Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
An eco-aware framework for AI-based analysis of contextually enriched automotive trip data
Supporting the use of assistive technology in the education of students with disabilities in Croatia
CrocodileAgent: A Decade of Competing in the Power Trading Agent Competition
Inclusion of Green-themed Serious Games based on Emerging Technologies into Non-green-themed Higher Education Courses
A multi-agent system for context-aware electric vehicle fleet routing: A step towards more sustainable urban operations
Serious games based on new technologies to increase motor and language-speech skills and accessibility in communication
A framework for collection, contextual enrichment and advanced analytics of automotive data
A data-driven approach to managing electric vehicle charging infrastructure in parking lots
Web-aplikacija za vizualizaciju kontekstno obogaćenog skupa podataka iz vozila
Prototip informacijskog sustava za potrebe volontiranja
Programski sustav za interaktivnu vizualnu analizu kontekstno obogaćenih podataka iz vozila fokusiranu na lokacijske podatke
Web-aplikacija za vizualizaciju otvorenih podataka o bolesti COVID-19 u Republici Hrvatskoj
Web-aplikacija za vizualizaciju podataka o mobilnom signalu iz kontekstno obogaćenog skupa podataka iz vozila
Prototip programskog rješenja za podizanje svijesti o ispravnom ponašanju prema putnicima s invaliditetom
Prototip programskog rješenja za pomoć slabovidnim osobama pri kupovini
Virtualni trener za pokretne uređaje temeljen na problemu određivanja poze
An Application Programming Interface for Advanced Analytics of Contextually Enriched Automotive Data
Web-aplikacija za vizualizaciju kontekstno obogaćenog skupa podataka o mobilnosti korisnika
Contextual prediction of parking spot availability: A step towards sustainable parking
Eco-efficient driving pattern evaluation for sustainable road transport based on contextually enriched automotive data
Driving style Categorisation based on Unsupervised Learning: a Step towards Sustainable Transportation
A Virtual Pet based on Serious Game Elements
Prototip programskog rješenja za pomoć slabovidnim osobama u prometu
Održavanje programskog rješenja za stvaranje, uređivanje i pregled recepata s igrama u proširenoj stvarnosti
Višeplatformsko programsko rješenje za savladavanje osnovnih matematičkih operacija
Specialized Vehicle CAN Bus Simulator: From Modelling to Validation
Programsko rješenje za učenje raspoznavanja emocija temeljeno na proširenoj stvarnosti
A survey-based assessment of how existing and potential electric vehicle owners perceive range anxiety
Distributed Data Platform for Automotive Industry: A Robust Solution for Tackling Big Challenges of Big Data in Transportation Science
How do people value electric vehicle charging service? A gamified survey approach
CrocodileAgent 2018: Robust agent-based mechanisms for power trading in competitive environments
Electric Vehicles: A Data Science Perspective Review
Automotive Software in Connected and Autonomous Electric Vehicles: A Review
Data-driven Approaches for e-Mobility: Range Anxiety, Vehicle Data Simulation, and Contextual Routing
University collaboration in creating and implementing innovative intensive programme focussed on ICT
Electric Vehicle Range Anxiety: An Obstacle for the Personal Transportation (R)evolution?
Exploring Willingness to Pay for Electric Vehicle Charging with Gamified Survey
Evaluating Policies for Parking Lots Handling Electric Vehicles
A Data-Driven Statistical Approach for Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Sustav za profiliranje vlasnika električnih vozila zasnovan na elementima igre
Multi-agent system for managing energy storage using electric vehicles
Data-driven Approaches for e-Mobility: Finances, Automotive Software, and Contextual Routing
Analiza i vizualizacija podataka o korištenju ICT- AAC portfelja usluga i aplikacija
Data Analytics for Electric Vehicles: Charger Locations, Parking Policies, and Vehicle Routing
Electricity Trading Agent for EV-enabled Parking Lots
A Computational Framework for Managing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Exploring Dynamics of Real Worlds with Virtual Worlds: A Case of EV-enabled Parking Lots
Radni okvir za proširenje infrastrukture punionica električnih vozila zasnovan na podacima iz stvarnog svijeta
A Data-driven Framework for Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Tackling Wicked Problems in Energy Informatics with Big Data and Analytics
A Review of Agent-based Modelling of Electricity Markets in Future Energy Eco-systems
Web aplikacija za interaktivnu vizualizaciju podataka o radu parkirališta s punjačima za električna vozila
Web aplikacija za interaktivnu vizualizaciju podataka o ponašanju vlasnika električnih vozila
Modelling Electric Vehicle Owners' Willingness to Pay for a Charging Service
Modeling Smart Parking Lots through a Discrete- Event Simulation
Estimating Profitability of EV-enabled Parking Lots: a Simulation-based Approach
Economic Benefits of Smart Parking Lots
On the Profitability of the Smart Parking Lots
Primjena nosivih računala za korisnike potpomognute komunikacije
Wearables in Assistive Technology Applications – a Case Study Application
Prototype-driven Software Development Process for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Applications
Extending Parking Lots with Electricity Trading Agent Functionalities
Energy Informatics in Smart Grids : Agent-based Modelling of Electricity Markets
An Analysis of Power Trading Agent Competition 2014
Adaptive Bidding for Electricity Wholesale Markets in a Smart Grid
CrocodileAgent Team Activities: Solutions for Trading and Visualization in Future Energy Markets
An Analysis of Power TAC 2013 Trial
Towards a Steeper Learning Curve with the CrocodileAgent 2012
The CrocodileAgent 2012: Research for Efficient Agent-based Electricity Trading Mechanisms
The CrocodileAgent 2012: Reaching Agreements in a Simulation of a Smart Grid Wholesale Market
The CrocodileAgent 2012: Negotiating Agreements in a Smart Grid Tariff Market
A simulation platform for power trading
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Objektno orijentirano programiranje (Nositelj)
- Objektno orijentirano programiranje (Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Društvene mreže (Nositelj)
- Društvene mreže (Nositelj)
- Poslovni aspekti informacijskih i komunikacijskih usluga (Nositelj)
- Programski agenti (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Programski agenti za elektroničko tržište (Nositelj)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Decision support systems Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Expert systems Mobile agents Machine learning -
Intelligent transportation systems
Intelligent vehicles Autonomous vehicles Public transportation Smart transportation Vehicles Intelligent vehicles -
Social implications of technology
Sustainable development -
Systems engineering and theory
Multi-agent systems Collaborative intelligence Complex systems Computational modeling Agent-based modeling -
Vehicular and wireless technologies
Vehicles Intelligent vehicles Autonomous vehicles Unmanned vehicles Electric vehicles -
Computers and information processing
Crowdsourcing Augmented reality Object oriented methods Object oriented programming Software agents Agent-based modeling Autonomous agents Intelligent agents -
Curriculum development Open Educational Resources STEM