FANUC focuses primarily on automation and manufacturing products and systems, such as robots, CNC systems, servo motors etc. LARICS' collaboration with the company resulted in the develpoment and implementation of algorithms and controllers to be used in their laboratories and factories -  read more in the texts below.


Completed projects:

1. Implementation of Matrix Model Based Dispatching Algorithms on the Laboratory Model of FMS

The usage of matrix model based control algorithms will provide deadlock free behavior of controlled FMS. Such algorithms may include intelligent control techniques (fuzzy, neural or genetic) which can enhance a decision making process related to a sequencing of actions that must be taken in case of machine failure, wrong resource assignment etc. A microcontroller implementation of the matrix model based controller in the laboratory environment will show the possibility of industrial applications of this novel automation technology.

Year: 1999

Principal investigators: Zdenko Kovačić, Stjepan Bogdan, Frank.L. Lewis

Project references:

GUREL A., BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., HUFF B., “Matrix Approach To Deadlock-Free Dispatching In Multi-Class Finite Buffer Flowlines”, The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, November 2000.

BOGDAN S., KOVAČIĆ Z., LEWIS F.L., BLAŽEVIĆ I., “Dynamic Modelling of Discrete Event Systems”, Proceedings of the 11th International DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man – Machine – Nature”, pp. 33-34, Opatija, 2000.

BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., KOVAČIĆ Z., GUREL A., “New Matrix Formulation for Supervisory Controller Design in Practical Flexible Manufacturing System”, The 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Boston, 1999, pp.144-149.

GUREL A., BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., HUFF B., “Matrix Approach To Deadlock-Free Dispatching In Multi-Class Finite Buffer Flowlines”, Theory and Practice of Control and Systems, Editor: A. Tornambe, World Scientific, 1999, pp. 658-665.

LABALO D., GUREL A., LEWIS F.L., BOGDAN S., “Modeling and Information Structures for Supervisory Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing II, editor: John J. Mills and Fumihiko Kimura, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999, ch. 20, pp. 287-301.

BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., GUREL A., KOVAČIĆ Z., “Timed Matrix-based Model of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, The 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Bled, Slovenia, 1999, pp. 1373-1378.

LEWIS F.L., GUREL A., BOGDAN S., DOGANALP A., PASTRAVANU O., “Analysis of Deadlock and Circular Waits Using a Matrix Model for Discrete Event Manufacturing Systems”, Automatica, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1083-1100, 1998.

GÜREL A., BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., HUFF B, “Matrix Approach To Deadlock-Free Dispatching In Multi-Class Finite Buffer Flowlines”, The 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Sardinia, 1998.

GUREL A., LEWIS F.L., BOGDAN S., PASTRAVANU O., “Circular Blocking in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: a Matrix-Based Analysis”, The 1998. IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Trieste, 1998, pp. 786-792.

LABALO D., GUREL A., LEWIS F.L., BOGDAN S., “Modeling and Information Structures for Supervisory Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, The 2nd Workshop on Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, Fort Worth, 1998, pp. 18.1-18.16.

BOGDAN S., LEWIS F. L., KOVAČIĆ Z., ZVOCAK S., “Deadlock Avoidance in Flexible Manufacturing Lines”, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Electric Drives and Power Electronics EDPE98, pp. 179-182, Dubrovnik, 1998.

BOGDAN S., LEWIS F.L., “Matrix approach to stability analysis of dispatching rules in finite buffer flow lines”, The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Istanbul, pp. 397-402.

LEWIS F.L., BOGDAN S., TACCONI D., GUREL A., PASTRAVANU O., “Analysis of deadlocks and circular waits using a matrix model for discrete event systems”, The 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC`97, San Diego, 1997.


2. Fast Self-organizing Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear High-order Systems

In this research, a self-learning fuzzy logic controller (SLFLC) is described whose learning algorithm utilizes a second-order reference model and a sensitivity model. The proposed controller has been tested in the position control loop of a dc servo system affected by a backlash nonlinearity. The simulation results have proved that the SLFLC provides a desired closed-loop behavior and also significantly reduces a steady-state position error caused due to the presence of the nonlinearity.

Year: 1996

Principal investigators: Zdenko Kovačić, Stjepan Bogdan

Project references:

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, “Fast Self-organizing Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear High-Order Systems”, Reports on Researches and Developments assisted in fiscal year 1995, Foundation for Promotion of Advanced Automation Technology c/o Fanuc Ltd., pp.27-30, January 1998.

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, T. Reichenbach, “Nonlinear Position Control by Using Multiple Position-dependent Self- organizing Fuzzy Logic Controllers”, The 6th IFAC-Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO ´00, pp.229-233, Vienna, Austria, 2000.

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, T. Reichenbach, “Demonstration of Self-learning Fuzzy Logic Controller Performance in the Matlab+SimulinkTM Environment”, CD-ROM Proceedings of The 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation MED 2000, TC-2.5, Patras, Greece, 2000.

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, M. Balenović, “A Model Reference & Sensitivity Model-based Self-learning Fuzzy Logic Controller as a Solution for Control of Nonlinear Servo Systems”, The IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 13, No.4, pp. 1479-1484, December 1999.

N.E. Mastorakis (editor): Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, Z. Kovačić, V. Petik, T. Reichenbach, S. Bogdan: “Robust Self-Learning Fuzzy Logic Servo Control with Neural Network-Based Load Compensator”, pp. 175-180, ISBN: 960-8052-05-X, 1999.

Z. Kovačić, V. Petik, T. Reichenbach, S. Bogdan, “Robust Self-Learning Fuzzy Logic Servo Control with Neural Network-Based Load Compensator”, CD-ROM Proceedings of The 3rd IMACS/IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Systems Communications and Computers, Athens, 1999.

Z. Kovačić, M. Balenović, S. Bogdan, “Sensitivity-based Self-learning Fuzzy Logic Control for a Servo System”, The IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No.3, pp. 41-51, June 1998.

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, M. Balenović, “Robustness Improvement of a Model Reference & Sensitivity Model-based Self-learning Fuzzy Logic Controller”, Proc. of 1998. IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pp. 643-647, Trieste, 1998.

Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, M.Balenović, “A Sensitivity-Based Self-Learning Fuzzy Logic Controller as a Solution for a Backlash Problem in a Servo System”, Proceedings of The 1997 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference IEMDC’97, pp. TC2-11.1-TC2-11.3, Milwaukee, 1997.

Z. Kovačić, M. Balenović, S. Bogdan, “An Experimental Verification of a Model Reference and Sensitivity Model-based Self-learning Fuzzy Logic Controller Applied to a Nonlinear Servosystem”, Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp. 263-268, Istanbul, 1997.

S. Bogdan, Z. Kovačić, “On the Design of Self-Learning Fuzzy Controllers for Nonlinear Control Systems by Using a Reference Model and a Sensitivity Model”, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on Control&Automation, pp. 799-804, Chania (Crete), 1996.