijevanje proporcionalnosti
Graphical representations of data improve student understanding of measurement and uncertainty: An eye-tracking study
Razumijevanje vektora kod učenika i studenata
Observing individuals viewing art: The effects of titles on viewers’ eye-movement profiles
Primjena interaktivnih nastavnih materijala u poboljšavanju učeničkog razumijevanja grafova u kinematici
Student understanding of graphs in physics and mathematics
Pokusi i simulacije u interaktivnoj nastavi moderne fizike
Pokusi s računalom iz mehanike u interaktivnoj nastavi
Student reasoning about graphs in different contexts
Pokusi s priborom od priručnog materijala u nastavi fizike
Pokusi iz optike u interaktivnoj nastavi fizike
Analysis of EEG variables to measure the affective dimensions of arousal and valence related to the vision of emotional pictures
Exploring individuals’ perception of visual arts using eye movements.
Istraživanje studentskog razumijevanja mjerenja i usporedbe izmjerenih podataka
Istraživanje studentskog razumijevanja grafova u fizici i matematici
Student understanding of physical measurement
Istraživanje učeničkih i studentskih strategija u rješavanju zadataka s grafovima iz svakodnevnog života
How neuroscience influences modern social sciences: The case of educational neuroscience
Eye movements reveal students' strategies in simple equation solving
Exploring the influence of temporal discontinuities in narrative text using eye tracking
Magnetic source localization of early visual mistmatch response
Eye movements reveal students' strategies in simple equation solving
Keeping our eyes on the eyes: The case of Arcimboldo
Korištenje pokreta očiju za ispitivanje obrazovno relevantnih pojmova: primjer rješavanja jednostavnih jednadžbi i razumijevanje grafova
Primjena metode snimanja pokreta očiju prilikom rješavanja slikovnih i grafičkih zadataka
A case for neuroscience in mathematics education
Early attentional modulation of the neural network evoked with the auditory paired-click paradigm: An MEG study
Development of abstract mathematical reasoning: the case of algebra
Utjecaj vizualizacije na uspjeh u rješavanju zadataka iz mehanike
Mjerenje pokreta očiju u istraživanju strategija u rješavanju jednostavnih jednadžbi
Konstrukcija školskih testova iz fizike (radionica)
Attention modulates the earliest visual neuromagnetic responses
High-Resolution EEG Analysis of Power Spectral Density Maps and Coherence Networks in a Proportional Reasoning Task
Razvoj učeničkih strategija u rješavanju jednostavnih jednadžbi
Transfer znanja: Grafovi u različitim kontekstima
Učinak pažnje na najraniju magnetsku aktivnost mozga
Istraživanje studentskog razumijevanja grafova u različitim kontekstima
Attentional modulation of the M50 gating network
Measuring eye movements during simple equation solving
Comparison of university students' understanding of graphs in different contexts
Neurodynamics and topology of cortical networks evoked by visual stimuli of increasing size: MEG study
Eye movement correlates for complex subtraction in healthy adolescents
Attentional modulation of the M50 cortical network underlying the auditory gating out phenomenon
Comparison of students' understanding of graphs in mathematics, physics and other contexts
Educational Neuroscience and Physics Teaching and Learning
Attentional modulation of the earliest visual neuromagnetic responses
Comparison of student understanding of line graph slope in physics and mathematics
Neurodynamics of very early face processing
Educational Neuroscience and Physics Teaching and Learning
An investigation of university students' understanding of graphs in different contexts
Fizičar u zemlji neurona
MEG studies on dynamic cortical networks: Integrated view on processes of perception and cognition
Mozak i učenje
Face activated neurodynamic cortical networks
Fast face recognition: eye blink as a reliable behavioral response.
Size matters : MEG empirical and simulation study on source localization of the earliest visual activity in the occipital cortex
Prostorno-vremenska lokalizacija neuromagnetske aktivnosti u ovisnosti o veličini, broju i položaju podražaja u vidnom polju
Unattended visual change detection: An MEG spatio-temporal source localization study
Neurodynamics of cortical networks activated by faces and simple visual stimuli
Istraživanja elektromagnetske aktivnosti mozga: od detekcije vidne promjene do proporcionalnog razmišljanja
Sensory-memory-based change detection in face stimuli
Earliest Cortical Activity Evoked by Visual Stimuli of Increasing Size: A Neuromagnetic Study
Biomag2010 Book of Abstracts
The change of the brain activity during balance scale task solving
Measurement in physics education research with the Rasch model
Early cortical responses are sensitive to changes in face stimuli
Face activated neurodynamic cortical networks
Exploration of electromagnetic brain activity: from visual perception to higher cognitive functions
The Rasch model based analysis of the Force Concept Inventory
IFMBE Proceedings : 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism (Biomag 2010)
Dinamika kortikalnog procesiranja lica
Spatio-temporal analysis of simulated neuromagnetic responses to faces
Učenje fizike kroz vođeno istraživanje
Edukacijska neuroznanost
Utjecaj interaktivnih nastavnih metoda na konceptualno razumijevanje mehanike i elektriciteta i magnetizma kod studenata fizike
Early dissociation of face and object processing: A magnetoencephalographic study
Neurodynamics of face processing
Large-scale research on Croatian high school students' conceptual understanding in mechanics
Early face sensitive processing in the occipital cortex: An MEG study
Influence of interactive teaching methods on students' conceptual knowledge in mechanics and electricity and magnetism
Neural substrate of target detection in an MEG oddball study with faces
Neural substrate of target detection in an MEG oddball study with faces
Nacionalno istraživanje konceptualnog razumijevanja mehanike na populaciji gimnazijskih maturanata
Analiza FCI testa
Cortical neurodynamics of face processing assessed by MEG
Numeričke simulacije neurodinamike fokalnih i distribuiranih izvora
Large-scale research on Croatian high school students' conceptual understanding in mechanics
Early distinction between MEG responses to faces and objects
MEG istraživanje dinamike procesiranja lica
Magnetoencephalographic studies on face processing
Konceptualno razumijevanje mehanike kod hrvatskih gimnazijskih maturanata
Optimal spatio-temporal matrix subdivision for cortical neurodynamics estimation
MEG study of an early face-object dissociation
Onset of the fusiform area MEG activity evoked by upright and inverted faces
Deviant and target face processing in an oddball paradigm
SUPERCOMET i primjena u nastavi
Prostorno-vremenska analiza neuromagnetskih odgovora na lica: Analiza empirijskih i simuliranih mjerenja
Early processing of a deviant in an oddball paradigm including upright and inverted faces: an EEG/MEG study.
Overview and comparison of basic teaching techniques that promote conceptual change in students
Early visual responses to upright and inverted faces
Physics and Brain
Teaching physics teachers to use educational resources on the Internet
Early neuromagnetic responses to deviant faces in an oddball paradigm.
Spatiotemporal analysis of neuromagnetic responses to faces presented in an oddball paradigm
Some Open Problems in Education of Prospective Physics Teachers
Neurodynamic studies on emotional and inverted faces in an oddball paradigm
Faces in the visual oddball paradigm: A possible mismatch negativity
Changes in the facial expression: An EEG/MEG study
Uporaba Interneta u nastavi fizike
Some open problems in education of prospective physics teachers
Neuromagnetic studies on emotional and inverted faces in oddball paradigm
Neurodinamička ispitivanja procesiranja promjene u izrazu lica
Neurodinamika procesiranja lica
Teaching physics teachers to use educational resources on the Internet
What fraction of pupils really reach the stage of formal thinker in physics?
Genotoksični utjecaj elektromagnetskih polja GSM sustava za pokretnu telefoniju na ljudske limfocite
Utjecaj neionizirajućih elektromagnetskih polja na zdravlje čovjeka
Utjecaj neionizirajućeg elektromagnetskog zračenja na ljudsko zdravlje
Biomedical Effects of the Environmental Electromagnetic Fields
Mjerenje elektromagnetskih polja iz okoliša u razredu
Genotoksični utjecaj elektromagnetskog polja GSM sustava za pokretnu telefoniju na ljudske limfocite
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Fizika (Nositelj)
- Fizika (Nositelj)
- Fizika lasera (Nositelj)
- Fizika lasera (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Moderne metode fizike u elektrotehnici i računarstvu (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Moderne metode fizike u elektrotehnici i računarstvu (Nositelj)
- Projekt E (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Fizika lasera i elektro-optika (Nositelj)
Engineering in medicine and biology
Biomedical signal processing Biomedical imaging Encephalography -
Science – general
Cognitive neuroscience Physics Biomagnetics Physics education -
Physics education