Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Modeling tennis matches using Monte Carlo simulations incorporating dynamic parameters
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: An Updated Perspective
Predictive modeling of tennis matches: a review
Cybersecurity Knowledge Extraction Using XAI
Modeling In-Match Sports Dynamics Using the Evolving Probability Method
A Combinatorial Approach in Predicting the Outcome of Tennis Matches
Game-to-Game Prediction of NBA Players’ Points in Relation to Their Season Average
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Baze podataka (Predavanja)
- Baze podataka (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Osnove statističkog programiranja (Predavanja)
- Osnove statističkog programiranja (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe, Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Osnove elektrotehnike (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Uvod u programiranje (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Upravljanje podacima (Predavanja, Laboratorijske vježbe)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Machine learning Prediction methods -
Computers and information processing
Data analysis Data mining -
Machine learning algorithms Prediction algorithms